
Omelette with cheese in a frying pan. Omelette with cheese in a frying pan Recipe for delicious scrambled eggs with cheese

Egg dishes contain a number of microelements and vitamins. In particular, scrambled eggs with cheese are perfect for a nutritious breakfast. It helps satisfy hunger and provides energy reserves until the next meal.

Simple recipe

Five-minute scrambled eggs with cheese will be appropriate, even if you are late for something. Any cheese is suitable for this recipe, but it is better to prefer processed cheese. The amount of ingredients in this recipe is for one serving.

Preparation progress:

  1. Grease a frying pan with oil and place it on the fire;
  2. A minute later, crack the eggs into the pan and sprinkle a little salt and pepper on top;
  3. Make sure the heat is on medium, then after another minute the whites should have set;
  4. At this time, you need to chop the cheese (cut with a knife or grate);
  5. Sprinkle the cooking eggs with cheese, cover with a lid and leave for three minutes (for those who like runny yolk, 1.5-2 minutes is enough);
  6. Place the finished dish on a plate and garnish with herbs.

Scrambled eggs with cheese

A distinctive feature of the mash is that both the white and the yolk are baked equally well in it. Overall, scrambled eggs are similar to an omelette. The only difference is that in one case the eggs should be shaken before frying, and in the other during frying.


  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • spices and herbs - to taste.

Calorie content: 227 kcal.

Preparation progress:

  1. Place the frying pan on low heat to heat it up, pour vegetable oil into it;
  2. Beat the eggs into a separate container, pour three tablespoons of water into it (if desired, you can replace it with milk);
  3. Sprinkle the eggs with salt and spices, stir with a whisk or fork;
  4. Grate the cheese (or simply chop it)* and also add it to the eggs;
  5. Stir the resulting mixture again and pour into the frying pan, increase the flame;
  6. Armed with a wooden (or silicone) spatula, stir the contents of the pan evenly;
  7. When the mass thickens and the liquid disappears, you can turn off the heat;
  8. Immediately transfer the dish to a plate so that it does not remain in the pan that is not yet cooled;
  9. Decorate the mash with greenery.

If processed cheese was used for cooking, then it will be enough to mash it a little or cut it into cubes, or even just break it into pieces.

Scrambled eggs with sausage and cheese

A hearty and tasty dish prepared in accordance with this recipe will be very appropriate as a dinner. The amount of ingredients is calculated for two servings.


  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • cheese – 70 g;
  • sausage – 100 g;
  • oil – 60 ml;
  • parsley – 4 sprigs;
  • water (or milk) – 30 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Calorie content: 204 kcal.

Preparation progress:

  1. Place the frying pan on heat, after pouring oil into it;
  2. Break the eggs into a separate container, season with spices, add water (or milk);
  3. Beat the resulting mixture with a whisk or fork;
  4. Grate cheese into a container with eggs, stir everything;
  5. Cut the sausage into thin strips or small pieces and chop the parsley;
  6. Pour the eggs mixed with cheese, spices and water into a frying pan, wait until the base of the resulting “pancake” is slightly fried;
  7. Sprinkle half of the circle with sausage and herbs, and cover the remaining free part with the filling on top, giving the scrambled eggs the shape of a cheburek;
  8. Cook the dish for about two more minutes, and before serving it, cut it into two equal portions.

Eggs with tomatoes, sausage and cheese

It’s not at all difficult to prepare such scrambled eggs; they will be equally tasty at any time of the day and will not take much of your time. The recipe below makes 2-3 servings and is perfect for a small family.


  • boiled sausage - 70 g;
  • tomato (small) – 2 pieces;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • salt, dill - to taste.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie content: 225 kcal.

Preparation progress:

  1. Pour a small amount of oil into the frying pan and heat it properly;
  2. Chop both tomatoes and sausage, put them in a frying pan, lightly fry, stirring constantly;
  3. In a bowl, beat all the cooked eggs with a whisk (or use a blender), pour them over the tomatoes fried with sausage;
  4. Coarsely grate the cheese and sprinkle the contents of the pan with it;
  5. Chop the greens and sprinkle on top too;
  6. Divide the egg circle into 4 equal parts, turn each of them over, allowing it to fry on the other side;
  7. The dish is ready to be served.

