
Recipe for how to properly prepare salad under a fur coat. Herring under a fur coat - the main dish of the New Year's table

Salad “Herring under a fur coat” is a traditional dish, without which it is difficult to imagine any holiday. Without it, even with Olivier, it’s like the table is empty. I also really like to eat this salad, but somehow I didn’t really like to cook it. Due to the presence of many thin bones in herring.

At home we always make the classic recipe for this salad without eggs. And while visiting a friend, I tried this salad in a roll and with ingredients that were unusual for me. On the eve of the holidays, I want to add several delicious recipes for this salad to my culinary repertoire.

Delicious salad with herring

  • “Herring under a fur coat” with cheese
  • An unusual royal recipe for “Herring under a fur coat” with gelatin (in cake form)

“Herring under a fur coat”: classic recipe and all layers

By the way, in winter and summer, even by preparing the same recipe, you can get different tastes from this salad. This depends on the fact that in the summer the herring salt solution is made more saturated so that it does not spoil during transportation at elevated temperatures. In winter, it is less salty and you can really feel it.

If you buy preserves for salad, then remember that herring is stored only in oil; it should not be in vinegar dressing. If there is one on store shelves, perhaps they are trying to hide something from you. It is better to choose in oil with herbs.


  • 2 herrings
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 beets
  • 2 potatoes
  • Mayonnaise

We clean and chop the herring.

Boil the vegetables in advance until tender.

We will cook without onions, because the salad may sit in the refrigerator for a while, and the onions will quickly begin to deteriorate.

It is better to grate the vegetables rather than cut them, so the salad will be more uniform and tender.

Now we begin to lay out the layers in order, they may vary a little, but usually they do it as written below.

1st row (layer): Herring.

Row 2: potatoes and mayonnaise.

3rd row: eggs.

4th row: carrots.

Row 5: beets and mayonnaise.

By the way, you don’t need to pickle the onions, but simply scald them with boiling water. But in the classic recipe that our family uses, onions have no place in this salad.

“Herring under a fur coat”: classic recipe with egg

But various modernizations of this salad have already begun, for example, with the addition of eggs. We take five of them, but only three go into the salad, the remaining two are used as decoration.

Take small-sized vegetables, it’s easier to adjust to the proportions. By the way, perhaps you are lucky and know where herring fillets are sold near you! Then you will reduce the salad preparation time.


  • Boiled beets – 2 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots – 1 pc.
  • Boiled potatoes – 1 pc.
  • Eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Onion – 2 heads
  • Herring – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise

We clean and cut the herring. Try to remove all bones.

All other boiled products need to be grated and placed in different containers.

Grease the plate on which you plan to place the salad with mayonnaise.

The first row or layer is pickled onions. It was cut in advance and poured 1 tbsp of vinegar and 1 tbsp. Sahara. After half an hour, the onion is ready, drain the liquid.

We will lay the herring pieces in the second layer.

The third layer is potatoes and mayonnaise.

Fourth row: eggs.

Fifth row: carrots and mayonnaise.

Immediately mix the beets with mayonnaise to make it easier to apply them to the salad, because they are the finishing layer.

You can decorate with eggs or pieces of greenery.

After boiling the beets in water, you need to cool them with cold water. It tends to cook in cold water.

Step-by-step recipe for “Herring under a fur coat” with a photo of the sequence of layers

Now housewives are competing in the uniqueness of serving dishes. For example, a salad in the form of a roll will look royal on the table and will arouse many curious glances, and it will sell out much faster than other dishes, you’ll see.

You will need cling film to help roll up the edges of the layers. To get a good taste, take 2-3 herring fillets.


  • 3 boiled carrots
  • 4 beets
  • 3 boiled potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 3 eggs
  • Parsley
  • 2 herrings
  • Mayonnaise

Grate and chop all ingredients.

To form the roll we need cling film. We spread it out and put layers on it.

After the beets, each subsequent layer is one centimeter smaller than the previous one, so that the products do not fall out of the roll.

1st row or layer: grated boiled beets and mayonnaise.

Row 2: salted boiled carrots with mayonnaise.

