
Recipe for pasta carbonara with ham and cream. Pasta carbonara with ham and cream: tradition in a new way! How to cook pasta carbonara with ham, cream, parmesan, mushrooms

Carbonara - famous pasta with guanciale pork cheeks.

It is not always possible to find a gourmet product on sale.

Therefore, carbonara is increasingly being prepared with ham.

It turns out no worse!

Italian dinner tonight?

Pasta carbonara with ham and cream - general cooking principles

For the dish, you can use pasta with the same name or buy ordinary spaghetti. It is desirable that they be made from durum wheat. Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package, then combine with the ham. Pieces of meat product are pre-fried in a frying pan. At the very end, the carbonara is poured with sauce.

What is the filling usually made from:

Cheese, usually Parmesan;

Eggs are fresh;

Fresh cream;

Olive oil or butter.

All these ingredients are mixed. But sometimes cheese is used to top the finished dish. You can add different spices to the sauce. But most often it’s Provençal herbs and salt. After adding the sauce, stir the pasta and heat it for just a minute; do not keep it on the fire for a long time. In addition to ham, mushrooms, various vegetables, and bacon are often added to the dish. Add garlic and fried onions for flavor.

Simple pasta carbonara with ham and cream (with eggs)

A variation of simple pasta carbonara with ham and cream. You will also need raw eggs for the sauce. The fat content of the cream is arbitrary, 10-15% is enough.


500 g pasta;

90 g cheese;

500 ml cream;

200 g ham;

50 g butter;

Italian herbs, salt.


1. Prepare the pasta according to the instructions, which can be found on the package. Or simply boil it in a large amount of salted liquid, check for readiness, and pour out the water.

2. While the products are cooking, you need to cut the ham, put it in a frying pan with butter (it is better to use butter) and fry. Use a large bowl to accommodate the entire dish.

3. Beat eggs with cream, add salt, season with Italian herbs, or just sprinkle some black pepper.

4. Grate the cheese; ideally, parmesan is used for carbonara. If not available, take another variety.

5. Add the pasta to the fried ham and pour over the sauce.

6. Stir, heat for two minutes and immediately place into plates. Decorate with herbs and serve.

Carbonara pasta with ham and cream (with mushrooms)

Another very popular recipe is carbonara with ham and cream, to which champignons are added. A few pieces are enough to make the paste incredibly aromatic.


300 g pasta;

250 ml cream;

50 g parmesan;

200 g ham;

150 g champignons;

40 g butter;



1. Cook the pasta in boiling water as you would regular pasta. Make sure nothing gets overcooked and the consistency is maintained.

2. Cut the washed mushrooms into thin slices. If the champignon hats are large, you can first cut them into two or four parts and then strip them into slices.

3. Heat half the oil until almost smoking. Place the plates and brown for a few minutes. Do not reduce the heat, otherwise liquid will appear in the pan.

4. Cut the ham into thin strips and add to the mushrooms. Fry the slices until lightly browned.

5. During this time, season the cream with spices; you don’t need to add anything else. Pour over mushrooms and ham.

6. Once the sauce is slightly warmed up, add the boiled pasta to it.

7. Keep on the fire for a couple more minutes and place on plates.

8. Immediately sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs.

Carbonara pasta with ham and cream (with bell pepper)

A variant of an unusually aromatic dish with fresh notes. It is advisable to use ripe, fleshy bell pepper pods. You can use different colors to make the carbonara more beautiful.


200 g pasta;

150 g ham;

2 small peppers;

40 g butter;

220 ml cream;

0.5 tsp. Provençal herbs;

40 g parmesan or other cheese.


1. Boil the pasta, set aside, after removing all the liquid. If the products are prepared in advance, it is advisable to grease them with fat or oil so that they do not stick together.

2. Wash the pods, remove the seeds, cut into long but thin strips.

3. Heat the oil, add the pepper and fry for three minutes. The pieces should become soft; there is no need to cover the pan with a lid.

4. Add ham cut into strips.

5. While the products are fried, you need to beat the egg with cream, salt and Provençal herbs. Grate the cheese and also add to the filling.

6. Add the paste to the peppers and ham, stir gently.

7. After a minute, pour cream sauce over it.

8. Turn the heat to maximum, heat the dish for another minute, stir constantly.

9. Immediately place on plates. Garnish carbonara with fresh herbs.

Carbonara pasta with ham and cream (with melted cheese)

To prepare this paste, any processed cheese will do. You can use a mushroom-flavored product or with other additives. Cream with any fat content.