Egg dish with tomatoes and melted cheese

Another easy option for preparing scrambled eggs, which takes no more than a quarter of an hour, without losing any of its taste or nutritional value.

  • egg - 5 pieces;
  • tomato – 3 pieces;
  • processed cheese – 80 g;
  • sunflower oil – 30 ml;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 151 kcal

Preparation progress:

  1. Carefully break the eggs and place their contents in a bowl of sufficient depth; if desired, at this stage you can salt and pepper the main ingredient;
  2. Using a fork or whisk, stir the eggs (do not try to beat them, you just need to lightly stir, giving the eggs a chance to disperse);
  3. Cut the cheese into small cubes and place it with the eggs, whisk everything a little again with a whisk;
  4. Cut each tomato (it is desirable that the fruits are strong enough, despite their ripeness) into about 8 equal slices;
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and place the tomato pieces in it;
  6. Fry the tomatoes on all sides over high heat;
  7. Pour the contents of the bowl into the frying pan and cover everything with a lid, reduce the flame and wait until fully cooked;
  8. Serve the dish hot, you can season it with sauce or fresh herbs.

Eggs with bacon, tomatoes and cheese

This recipe is considered one of the most favorite by many housewives. Cherry or Campari tomatoes will fit perfectly into it, and cheese and bacon will make scrambled eggs even more nutritious than usual.


  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • tomato – 1 piece;
  • bacon – 125 g;
  • dill, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 12 minutes.

Calorie content: 238 kcal.

Preparation progress:

  1. Place the frying pan on heat, place the bacon in it, cut into slices about 4 cm long;
  2. Fry the bacon for 2 minutes on each side, when the pieces are turned over to the other side, you can start cutting the tomatoes;
  3. Place the tomato slices next to the pieces of meat and also fry them on both sides (about a minute on each side);
  4. Beat the eggs into the pan, salt and pepper all the ingredients;
  5. In a few minutes the scrambled eggs are ready;
  6. Serve on the table, sprinkled with chopped dill.

Quick recipe for microcooking

For those who do not want to fry, are on a diet, or simply prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle, scrambled eggs cooked using a microwave are suitable.


  • cheese (preferably hard varieties) – 50 g;
  • smoked ham – 70 g;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 7-8 minutes.

Calorie content: 150 kcal.

  1. Grind the ham and grate the cheese;
  2. Take a deep glass or ceramic plate (a mug will also work) and grease the inside with vegetable oil;
  3. Beat the eggs into the prepared bowl, season them with spices and beat with a fork;
  4. Add chopped ham and cheese to the eggs;
  5. Place everything in the microwave and bake for 3-4 minutes;
  6. The scrambled eggs are ready.

  1. Eggs should be fried in pans with a thick bottom, high walls and Teflon coating;
  2. To turn over, use spatulas made of wood or silicone;
  3. Eggs for frying should be at room temperature, since cold eggs become saturated with fat too quickly;
  4. You need to break the eggshells carefully, but sharply;
  5. Almost any product can be used as a filling for scrambled eggs with cheese, but they must be fried separately from the eggs;
  6. Salt should be added at the very beginning, but if we are talking about fried eggs, then only the white should be salted;
  7. Before starting cooking, you need to wash the eggs, even if they appear clean;
  8. Diet scrambled eggs should be cooked without using yolks;
  9. To ensure that the yolk remains liquid during cooking, but is covered with a thick white film, you need to cover the pan with a lid and cook over high heat.

Follow these simple rules, and your scrambled eggs will always turn out perfect.

If one morning you wonder how to cook an omelette in a frying pan, then you have come to the right place. In this article I will tell you how to prepare delicious omelettes with different fillings, as well as how to make an omelette fluffy and airy like in kindergarten in our childhood. For many, the recipe for a lush omelette is still a mystery, but there is nothing complicated in it and you will see this.

Omelette is an excellent nutritious breakfast for the whole family; both adults and children love to eat it. But who said you can’t cook a delicious golden omelette with sausage and cheese for dinner? Or an omelet with tomatoes for lunch? There are no restrictions and there are no limits to your imagination. Although it's worth making a few caveats, don't put just anything in your omelette. Start by studying classic recipes, because someone before you has already tried everything and chosen the best. Let's use the experience of other cooks to acquire our own.