3rd layer: grated potatoes, salt and mayonnaise.

Row 4: grated chicken eggs.

Row 5: Herring.

The photo shows that all the layers are different sizes.

First, wrap one edge of the lettuce.

Then, close to it, the second edge.

Place the roll on a plate, seam side down. We free it from the film and decorate it.

You can see more details on how to wrap the edges in the video.

“Herring under a fur coat”: a classic recipe with an apple and all the layers in order

An apple adds variety to the salad. You need to choose a firm, juicy green variety. Some of the apples squeeze out the juice a little more, but I think this is unnecessary. So just peel it and juice it.


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 herring
  • 1 sour apple
  • 1 potato
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 beets
  • Mayonnaise
  • Lemon juice

Boil the vegetables or bake them in the oven in foil.

The first row is potatoes.

To ensure that the salad is not very greasy, we will grease it through a layer.

Second layer: Herring pieces and mayonnaise.

Third layer: grated apple with lemon juice. Peel the apple first.

Fourth layer: eggs with mayonnaise.

Place carrots with mayonnaise in the fifth row.

Finishing layer: grated beets.

Decorate with parsley, green onions, eggs.

“Herring under a fur coat” in lavash, here is a recipe with a photo

I often see this salad as an appetizer. Then a piece of herring is placed on top. But you need to cook it before serving so that the pita bread does not become soggy from juices and mayonnaise. You need to cut the lavash with filling thicker, 3-4 centimeters, then it will be more stable and the filling will not fall out of the layers.


  • 1 large boiled beet
  • 1 herring
  • 1 thin pita bread
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • Mayonnaise

To avoid painting the entire kitchen beetroot color, we will use cling film. Cut the lavash into 2 parts. If you have a large one, then you can divide it into four.

Let's unfold the lavash onto it. It is very dry, so we will grease it with a couple of spoons of mayonnaise.

Place the grated beets on the pita bread and be sure to press it down a little with your hands.

Another layer of pita bread on top.

We remember that we fatten its surface with mayonnaise, on top of which we place grated carrots.

Again a layer of lavash and mayonnaise, on which we place grated potatoes.

Now we roll up our entire “cake” and tie it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

We didn’t put herring in it, because we would cut it into portions for each piece of pita bread with salad.

But you can put it between carrots and potatoes in a middle layer.

“Herring under a fur coat” with cheese

Here we have no carrots, no onions, no eggs. Let's make a simpler variation of the salad. But it still turns out very nutritious and tender.
Each product can be mixed separately in plates with mayonnaise or sour cream to make it more convenient to lay out and spread on the surface.


  • 1-2 small boiled beets
  • 2 medium boiled potatoes
  • 1 herring
  • Mayonnaise
  • 150 g cheese

The first row is to mix the grated beets with mayonnaise.

Second row: grated cheese and mayonnaise.

Third row: herring cubes with mayonnaise.

Fourth row: potatoes with mayonnaise sauce.

Very carefully turn the salad onto a flat plate.

Decorate with herbs and mayonnaise mesh.

Recipe for “Herring under a fur coat” with pickles: arrange the layers correctly to make it very tasty

Another interesting option is to use pickles. The spiciness and sweetness of the salad depends on them.


  • 2 salted or pickled cucumbers
  • 1 herring
  • 1 beet
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 potato
  • Mayonnaise

As we did before: boil and chop everything that can be boiled.

It’s tastier to place potatoes with mayonnaise in the first row. To make it tastier, add salt and pepper to this layer.

We evenly lay out pieces of salted or pickled cucumber on it. Definitely soak it in.

Soak the top with mayonnaise sauce.

Salad “Herring under a fur coat” with pickled onions

Sourness has never been a problem in such nutritious salad compositions. It is often added using pickled cucumber, but you can add pickled onion instead. It is either placed directly on the herring, or mixed separately with the herring and then laid out.

It’s better to lay out the potatoes first so that the onion juice and mayonnaise coat them and they won’t be too dry in the salad.


  • 1 onion
  • 1 herring
  • 1 large boiled beet
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs
  • 1 carrot
  • Mayonnaise

Pour boiling water over the onion pieces to completely cover them and add a spoonful of 9% vinegar and a spoonful of sugar.