300 g pasta;

200 g ham;

3 tablespoons of oil;

100 g processed cheese;

300ml cream;

1 clove of garlic.


1. Prepare pasta according to instructions.

2. Heat the oil in a frying pan. If you want a fatty dish, you can add a little more.

3. Cut the ham into long strips. Place in a frying pan.

4. While the pieces are frying, you need to prepare the filling. To do this, chop the processed cheese with garlic, add cream and egg. You can put all this in a food processor and beat it, it will turn out even faster.

5. Season the sauce with herbs, add salt.

6. First add the pasta to the fried ham, after a minute the creamy sauce.

7. Turn up the heat to maximum, close the frying pan, and after a minute turn off the stove.

8. Let the carbonara sit covered for ten minutes until the sauce is ready and soaks the pasta.

Onion pasta carbonara with ham and cream

The recipe uses onions. After roasting, it will give Italian carbonara with ham an unusual taste and aroma. It is advisable to cook this dish with a mixture of oils.


200 ml cream;

2 onions;

150 g ham;

50 g butter;

70 g cheese;

1 spoon of flour.


1. Cook the pasta. Add a spoonful of oil, stir, let the products wait their time.

2. The onion needs to be peeled and cut into half rings. Then sprinkle flour on top of the pieces and mix with your hands.

3. Place the remaining oil in a frying pan and heat it up.

4. Place onion pieces in flour and fry until lightly browned. Stir frequently to prevent the flour from burning or charring the pieces.

5. Add ham. It can be cut into cubes or strips.

6. While the main products are frying, mix the egg with cream, grated cheese and seasonings. The sauce should be ready.

7. Add pasta to the fried onions and stir.

8. Immediately pour in the creamy sauce and stir again.

9. Heat the dish until the sauce is ready. Serve the carbonara while it is hot.

Carbonara pasta with ham and cream (with bacon)

Real carbonara is made with pork cheeks. But they can easily be replaced with regular bacon. It is advisable to choose pieces with plenty of meat layers, it will turn out tastier.


300 g pasta;

150 ml cream;

120 g bacon;

150 g ham;

Spices, oil:

Cheese for sprinkling.


1. Cook spaghetti. Follow the instructions on the pasta package.

2. While the pasta is cooking, heat some oil in a frying pan.

3. Ham and bacon should be cut into long strips. Make the width about 5 millimeters.

4. Place meat products in a frying pan. Cook for three minutes, stirring often, but do it gently.

5. Mix the egg with cream, add spices to the sauce.

6. Add the spaghetti to the bacon and ham, stir and heat through.

7. Pour cream sauce over the dish, stir again, sprinkle cheese on top and immediately turn off. Let it sit for five minutes.

Lazy carbonara pasta with ham, cream and mushrooms

A variation of mushroom carbonara, which includes pickled champignons. The dish is prepared in literally 20 minutes. If the pasta is already cooked, it will turn out even faster.


150 g ham;

200 g pasta;

80 g pickled mushrooms:

200 g cream;

50 g parmesan;

30 g butter.


1. Place pasta in boiling water and cook until done.

2. Heat the oil over high heat, add the chopped ham.

3. Also chop the marinated mushrooms and add to the fried ham.

4. After a minute, add the boiled pasta. Warm everything up together.

5. Mix cream and egg, add grated cheese and salt, shake quickly with a fork and pour over hot pasta.

6. Stir with a spatula, cover and turn off after a minute

7. Additionally, you can sprinkle cheese on top of the dish.

Carbonara pasta with ham and cream - useful tips and tricks

Carbonara is not prepared in advance and in advance. This dish cannot be reheated. But you can always set aside some of the boiled pasta and other prepared ingredients so that you can create an Italian lunch or dinner in a few minutes.

Instead of ham, you can use any sausage. But it is advisable to choose a high quality product. Also, any recipe can be adapted for chicken, lard, meat.

If you don't have Parmesan, use any other cheese for carbonara. It turns out delicious even with processed cheese.

Pasta loves all kinds of spices and pepper. In the spicy version, the dish turns out to be especially tasty, fiery, and stimulates the appetite. For spiciness, you can use a dry mixture of peppers or add natural adjika from hot pods.