The omelet has come down to us as a dish of French cuisine, at least its name, but many nations have their own ways of preparing omelets and, of course, their names. The most important thing in an omelet is the eggs and how they are cooked correctly. Remember what James Bond said about his cocktail: “Shaken, not stirred.” With an omelette, everything is exactly the opposite; the eggs should be mixed, but not beaten. And even a fluffy, airy omelette can be prepared without serious beating with a mixer.

You can prepare omelettes in different ways: fry them in a frying pan, bake them in the oven, cook them in a slow cooker. But all the recipes cannot be covered in one article, so this time I will describe those recipes that we can cook in a regular frying pan. After all, almost everyone has a frying pan and a stove, which means there will be an omelette!

So let's move from theory to practice to make sure of this.

Classic omelette with milk in a frying pan - a simple recipe

First, let me tell you how to prepare the simplest omelet with milk. It has no fillings or additions, and all its charm lies only in its delicate egg taste. Many people love this kind of omelette most; it is an ideal dietary breakfast rich in protein and energy. Omelette with milk can be prepared even for small children; the main thing for them is to make it without a crust so that it remains tender and soft.

In order to prepare a proper omelette, you will need a bowl or deep plate, a medium-diameter frying pan with high walls and a lid, preferably with a thick bottom. A wide spatula will also come in handy to remove the tender omelette from the pan without breaking.

The products you will need are the simplest:

  • eggs - 2-3 pieces per serving,
  • milk - 50 ml for 2 eggs,
  • salt and pepper to taste,
  • oil for frying.


An omelet with milk cooks very quickly and therefore it is best to put a frying pan in advance to heat it up, especially if you have an electric stove, which will take a little longer. Immediately heat not to maximum heat, but slightly above medium. Pour some vegetable oil into the frying pan. Non-stick pans allow you to fry without oil, but only do this if you are one hundred percent sure that nothing will stick. Omelette with milk is very tender.

Break the eggs into a deep plate for one serving of omelet. This is usually 2 or 3 eggs for adults.

Stir the eggs with a fork until the white and yolk are combined. Pour in the milk and add a pinch of salt to your taste.

Now use the same fork to stir again, whisking just a little. We do not do this with a mixer precisely because the egg should not turn into foam, but only slightly fill with bubbles.

Stir the egg like this for literally one minute and immediately pour it into a hot frying pan.

The omelette will immediately begin to brown on the underside. As soon as you see that the edges have begun to thicken, then reduce the heat of the burner and finish cooking the omelet over low heat. This is necessary so that it is completely baked, but not overcooked from below. You can cover the omelette with a lid and cook under it until all signs of runny eggs disappear.

The omelet is usually baked from the edges to the middle; as soon as the middle is no longer liquid, the omelet is ready and can be removed.

It is very difficult to remove a thin omelette into an even “pancake”, so you can remove it by folding it in half with a spatula or rolling it into a tube. If your omelet is thick, made from a large number of eggs, then you need to remove it with a wide flat spatula.

The finished omelette can be sprinkled with herbs and pepper. Have a delicious breakfast!

Omelette with cheese in a frying pan without milk

Another very tasty and popular omelette option is with cheese. In order to deviate a little from the previous recipe, we will make it without milk. It won't change the taste much. If you still want to add milk, take the proportion from the first recipe.

Why cheese? The main secret of omelettes with cheese is that the cheese melts, preferably inside the omelet or at least on top. You can cook it either openly, simply sprinkling cheese on top of the eggs, or closed, when cheese is poured onto one half of the omelette and the other is covered in the form of an envelope. Then the cheese inside melts and begins to stretch deliciously.

Your favorite cheese is suitable for this omelet, but it’s good if it melts well. Soft varieties like mozzarella can also be used, but it has a weak taste and it will get lost a little with the egg. I usually take regular yellow hard cheese, such as Gouda or sour cream, Tilsiter or Russian. Choose according to your taste.

To prepare such an omelet with cheese, we need 2 eggs per serving, and 50 grams of grated hard cheese. Salt, fresh herbs and a little oil for the frying pan.


Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour just a little oil into it so that the omelette is easily cooked.

In a cup or plate, stir two eggs until smooth and slightly foamy. It is better to stir with a fork or whisk, literally one minute. Salt the mixture to taste. you can add pepper.