We lay the first row with potatoes.

Mix pickled onions without liquid with herring cubes and mayonnaise. It is laid out in a second layer.

Third row: egg whites and grated carrots.

Fourth row: beets with mayonnaise.

Finishing row: chopped yolks as decoration.

Unusual royal recipe “Herring under a fur coat” with gelatin (in cake form)

And just one more ingredient allows you to make a masterpiece out of a salad, for example, form it in the shape of a cake or a regular circle. And all this without fear that the salad will fall apart. The whole highlight is in the addition of gelatin. The downside is that the finished salad must sit in the refrigerator for half a day for the gelatin to harden. Not everyone will want to wait.

So, you need to add all the mayonnaise that you plan to spend on the salad to the diluted gelatin. And then add several tablespoons of this gelatin mixture to each crushed product.


  • 20 g gelatin
  • 1 herring
  • 300 g boiled carrots
  • 300 g medium potatoes
  • 300 g boiled beets
  • Mayonnaise
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara

Pour gelatin with half a glass of cold water to swell.

In advance, marinate the onions in a solution of water with 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Chop or juice all the boiled vegetables.

Finely chop the herring fillet and mix with pickled onion pieces.

Cover the form with cling film.

We dilute gelatin using a water bath or microwave. Remember that we do not bring it to a boil!

Mix 350 grams of mayonnaise with gelatin and stir. Mix all vegetables with 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise with gelatin.

First row: Beets with gelatin mixture.

Second row: potatoes with 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise-gelatin mass.

Third row: herring with onions and the same sauce.

Fifth layer: carrots with mayonnaise mixture.

Cover with film and refrigerate for 4-6 hours.

Then remove the film and turn it over onto a flat surface. Decorate and enjoy the interesting shape.

My dears, I think that everyone has found options for the traditional salad. I would like to hear what else you add to the Herring recipe to get even brighter flavor combinations.

You can also decorate in different ways. All greens, peas and corn, eggs, herring slices and cucumber are used.

One of the most important dishes of any New Year's holiday table is puff salad, herring under a fur coat. According to the classic recipe, it is prepared in layers soaked in mayonnaise from: potatoes, onions, carrots, beets and of course the herring itself. There are various variations of this dish with the addition of apple or cheese, but today we will prepare that classic herring under a fur coat that we have known since childhood.

The main ingredient is, of course, the herring itself or its fillet. I prefer to use, so to speak, a natural product rather than a semi-finished product, because the more effort and soul you put into a dish, the tastier it turns out.

The herring must be cut, bones removed and cut into small pieces as in the photo.

Boil the vegetables in their jackets for about half an hour until they are soft enough.

Peeling beets, potatoes and carrots is very simple, you don't even need a knife.

Place potatoes as the first layer. To do this, grind it on a medium grater and distribute it in an even layer, and then grease it with mayonnaise. Here it is necessary to make a small clarification, if you use a little mayonnaise, then the layers: potatoes, carrots and beets need to be slightly salted - I did just that.

Place finely chopped onions on a potato bed and also coat with mayonnaise.

The next layer is the cooked herring fillet, which must be distributed over the onion in an even layer.

Grate the boiled carrots, as well as the potatoes, on a medium grater, place on top of the herring and coat with mayonnaise.

The final layer is grated beets, which also need to be soaked in mayonnaise and leveled as in the photo. For leveling, it is best to use a regular tablespoon. If desired, the classic salad Herring under a fur coat is decorated with chopped or grated boiled eggs, as well as chopped fresh herbs.

So we have prepared our very real herring under a fur coat, which is not a shame to serve at any holiday table, and especially on the New Year. Bon appetit!

Festive classic herring salad under a vegetable coat.