Recipe Description

Recipe for Pasta carbonara with ham with photo

Pasta is both a simple and sophisticated dish. Italians eat pasta for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can choose various sauces for it. It goes perfectly with many types of meat and seafood, and vegetables are no exception. Ham combined with bacon will give the pasta some piquancy. Pasta carbonara is a classic Italian dish. The whole secret of carbonara sauce is that it is prepared on the basis of guanciale (dry-cured pork cheeks, a truly Italian dish). As an analogue, we prepare carbonara pasta based on slices of ham and bacon.


  • Pasta – 500 g,
  • Cream 10% - 500 ml,
  • Hard cheese “Parmesan” - 300 g,
  • Ham – 300 g,
  • Bacon – 200 g,
  • Olive oil – 10 ml,
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.,
  • Ground black pepper
  • Kitchen salt
  • Spices

Step by step cooking method

  1. For this recipe, any pasta made from durum wheat is suitable - butterflies, spaghetti, tubes, spirals. Cook in salted water until al dente. Then let it sit for a couple of minutes. In the meantime, you can prepare the sauce.
  2. It is better to cut ham and bacon into large strips.
  3. Pour olive oil into a hot frying pan and fry the ham and bacon.
  4. Mix eggs, cream, pepper, salt and spices in a bowl. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add grated cheese. Mix.
  5. Place pasta in a colander and rinse under cold water.
  6. Place the pasta, egg sauce and cream into the frying pan with the ham and bacon and stir until the pasta is submerged in the sauce. If necessary, increase the volume of the sauce using more cream.
  7. Divide the finished carbonara pasta with ham into portions. You can decorate the top with a sprig of green basil.
  8. Bon appetit!

Alternative recipe for Carbonara pasta with ham and cream

Sometimes you get tired of the classics and want to try variations on already favorite dishes. The recipe for carbonara pasta with ham and cream is just the case when experiments become successful, and you can safely add a new dish to your personal cookbook.

Italians are very passionate about their recipes. They preserve the originals and pass them on from generation to generation for centuries. They even have an Italian Cuisine Academy where recipes are taught and validated! Italian chefs claim that in Rome you can try spaghetti carbonara, prepared according to the ancient recipe according to which they were prepared by grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and so on.

I'm not sure they approve of any changes made to the original recipe, which is over 400 years old. But we can’t pass a cooking exam, we just want to add some variety to the table. So you can safely use your imagination. Moreover, today in most Italian restaurants around the world you will not find any kind of carbonara options.

Pasta carbonara recipe with bacon and cream

If you ask what is better or tastier: the original carbonara with egg yolks or the recipe with cream, I cannot answer you. It's a matter of taste for everyone here. I love both versions, and I can never decide for sure, even if two plates are placed in front of me. Everyone is good in their own way.

The recipe for carbonara pasta with bacon and cream differs from its original in one of the main components of the sauce. Heavy cream is used instead of egg yolks. Thanks to this, the taste is more delicate, the texture becomes smoother, creamier. Grated cheese mixes perfectly with cream. As it melts, it creates a wonderful, soft sauce that completely envelops the spaghetti.

This recipe is also much easier to make than the original. You don't have to mix the pasta and egg sauce at a wild speed to avoid lumps. All you need to do is pour cream and grated cheese over the pasta, stir and you’re done. The rest of the process will remain unchanged. The garlic should be lightly fried until golden brown. Then add raw smoked bacon and fry until crispy. The classic carbonara seasoning – ground black pepper – is here to stay. Let's pepper it from the heart, as the Italians demand.

  • Things: 2
  • Preparation: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 10 minutes
  • Portions:

Nutritional value (per 100g)

  • Calories: 282.89 kcal
  • Carbohydrate content: 23.23 g
  • Fat content: 15.99 gr
  • Protein content: 10.71 g

By 04/04/2018

Spaghetti Carbonara in an interesting variation with cream is in no way inferior in taste to the original recipe. The smooth, creamy taste combined with familiar ingredients is definitely worth a try!

Carbonara pasta with ham and cream: Ingredients

  • - 100 gr
  • - 200 ml
  • - 60 g grated

Pasta carbonara is a delicious, hearty dish of Italian cuisine. This is spaghetti or pasta with a sauce that includes eggs and cheese. How to cook carbonara with ham, read below.