Then pour the mixture into the frying pan in an even layer and fry over medium-low heat.

As soon as the middle is no longer liquid, sprinkle the omelette with grated cheese. You can fold the omelette in half to form an envelope and melt the cheese inside.

Cover with a lid and let stand for another 2-3 minutes, then remove the hot omelette, place on a plate and serve. The hot, melty cheese will ooze out every time you cut a piece of the omelet.

Bon appetit!

Omelette with tomatoes and cheese in a frying pan - step-by-step recipe

There is absolutely nothing complicated about making an omelet with tomatoes. If you want to cook a delicious breakfast, and you have at least one tomato and some cheese in the refrigerator, then you will have a wonderful dish. My daughter sometimes calls this omelette pizza, although according to my taste it should also have sausage in it. But there is enough cheese and tomato to make it very tasty.

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pcs per 1 serving,
  • tomato - 1 per serving (1 small or half a large one),
  • hard cheese - 50 grams per serving,
  • milk - 50 grams per serving,
  • salt and herbs to taste.


First, heat up a frying pan with oil. To fry an omelet, you can use not only vegetable, but also cream. But you need to be more careful with creamy, you can’t heat it in a frying pan for too long, it will start to burn and the taste will deteriorate. The butter should just have time to melt and immediately pour in the eggs.

Beat the eggs a little with a fork until light foam bubbles appear, pour milk into them and stir some more.

After this, pour into a hot frying pan and fry over low heat until the middle is no longer liquid.

During this time, cut the tomatoes into slices and grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Place tomatoes in an almost finished omelette and sprinkle grated cheese on top. You can cover with a lid and cook the omelette until cooked. You can also fold the omelette in half into an envelope and the tomatoes and cheese will turn into a delicious filling.

In a couple of minutes the omelette will be ready and it’s time to serve it while it’s fresh and hot.

Omelette with mushrooms and cheese - cooking in a frying pan

How can you pass up such a delicious omelette filling as mushrooms? You can find fresh champignons in stores at any time of the year. If you have fresh forest ones, you can cook with them. White mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms and many others are very tasty in an omelet.

I cook with champignons because it's not the season. You can add some fresh vegetables and herbs as a side dish, there will be more vitamins. By the way, this omelet makes a wonderful light dinner. No carbs and very little fat from the butter.

You will need for 1 serving:

  • mushrooms - 100 grams,
  • eggs 2-3 pieces,
  • milk - 50-70 grams,
  • hard cheese - 50 grams,
  • vegetable oil,
  • herbs and vegetables as desired,
  • salt to taste.


For an omelet with mushrooms you will need to do a little preparation. Fresh champignons must first be fried. This will take about 5-8 minutes, especially if you cut them into thin slices. Simply brown them in a frying pan over high heat.

For the omelette, reduce the heat on the stove to medium or slightly less. It shouldn't be overcooked.

Beat the eggs and milk a little with a fork or whisk until light, so that everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth. Add salt. Pour the eggs into a frying pan with oil and fry until the edges are set. When the center is still a little liquid, add the mushrooms. Distribute them evenly. In just a couple of minutes the middle will also set, which means you can fold the omelette in half. Carefully pry up the edge with a breaker and fold it in half so that the mushrooms are inside.

Now cover the omelette with a lid and cook for another 2 minutes on one side, and 2 minutes on the other.

Ready. A delicious, aromatic omelet with mushrooms can be served! Bon appetit!

Omelet with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

This kind of omelette can easily be called a pizza omelette. Only instead of dough there will be an egg mixture. But in some cases it is even better, and it cooks very quickly. This version of omelettes is my favorite, as is my family’s. For it we use different sausages or even ham that we can find at home. It turns out delicious with both boiled doctor’s sausage and smoked sausage. You only need a few tomatoes because they give off juice when they are fried. And the cheese complements everything great. Such a hearty breakfast will keep you full for a long time, believe me.

You will need for 1 serving:

  • eggs - 2-3 pieces,
  • sausage - 50 grams,
  • cheese - 50 grams,
  • milk - 50 ml,
  • tomato - 1 small or half a large one,
  • salt to taste.


It is prepared just like any other omelet. Eggs are mixed with milk. add some salt and beat just a little. Until the first foam, so that it is more fluffy.