  • 2 small herrings (or 1 large)
  • 500 g potatoes
  • 500 g carrots
  • 500 g beets
  • 100 g onion
  • 4 eggs
  • 250 g mayonnaise
  • salt

From this list of ingredients you get a large dish of herring under a fur coat, just right for a holiday with company. If you cook on weekdays, you can reduce the amount of ingredients by half.
For the recipe, it is advisable to take a regular herring (from a saline solution). If you use ready-made herring fillets in oil, then, in my opinion, the taste of the finished dish deteriorates significantly due to the oil and spices.
In many regions of the post-Soviet space, fur coat is prepared not with eggs, but with apples. I still prefer fur coat with eggs; in my opinion, it tastes more delicate. If you decide to cook with apples, simply replace the layer of eggs with a layer of grated apples.


Boil the beets in a saucepan for 1-2 hours (depending on the type and size of the beets). Cool.

Boil potatoes and carrots in salted water for 30-40 minutes (a knife should easily pierce the vegetables). Cool.

Boil the eggs for 10 minutes from the moment they boil. Cool by pouring cold water.

We cut up the herring.
Cut off the head of the herring, cut along the belly, clean out the insides.
Rinse the herring thoroughly inside and out.
Next, make a cut on the back, cutting out the upper fin at the same time.
Next, evenly grabbing the skin from the head, gently pull and remove the skin like a glove all the way to the tail (as in the photo). Then do the same on the other side.
Then cut out all the fins and tail.

Carefully look through and remove any remaining rib bones (as in the photo), as well as any bones you can find.

Cut the herring fillet into small pieces.

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a medium grater.

Peel the eggs and grate them on a medium grater.

Peel the carrots and grate them on a medium grater.

Peel the beets and grate them on a medium grater.

Peel the onion, chop finely, put in a container.
Pour boiling water over it, drain the water after a couple of minutes (this is done so that the onion does not become bitter and becomes less spicy).

Take a large flat dish (I have a dish with an inner diameter of 20 cm) or take two smaller plates, then you will get two fur coats.
If you have mayonnaise in a bag, cut off a very small corner of the bag. If the mayonnaise is in a jar, then transfer it to a bag and also cut off a small corner.
We begin to place the ingredients on the dish.
Lay out the potatoes, salt, pour mayonnaise evenly (I didn’t spread the mayonnaise with a spoon so as not to crush the layers, then the fur coat will be more tender and airy).

Place pieces of herring and pour mayonnaise over them.

Hello everyone, dear readers of the Maidens.

New Year is coming soon and one of the hot topics is how to cook herring under a fur coat. It should 100% be on the New Year's table! Just like other New Year's snacks!

Just like the famous Olivier salad, this salad is a must-have attribute of the New Year holidays for many.

I will tell you the recipe for a delicious fur coat that my mother prepared for us since childhood. This dish, according to the traditional recipe, is perhaps the most delicious and there is no need to go crazy with it, like some people make herring under a fur coat with an apple or cheese, in my opinion this is complete nonsense. So, let's begin.

What we need for the fur coat recipe:

  • Salted herring - 2 pieces or 500 grams, but it all depends on the volume. You can take fillet or whole herring, whichever you prefer;
  • Potatoes - 5 medium pieces;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 2 large;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Beets - 2 large;
  • Mayonnaise.

The amount of ingredients for herring under a fur coat depends on the scale of the holiday and the dishes in which you will cook it. It is best to take a large and deep semicircular salad bowl. Since we will be boiling most of the ingredients, we will talk about this separately.

How long to cook vegetables for salad

We will boil all the ingredients, except herring and onions, and then grate them on a coarse grater.

  1. Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water for 10 minutes so that it is softer and does not have a strong smell.
  2. The potatoes take about 30 minutes to cook, but for some they will be large, for others small, and the cooking time depends on this. In the process, pierce it with a fork or knife to determine its condition.
  3. Carrots - also 30-40 minutes.
  4. Beets - cook for a long time, about 2 hours, if the beets are large, then maybe longer.

Although eggs are not vegetables, we cook them too, for about 10 minutes, very hard.

Potatoes and carrots can be boiled together, beets separately, eggs also separately.

When everything is ready, drain the water and cool the vegetables.

To make eggs easy to peel, immediately after boiling, hold them under running cold water and leave for 5 minutes.

To cool vegetables faster, place them on a balcony or loggia.

