
Instant marinated watermelon. Recipes for canning watermelons in jars for the winter, useful tips Pickled watermelons recipe for 1 liter of water

Good day, dear readers! Have you tried saving watermelon for the winter or until the New Year? Do you want to make delicious and unusual preparations? If not, then join us.

Watermelon stands apart from other summer products. This third-party position of his can be easily explained. Appearance on the market means one thing - summer is over. The desire to preserve the bright taste and extend the sunny period results in kitchen masterpieces related to watermelon, an attempt to preserve a piece of the past summer.

Previously, watermelons were classified as ordinary pickles, which were included in the assortment of vegetable stores for a long time in winter. The products were salted in large barrels and eaten no worse than pickled tomatoes and cucumbers. The proposed recipe does not require great culinary skills, and you will get a good snack for cold weather.

In order to prepare watermelon, you will need the entire familiar assortment of herbs and leaves, such as currants, cherry, dill, horseradish, and garlic. Also, add some peppercorns and bay leaves.

Coat the entire inside surface of the jar with honey. As usual, place all the seasonings along with pieces of watermelon into sterilized jars, pour boiling liquid twice and leave for 5 minutes. It is necessary to add a tablespoon of salt to the last boiling water, take twice as much sugar, and a quarter of a glass of vinegar.

How to marinate, recipe two

Prepare a large container, cut 5 kg of washed watermelon into slices and add herbs to your liking. Boil 4 liters of water, add 120 g of salt and 260 g of sugar, stir them. Add 250 ml of vinegar and pour the marinade over the watermelons.

All products must be in liquid. The time it takes to get the product ready to eat depends on the size of the pieces. Half a day is enough for little ones.

It will take two days for the halves. Products should be marinated in a dark place under a lid.

How to freeze

Once frozen, transfer to airtight bags. You have provided yourself with natural frozen vitamins for the year.

Salted watermelon in a jar

Take a closer look at this watermelon pickling recipe. No vinegar or other acidic preservatives are used during preparation. Place the watermelon in a three-liter sterile jar, which you first cut into small pieces.

Add garlic, dill, currant and cherry leaves in the required quantity, at your discretion. Mix 20 g of salt and 60 g of sugar in a liter of water, boil and cool.

When it reaches room temperature, add liquid. Cover the jar with a cloth and place in a dark, warm place for 2 days.

Prepare the pan for sterilization. Without draining the brine, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Roll up, turn over and cool.

Salted in a barrel

If you have the opportunity to salt watermelon in barrels, this recipe will undoubtedly please you. Overripe watermelons are not suitable for pickling.

Choose a small diameter, undamaged and thin-barked variety. Place the watermelons in the barrel whole, pierce them first to speed up the process.

Pour cold water with additives into 10 liters of water in the following proportion: half a kilogram of salt and a kilogram of sugar. Cover with a lid of a smaller diameter, put pressure on it and leave to ferment for two days at room temperature.

Move to a cool room, usually a basement, for three weeks. When storing, place a gauze cloth on top of the brine. Periodically check the safety of the product, and rinse the fabric from mold in cold water. Until mid-January, salted watermelons will be an excellent addition to your menu.

Dried watermelon

Despite the fact that watermelon consists almost entirely of water, the dried fruit is very tasty and retains all its beneficial qualities as a fresh product. Peel the product, cut into pieces about 5 cm in size, remove the seeds. Place in the dryer.

The process lasts up to a day at a temperature of 55 degrees. It is allowed to periodically turn off the electrical appliance to cool it to room temperature and swap pieces.

Today I want to offer an easy way to pickle watermelon in less than a day. If fresh vegetables are a little boring and you want to eat something unusual, then you will definitely like the dish prepared according to this simple recipe. Instant marinated watermelon turns out sweet and salty, with a slight sourness. This recipe is especially helpful when the purchased watermelon turns out to be not sweet or not ripe enough. This watermelon can be stored for about 3-5 days in the refrigerator. Pickled watermelon is very tasty on the second day. I didn’t store it longer, since we usually eat it on the first day. Spices can be added at your discretion and taste.


To prepare instant marinated watermelon you will need:
watermelon - 2 kg;
garlic - 2-3 cloves;
dill - a couple of sprigs (optional).
For the marinade:
water - 1 liter;
sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
cloves - 2 buds;
bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.;
black allspice - 5 pcs.;
vinegar 9% - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps

In a separate pan, boil water, add clove buds, bay leaves, black peppercorns, black allspice, sugar and salt. Bring to a boil and cook the marinade over medium heat until the sugar and salt crystals are completely dissolved, then pour in the vinegar, let it boil and remove from heat.

Pour the hot marinade over the watermelon pieces. Cover with a plate and place a small weight (for example, a jar of water). When the marinade in the watermelon has cooled completely, remove the weight, cover the container with a lid and place in the refrigerator overnight. After 6-10 hours, the sweet-salty, slightly sour pickled watermelon will be completely ready. It does not taste like barrel watermelons, since the preparation is completely different. This is how you can pickle watermelon quickly and easily. Very tasty, try it!