Heat the frying pan over medium heat until the omelette is well cooked inside. Pour the eggs over it and cook until the edges are cooked.

At this time, cut the tomato and sausage into cubes or slices. You can make the pieces any size you like. If you want to leave the sausage in rings, cut them thinly. You will need grated cheese.

Place the filling in even layers into an almost finished omelette. Tomatoes, sausage, and cheese on top. Then we cover our omelette with a lid and cook for a couple more minutes until it is completely baked and the cheese has melted a little.

You can, of course, fold it in half, but I like this pizza-shaped omelette, as does my daughter.

Eat the finished omelette before it gets cold!

Lush omelette in a frying pan - detailed video recipe

Many people are most interested in the secret of how to cook a fluffy omelette in a frying pan rather than in the oven. Everyone’s favorite kindergarten omelet is still baked in the oven. But what if we cook it in a frying pan, and we really want a fluffy, tall and tender omelette.

What to cook for breakfast

10 minutes

150 kcal

5/5 (1)

A cheese omelet is a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day. Even in cloudy weather you will have your own sun in your plate. In addition, it is also useful. Eggs contain calcium and vitamin D, which helps it be absorbed.

The B vitamin group is responsible for the nervous system. So it turns out that after having breakfast with an omelette, you are ready to calmly dive into the bustle of the city on the way to work. You don't need super culinary skills to make it.

And the cooking time does not take more than 10-15 minutes. The most delicious for me is a French omelette with cheese. It perfectly combines the lightness of eggs and the chewiness of cheese. And if you have a couple of free minutes, then it can be prepared with various additions. Everything that can be found in the refrigerator will go here. So let's get started.

Omelet with cheese

Kitchen tools: bowl, whisk, grater, fork, frying pan.

List of ingredients

Step-by-step preparation

Simple omelette

We all know that food should not only be tasty, but also beautiful. Therefore, I recommend standing at the stove for a couple of minutes and doing it a little differently.

Omelet roll with cheese

  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan. There is no need to bring it to the point where it starts to smoke and burn.
  2. Beat the eggs and grate the cheese on a fine grater. It will be even tastier if you make it with sour cream.
  3. Pour the eggs into the frying pan. We take a fork and begin to move it in a circular motion along the bottom. This will speed up the cooking process and prevent the omelette from sticking to the pan.
  4. When the edges set and become dense, add cheese and wrap the edges.
  5. Then you can fold the omelet into an envelope or roll it into a roll.
  6. Cook for another half a minute and transfer to a plate.

Also try making one like this.
During the preparation of the omelette, the coffee usually has time to brew. Now you can fully enjoy a delicious breakfast and give yourself positive emotions for the whole day.

Cooking options

Omelette with ham and cheese in a frying pan

  1. Cut a piece of ham into strips.
  2. Heat a frying pan with butter and vegetable or olive oil.
  3. Reduce heat and place ham in the pan.
  4. Beat eggs with salt.
  5. Take a piece of cheese and grate it on the fine side of a grater.
  6. Mix cheese with eggs and pour this mixture over ham.
  7. Cover with a lid and cook for about 5 minutes. To speed up the process, after a couple of minutes you can turn the omelette over to the other side using a spatula.

Not only ham is suitable for omelettes. It can be made with sausage or sausages.

Omelet with mushrooms and cheese

  1. We will need two champignons, which we peel and cut into strips.
  2. Lightly fry them in a frying pan with a mixture of vegetable and butter.
  3. Beat eggs with salt and grated cheese.
  4. Pour the egg and cheese mixture over the mushrooms.
  5. Close the lid and go about your business for 4-5 minutes. The finished omelette should not be “alive”.

What to cook for breakfast

20 minutes

250 kcal

5/5 (1)

Very aromatic and nutritious scrambled eggs with cheese will not leave any member of your family indifferent. How can you prepare it even easier, faster and tastier? Today I will present to you some excellent step-by-step recipes for this amazing product, the authorship of which belongs to my mother, who knows how to cook easily and with “spark”!

Join us, let's enjoy the process of creating culinary masterpieces from simple ingredients available to everyone!