Preparing all ingredients for herring under a fur coat

Before you begin the process of preparing a fur coat, you need to prepare everything. Let's break it down point by point again.

  • Herring - just cut it into cubes; if you took a whole fish, then clean it first.
  • Finely chop the onion, pour boiling water over it, and after 10 minutes drain the water.
  • Potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs - three on a coarse grater and put everything on different plates.
  • Mayonnaise - it will serve as an impregnation between layers. To make it spread easily, I will tell you one trick.

Take a little boiled hot milk and mix with mayonnaise so that the consistency is like sour cream and then the mayonnaise will be easy to spread and the impregnation of the fur coat will be more tender!

The process of preparing herring under a fur coat - layers

We will lay out the fur coat in layers; this type of salad turns out much tastier. Moreover, we will have herring under a fur coat in 2 layers.

Stages of forming salad layers step by step

Take a large, deep salad bowl and grease the bottom with a small amount of vegetable oil.

  1. Lay out the potatoes as the first layer, take half of the total amount. Distribute evenly over the entire surface.
  2. Lubricate with mayonnaise, not so that the vegetables float, evenly, but coat completely.
  3. Then we lay out the herring - also half and distribute it in the same way.
  4. Onion - spread half of the volume on top throughout the herring.
  5. Coat with mayonnaise.
  6. Carrots - also 1/2 part.
  7. Mayonnaise.
  8. The egg is half of everything.
  9. Mayonnaise.
  10. Beets - also half.
  11. We also coat it with mayonnaise.

Then we repeat all the layers from the beginning again. Potatoes, mayonnaise, herring, onions, mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise, egg, mayonnaise, beets and mayonnaise on top.

At this point, the process of preparing a two-layer herring is almost complete. Now all that remains is to put it in the refrigerator for 8 hours so that all our ingredients are soaked. It will turn out to be just an awesome fur coat.

Herring under a fur coat in one layer

Sometimes you don't want to bother with two layers of salad preparation. And you can do everything in one. The order of things is the same, just don’t divide the ingredients into 2 parts, but lay them out in the same order in one layer. There is certainly a difference in the sensations during the eating process, but when you don’t have time, you don’t have to worry about two layers of fur coat.

The form in which the dish is served can be different and depends on the flight of fancy of the cook.

Here is a great classic recipe for herring under a fur coat. Use it and I'm sure you won't regret it at all.

Thank you for your attention and see you again!

Glad to meet you again))

The “delicious” New Year holiday has already ended, but I still can’t stop - I continue to publish culinary recipes))

Although this is easily explained, firstly, the months ahead are rich in holidays and today’s recipe will definitely come in handy, and secondly, I prepared it for the New Year (as well as in the past, and the year before, and in .... years 😉) and therefore I have fresh photos, fresh reviews and fresh comments on the recipe.

That’s why today we’re going to talk about how to cook herring under a fur coat, tasty and detailed))

I recommend today’s article not only to novice housewives, but also to experienced ones, since I myself, having prepared a fur coat for the hundredth time and getting ready to make it for the 101st, read a way to make it even tastier. At the same time, herring under a fur coat has retained the classic recipe and layers, the sequence of which remains the same as we like.

As always, I will first give a short cooking recipe, and step by step I will describe in detail what needs to be done additionally.

Recipe for herring salad under a fur coat, with photos step by step

We will need:

(The photo does not entirely correspond to the truth, since I accidentally deleted some of the recent photos; the photo left was from the last time, when I tried to prepare a salad with beets, which are sold ready-made in vacuum packaging - I didn’t like it.)

  • Herring – 1-2 pcs.
  • Beets – 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 small
  • Eggs – 3 pcs. (1 of them is for decoration)
  • Mayonnaise
  • Black pepper
  • Vegetable oil

Brief recipe

Boil beets, potatoes, carrots and eggs, cool and peel. Remove the bones from the herring and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the onion.

Place in a salad bowl in layers: potatoes, herring, onions, carrots, eggs, beets. Coat with mayonnaise. I repeat the layers again.

Now in more detail.