Pasta carbonara - recipe with ham


  • durum wheat pasta – 500 g;
  • cream 10% fat – 500 ml;
  • – 300 g;
  • raw chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • bacon – 200 g;
  • parmesan – 300 g;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • – 15 ml.


Boil pasta (you can use spaghetti or any other pasta) in salted water. In a frying pan with heated oil, fry the bacon and ham, cut into strips. Mix 3 eggs with cream and necessary spices. Beat a little until smooth. Then add grated cheese and stir. Place the pasta in the pan with the ham, mix and add the eggs and cream. Stir again, let sit for a couple of minutes, and then serve.

Carbonara with ham and mushrooms


  • fresh champignons – 100 g;
  • cream – 50 ml;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • ham – 100 g;
  • greenery;
  • olive oil;
  • spaghetti – 300 g;
  • salt.


Boil the spaghetti until almost done, drain the water at the end, and add oil to the pan with the pasta and stir. Fry the onion, add the mushrooms, cook for about 5 minutes. Then add the ham cut into strips, cream and pasta. Salt and pepper to taste, cook for 5 minutes and sprinkle the dish with cheese. And just before serving, crush the dish with chopped herbs.


  • paste – 200 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • raw chicken egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • ham – 120 g;
  • parmesan – 50 g;
  • cream – 180 ml.


Cut the ham into strips and chop the peeled garlic. Separately, mix whipped cream with egg yolks and finely grated Parmesan. Boil the pasta until almost done. Pour about 20 ml of olive oil into a heated frying pan. When the oil is hot, add the garlic. Stir so that it does not burn, fry for about a minute, and then add strips of ham. Stir and cook for 3 minutes. Place the boiled pasta in a colander. Add ham with sauce. Place on low heat and cook for about 2 minutes. The sauce will thicken when heated. Top the carbonara with ham with grated cheese and serve. Bon appetit everyone!

The basis for “carbonara” with ham and cream is pasta. Italy is a generally recognized leader in dishes prepared from it. Therefore, let’s take a traditional recipe for making pasta from this country. Remember that to make pasta you need good products; for example, you will never get a decent result from first-grade flour bought at the market. To make pasta we need.

  • flour, best from durum wheat - 300 grams;
  • chicken egg – 3 pieces;
  • olive oil – 45 milliliters;
  • salt - to taste.

When kneading by hand, place the flour in a heap on the table, make a depression in it, add eggs and butter, add salt, mix very thoroughly until a homogeneous, elastic mass is obtained. If you want to make noodle dough in a mixing bowl, you should first add eggs and butter, then slowly add flour in small portions. Cover the dough with cling film or a towel and leave for an hour to relax. This is necessary so that the gluten contained in the flour combines with other ingredients. This reaction allows you to achieve maximum elasticity of the dough when working with it.

Cooking pasta

Roll out the finished dough to the thickness we need, cut noodles from it. If you do not plan to use the noodles immediately, you can dry them overnight. To do this, we need to pour the prepared noodles onto a smooth surface, any baking tray will do, in an even layer. The room in which the noodles are dried should not be with high humidity. After 24 hours, the noodles are placed in a food container. They are put in the refrigerator when the product is needed soon, or placed in the freezer if the noodles are needed as a preparation that is always at hand.

To prepare this sauce we need the following products:

  • cream 33% – 100 grams;
  • chicken egg – 2 pieces;
  • grated parmesan – 20 grams.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Cover with film to prevent the sauce from drying out.

Making pasta carbonara with ham and cream

We have made all the preparations for this dish, let's start preparing the recipe. We'll need it.

  • ham, preferably Parma, or its analogues - 80 grams;
  • noodles – 150 grams;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • salt - to taste;
  • olive oil – 20 grams;
  • greens – 5 grams.


Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt, add noodles and cook for 5-7 minutes until al dente, that is, slightly undercooked. Place the pasta in a colander. Heat a frying pan, pour olive oil, add a clove of garlic, fry for 3 minutes, remove the garlic, add chopped ham, fry until tender. Place the pasta in a frying pan, pour in the carbonara sauce, and simmer for 2-3 minutes. The dish is ready.

Serving and cooking time.

Place the dish in a deep plate using a regular fork, twist the pasta onto it, and decorate with herbs. Bon appetit.