Recipe for scrambled eggs with cheese in a frying pan


  • First things first, choose frying pan, preferably with a non-stick coating.
  • Undoubtedly, it is necessary to prepare a sharpened knife and wooden or plastic board for cutting products.
  • You will also need a small bowl for the eggs.
  • I highly recommend using wooden flat spatula for manipulation of the finished product.

Let's prepare the products

Frying eggs

Final stage

Video recipe for making cheesy scrambled eggs

The video below will introduce you in detail to the sequence of preparing cheesy scrambled eggs according to the recipe described above.

Recipe for scrambled eggs with ham and cheese

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: from 2 to 5.


  • Roomy dishes for preparing the egg base.
  • You will also need a regular fork, however, a whisk will make the whisking process easier.
  • Nothing will work without a sharp long knife and a small wooden one boards.
  • You also need to stock up grater with fine teeth.
  • In addition, you will definitely need pan with non-stick coating.
  • Wooden flat spatula will help when frying scrambled eggs.

We will need these ingredients

Ingredients quantity
egg 3 pcs.
salt pinch
baking powder 3 g
cream 10% fat 100 ml
Wheat flour 45-50 g
tomato 75-85 g
freshly ground black pepper on the tip of a knife
hard cheese 70-80 g
ham 100 g
vegetable oil 15-20 ml

Step-by-step cooking of scrambled eggs

Let's prepare the egg base

Let's prepare the rest of the products

  1. To begin, cut the tomato into small cubes; if desired, you can also get rid of the tomato peel.
  2. Then grate the cheese using a fine-tooth grater.
  3. Finally, cut the ham into pieces of any shape: squares, rectangles, strips, and so on.

Frying eggs

Final stage

Video recipe for scrambled eggs with ham and cheese

After reviewing the video below, you will see a step-by-step process for preparing quick scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Recipe for making scrambled eggs with sausage and cheese in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: maximum 40 minutes (your direct participation is about 10 minutes).
  • Number of servings: from 2 to 5.


  • Multicooker absolutely any manufacturer.
  • As always, spicy is very important knife and wooden board.
  • Grater with large teeth you will need to grind cheese.
  • Mixer It is useful for high-quality mixing of the egg mixture, but you can get by with a whisk.

We will need these ingredients

Step-by-step cooking of scrambled eggs

Let's prepare the ingredients

  1. Cut the sausage or frankfurters into small pieces.
  2. Then grate the cheese using a large-tooth grater.
  3. Then remove the core from the tomatoes and cut them into thin half rings.

Let's prepare the egg base

  1. Place the eggs in the mixer bowl and beat them well.
  2. Then pour in the milk, add mayonnaise and mix everything again.
  3. After this, salt and pepper the egg mixture and add the chopped cheese.
  4. Turn on the mixer and bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.

Cooking scrambled eggs

  1. First of all, put butter in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Turn on the “Baking” program and melt it.
  3. After this, lay out the chopped sausage and fry it with the lid of the device open for five minutes.
  4. Then pour the tomatoes there and carefully pour the egg mixture on top of them.
  5. Close the lid of the multicooker and bake the product for half an hour.

Final stage

  1. Transfer the finished dish while hot to a plate and divide into portions.
  2. The scrambled eggs are ready, you can safely serve them on the table.

Video of cooking scrambled eggs with sausage and cheese in a slow cooker

Watch the video below and see how simply and quickly the inimitably aromatic and tasty dish is prepared, the preparation of which has just been described.

  • If you have never made your family happy, be sure to try making this delicious product. A fragrant, original breakfast dish will be a great start to the working day.
  • I recommend that bachelors take note of the recipes. By spending a maximum of three minutes of free time, you will get a hearty and tasty breakfast.
  • It’s not for nothing that the French prefer a poached egg for breakfast; this dish is not only quite filling, but also does not harm the body.
  • Try also the amazingly tender and appetizing eggs in a bag, which are distinguished by their attractive appearance and wonderful taste.

That's all! If you still have questions regarding the process of making scrambled eggs with cheese, ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer you. Maybe you have your own special recipe for this dish? Share it! Bon appetit, always cook with pleasure!

To quickly prepare a delicious breakfast or light dinner, all you need to do is find a couple of eggs, bell peppers and cheese in the refrigerator. Scrambled eggs with cheese is a lifesaver that will help feed not only hungry household members, but also friends who unexpectedly stop by for a cup of tea.