How to cook herring under a fur coat, step-by-step recipe with photos

If you take the ratio of products as written by me, then the “shuba” will have a slightly sweet taste due to the rather large amount of beets (but we love that kind). If you take less beets and more potatoes, the sweetness will go away, try it to your taste.

Boil vegetables (except onions) over low heat: cook carrots for about half an hour, potatoes for about 45 minutes, beets for an hour and a half, depending on the size. At the same time, do not forget that

We put the vegetables in boiling water, because we want them to turn out tasty, and not the water in which the vegetables are boiled.

Everything is cooked, let it cool.

During this time we will prepare the herring. The last time I tried to make it with vacuum-packed, already cut and without bones, I must say it’s also good, especially since the herring in these packages is already with salt and vinegar, that is, delicious.

This time I bought 300 grams of Matias fillet, which turned out to be just the right amount. Cut the fillet into small squares.

Peel the vegetables and grate them on a coarse grater. It’s most convenient to make this salad in a salad bowl with high sides, but it just so happens that I put everything in a herring bowl, placing a fur coat in it is still a task, but what can I do? This is exactly what a traditional herring under a fur coat looks like to me))

Now about what I would like to pay special attention to.

A few years ago I came across advice that grated vegetables should be salted and a little sunflower oil added to them. I tried it and, indeed, it turned out to be tastier; at least this New Year, the herring under the fur coat was one of the first to be eaten.

To do this, grate the potatoes into a separate plate, salt them, add a little pepper and add a little, about half a tablespoon, of odorless vegetable oil.

Mix carefully with a fork (so as not to spoil the “airiness”).

I taste it, and if something doesn’t seem like it’s enough, I add it.

We also add a little salt and sunflower oil to the beets.

I just add a little pepper to the carrots.

If the herring is not “mathias”, but a whole fish, it is not too salty, I would say that for this salad it is even tasteless, so after cutting the herring into pieces, you can add a little sunflower oil and a little vinegar.

The question that is most often asked when preparing a fur coat is about layers. Herring under a fur coat, its classic recipe, has layers arranged in the following sequence: - herring; - onion; potato; carrot; - beets, in this version, over the herring you get a “fur coat”, so a “fur coat”, a real one.

But at this point I’m deviating from the recipe, try it, maybe you’ll like it better too.

Now coat the top with mayonnaise. In general, it is recommended not to coat it, but to wait until the mayonnaise spreads itself and is distributed throughout the salad, but it never works out for me, usually there is not enough time, besides, I take fatty mayonnaise and for it to spread, you need to have angelic patience)) That’s why I use mayonnaise I spread it carefully with a spoon.

In principle, we can stop here, but we are not looking for easy ways)) so I’m building another layer, it seems more elegant and tastier to me.

I usually prepare this salad in advance and leave it in the refrigerator to soak overnight.

The next day all that remains is to restore beauty. You can cut out vegetable flowers and leaves, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs, I decorate with grated egg.

What else would I like to add? I suggested preparing a salad “Herring under a fur coat” » the classic version, in which the recipe contains an egg, but it is often prepared without eggs, without compromising the taste at all. So if you don’t like eggs, feel free to remove them from the recipe. I tried cooking this way, but I returned to the usual version; I personally like it better.

The cross-sectional appearance of a fur coat may not be the most aesthetically pleasing, but it is bright, colorful and appetizing.

And further. I tried the most delicious “fur coat” from a work colleague, and the secret of the “taste” turned out to be not in the products or their special arrangement, but in the fact that when chopping vegetables she used a manual grater, in my opinion from Mulinex. I grated it directly into the salad bowl, the layers turned out more voluminous, fluffy and were better soaked. So if you have a similar device in your arsenal, be sure to use it.

“Herring under a fur coat” is a regular on our New Year’s table along with “Olivier”, although sometimes it also includes not the most festive dishes, like eggs stuffed with onions (everyone loves them, but I find them easy and quick to prepare 😉 you can see them in the photo in the corner). your attention if you are thinking about what appetizer to prepare for your dinner or lunch today.

Well, I highly recommend preparing the more festive dish options. When the days before the New Year holidays fall on the weekend and there is more time for cooking, then I definitely cook something that requires more of my “attention”))

Bon appetit :)