Few housewives prepare watermelons in jars for the winter. The thing is that such a delicacy cannot be called traditional; much more often they stock up on jam from fruits and berries, and pickles from vegetables. Some housewives are afraid to take risks and make winter preparations that have been proven over the years. However, in the cold season, you can also enjoy watermelon and surprise your guests. So, what can be made from this berry?

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    Watermelons in sweet and sour sauce

    This is a very simple recipe, but no less delicious. The watermelon needs to be washed, cut into slices (thickness - 2 cm), it is advisable to remove the grains. Place tightly in a three-liter jar and fill with marinade from the following ingredients (based on a 3-liter jar):

    • sugar – 100 grams (if the berry is sweet, otherwise you can increase the amount of sugar to 150 grams);
    • salt – 50 grams;
    • 9 percent vinegar essence - 100 milliliters.

    Sterilization time – 15 minutes. Then the jars must be tightly sealed, left under a blanket for about a day, and then put in a dark place.

    Sweet and sour watermelons can be prepared in another way. Cut the watermelons into pieces and remove the skin. It is advisable to remove the seeds. Place in three-liter jars, topped with cherry and currant leaves and cloves of garlic. Pour boiling water over it 2 times, let it sit for 5 minutes, and fill it up to the top with brine a third time (based on 2 liters of water):

    • salt – 50 grams;
    • sugar – 4 tablespoons;
    • citric acid – 1 level teaspoon.

    Close the jar immediately, preferably place the lid down and cover with a blanket for a day.

    Pickled watermelons

    Cut firm and ripe watermelons into slices of the desired size and place in jars. Add horseradish root, bitter and Jamaican (allspice), cloves, bay and cinnamon. Pour marinade (per 1 liter of water), which can be made from the following ingredients:

    • salt – 1 tablespoon;
    • sugar – 2 tablespoons;
    • vinegar essence - 2 teaspoons.

    Before cooking, jars must be sterilized, and the procedure time depends on their capacity. Cans with a volume of 0.5 liters – 10-13 minutes, cans with a volume of 1 liter – 15-18 minutes.

    There is another good recipe for quick preparation of pickled watermelons.

    Cut the watermelon into pieces and place in a pan, preferably denser. Sprinkle with hot pepper and chopped garlic. Pour hot marinade (but not boiling water!). Once cooled, place in the refrigerator. The marinade is prepared quickly and simply: bring one liter of water to a boil, then add the following ingredients:

    • salt – 1 tablespoon;
    • sugar – 4 tablespoons;
    • bay leaf – 2 leaves;
    • Jamaican pepper (allspice) – 3 peas;
    • cloves – 5 peas;
    • cinnamon - half a stick;
    • vinegar essence – 1 teaspoon.

    The watermelon turns out tender, but at the same time sharp and piquant, it can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

    Such watermelons for the winter are a great find for everyday and holiday tables. Some people like them as an independent delicacy, others use them as pickles for main courses or as an original appetizer.

    Traditional salted watermelons

    They taste best in a tub. You need to select fruits that are strong, thin-barked, with juicy pulp, of medium size, weighing up to about 2 kilograms. After the watermelons are washed and sorted (you should carefully examine them and make sure that there is no damage), you must pierce them in 9-13 places with a needle (preferably a wooden one). This is necessary so that the fermentation process proceeds faster. Place the watermelons in a tub, close it tightly and carefully pour the salt solution into the tongue and groove hole. It is prepared as follows: 650 grams of salt per 10 liters of water.

    Watermelons are aged for up to 4 days in a container at a temperature of +20 degrees, and then in a cool place with a temperature range from +1 to +10 degrees. But before a sudden change in temperature, you need to top up the watermelons with brine and close the tongue hole tightly with a wooden stopper. This nuance is very important, because this way the fruits will be whole and even when finished, and most importantly, with excellent taste. The fermentation process lasts up to 20 days, after which the spicy and tasty dish is completely ready for consumption.

    Soaked watermelons

    A tub is also needed for preparation. Before placing the fruits in it, the tub needs to be soaked and then steamed: put currant leaves, mint sprigs, dill into it, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5 hours. Meanwhile, select the watermelons. Large ones need to be cut, but small ones can be used whole. Before laying the watermelons, place sprigs or stems of dill, blackcurrant and cherry leaves, and celery root on the bottom so that they impart their rich aroma to the fruit. It is advisable to lay the watermelons more densely on the greens. Layer everything with garlic cloves, chopped horseradish root and onion. Pour in brine prepared in the following proportions: for one bucket of water - 2 cups of salt and 2 cups of sugar. Place the tub in a dark, cool place (the optimal storage temperature is no higher than 5 degrees) and leave it there for about 30 days, after which the soaked watermelons will be ready for the winter.

    An indicator of the correct cooking technology can be the correct shape, without dents or internal voids. The dense pink pulp should be well saturated with brine, and it, in turn, should be transparent. Some cloudiness is allowed, but a high-quality brine must be free of mold and foreign odors.