The versatility of this dish also lies in the fact that you can add not only sweet peppers to it; onions and sweet tomatoes are also perfect here.

In addition, scrambled eggs are an ideal, healthy and nutritious dish that can be prepared in a matter of minutes and will replenish your body with the necessary energy for a long time.

Features of frying fried eggs from around the world

There are a large number of recipes for scrambled eggs, and if you crave change and variety in your daily menu, then you will be interested to know what national cooking features the scrambled eggs of other countries have.


Shakshuka takes its roots in North Africa, but Israeli cuisine has adopted it as native and positions this dish as an integral part of the national flavor.

An interesting fact is that according to the country's traditions, scrambled eggs are served exclusively for breakfast and lunch. But no matter how many variations of cooking shakshuka has, the principle is the same - eggs are fried in a sauce of tomatoes, hot peppers, onions and seasonings.


This traditional French dish, “poached eggs,” gets the “poached” part of its name from the simmering method of cooking, in which food is heated in a hot liquid at a temperature below the boiling point. During the cooking process, a soft, creamy yolk is obtained, as if enveloped in coagulated white. This type of egg is also called “boiled in a bag”.

Poached eggs are the basis for preparing eggs Benedict, and some chefs even add this unusual dish to soups, broths and various salads.


Italian pride - an omelette frittata filled with cheese, vegetables, sausage or meat is fried on the stove and then finished in the oven. In different provinces this dish has its own differences and additions. Thus, pasta is added to the Neapolitan frittata, and peasants prefer to saturate the egg dish with leeks and Parmesan cheese.

The difference between a frittata and our usual scrambled eggs is that they prefer not to add foods and vegetables with a lot of liquid to the omelette. For example, before use, tomatoes are first cut, cleared of seeds and dried naturally for half an hour.


Another popular dish of Italian cuisine, which is prepared from eggs and is considered quite unusual and labor-intensive.

First, according to the recipe, the egg white, whipped until foamy, is baked in the oven and only after that the yolk is added to it and brought to readiness. Italians can't imagine anything tastier for breakfast than orsini with cheese and vegetables.

Norwegian omelette

What would Scandinavians eat for breakfast if their national dishes did not include such a popular omelet with salted fish?! And all this egg-fish splendor is complemented by fried onions.

Dutch fried eggs

This scrambled egg is unlikely to suit those who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, but it will definitely appeal to the male half. The fried ham, along with onions and potato slices, is sprinkled with grated cheese, herbs and at the very end is filled with a mixture of beaten eggs. The dish turns out to be quite high in calories and satisfying.

Video recipe for making simple cheesy scrambled eggs with bell peppers

As you can see, there are a large number of options for preparing fried eggs and you can prepare this dish in a new way every time. I offer my absolutely simple recipe for an egg breakfast, which does not require great culinary skills from the cook and does not take much time to prepare.

Secrets of making delicious scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs are perhaps one of the easiest dishes to prepare. But often it is precisely these dishes that turn out ideal only if certain conditions are met.

Fresh food are the key to the success of any recipe

This is especially true for scrambled eggs, because high-quality eggs will make the final dish not only tasty, but also beautiful.

You will learn how to correctly determine the freshness of eggs on the pages of “Your Cook”.

Habit break eggs into a bowl

This will help avoid low-quality product getting directly into the pan and keep the yolk intact when necessary. A beautiful, whole yolk, for example, is the hallmark of a fried egg.

Reliable frying pan

It is a significant factor that can play an important role in your culinary efforts.

Nobody says that you need to drop everything and run to the store for new kitchen utensils especially for frying eggs, but you definitely shouldn’t use an old frying pan with a peeling Teflon coating for these purposes.

Hot scrambled eggs

This is exactly how it should be served and eaten fresh and warm. After all, if it is prepared and heated in advance, it will lose its characteristic features.

To consolidate the knowledge gained in practice, I propose to consider the step-by-step photo recipe for cooking fried eggs in a frying pan in detail.

To prepare scrambled eggs with cheese you will need:


  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs. + -
  • Hard cheese - 30-50 g + -
  • Vegetable oil- 2 tbsp. + -
  • Bulgarian pepper- 50 g + -
  • Salt - to taste + -
  • Pepper - to taste + -
  • Green Tabasco sauce- taste + -