    Watermelon rind jam

    An important stage of preparation is thoroughly cleaning the crust from the top layer. It is too rough, and only their green pulp is suitable for jam. Then cut into thin pieces (can be in the form of sticks or cubes), boil in water for about 10 minutes (no need to soak in boiling water). After this, fold back to drain the liquid and cook the crusts until transparent, immersing them in a syrup consisting of the following ingredients (calculated for 1 kilogram of crusts):

    • sugar – 1.5 kilograms;
    • water – 2 glasses;
    • citric acid – 2 grams.

    In order for the jam to acquire a beautiful emerald hue and look even more unusual, the acid should not be added immediately, but 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

    Dried watermelon chips

    Watermelon slices cooked in the dryer are one of the most unusual, but at the same time extremely tasty recipes. These chips are no less tasty than those made from apples, melons, pears or plums. In addition, dried watermelon is a real storehouse of vitamins C, B1, B2, B9. Its pulp contains pectin components, calcium, magnesium, iron, folic acid, fiber, which improves the digestive process, as well as lycopene, an antioxidant with proven beneficial properties in the prevention of cancer.

    For drying, you need to select beautiful and juicy fruits, wash them thoroughly, cut them into two parts, trim the rind and remove the seeds. Place the slices (about 5 millimeters thick) on a drying rack. After a process that lasts approximately 17 hours, you will get beautiful chips. The fruit dries out approximately 10 times, during which time it manages to lose almost all its moisture. In this case, the result can be varied: watermelon pieces can be dried to a state of flexibility, retaining some moisture - you get tasty and aromatic slices, or they can become completely dry and brittle, like real chips. In this form, the pieces will not stick to each other. You can store chips for up to 1 year, best in a glass jar or plastic container.

    It is important to remember that the main rule for all watermelon preparations for the winter is that the fruits for preparation must be whole and undamaged.

Would you like to know how to pickle watermelons for the winter with garlic? When you don’t want to eat a greenish and not sweet fruit, it’s time to remember a good option for preparing it “for later.” It is these kaunas that are not eaten immediately that are suitable for pickling. But then, with the first cold weather, they will go so wonderfully with potatoes and a small glass on the table. Wow!

Classic recipe

Ingredients for one three-liter jar:

  • Unripe watermelon of any variety - approximately 2-2.5 kg.
  • Water - up to 1.5 l.
  • Various spices (our usual black peppercorns - 8 pcs., dried bay leaves - 3-4 pcs., garlic - 4 cloves, green celery sprig - optional).
  • Sea salt or rock salt - 1 tbsp. with a small slide.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. no slide.
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp.

Procedure for marinating watermelon:

    Prepare jars with lids. They are, as expected, thoroughly washed and sterilized. Clean lids just need to be doused with boiling water.

    Slice the watermelon.

    You need to thoroughly rinse the fruit under running cold water so that the skin shines. The tails are cut off and thrown away. Next, they decide how to pickle watermelons in jars for the winter: with or without peel. If not, then additionally cut off the pulp. The melons are cut into pieces so that they fit freely into the neck of the jar. Filling jars.

    The principle is similar to how to pickle apples in jars. First, spices are sent to the bottom, and then pieces of fruit are poured on top. Shake the jar periodically so that the watermelon slices are better compacted. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the pulp will lose its integrity and turn into mush. Whole pieces of pickled watermelon taste best.

    Filling. Bring the first water to a boil and pour it into the jars in a thin stream to the brim. Let the watermelon stand for about 20-25 minutes and absorb the warmth of the water. Then pour the liquid into the pan and add a little more water to reserve. We put it on fire. While the water is boiling, count the number of cans. It is necessary to add a proportional amount of salt, sugar and citric acid to the marinade. The solution should boil for a couple of minutes, and then it can be distributed among the jars.

Roll up the lids.

Check the tightness of the seal. Turn it upside down and in this position, on the lids, wrap it in a blanket. The slower the cooling, the better for the contents of the preservation. After a couple of days, the jars can be moved to a permanent storage location - in a pantry or cellar.

Alternative pickling: garlic included!

It’s very easy to surprise your guests with a watermelon appetizer in winter. It is enough to serve a dish with pickled pieces that have a light garlic aroma. The impressions of your friends will be unforgettable!

Ingredients for one 3 liter jar:

  • watermelon up to 3 kg;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic (optional);
  • salt 50 g;
  • sugar 80 g;
  • table vinegar 70-80 ml.


The juicy watermelon is thoroughly washed and the peel is cut off. Carefully cut into pieces so as not to mash. Place in a three-liter jar without compacting. Garlic cloves are cut in half to reveal the essential oils and sent to the kavuns.

Pour boiling water over it for a couple of minutes. Drain the water into a container, put it on the fire and wait until it boils. Pour watermelons with pieces of garlic again, leave for 2 minutes and pour the liquid back into the pan. Now you can add salt and sugar and bring to a vigorous boil. When the pan is turned off, vinegar is poured into the marinade. Pour the hot solution into a three-liter jar and seal with a sterilized lid.

Turn the jar upside down and leave it wrapped (with a blanket, outerwear, three layers of towels). After a day, you can open the preservation. Pickled watermelons are stored in a cool place until consumption.

The recipe can be supplemented with various spices at your own discretion.

Canned watermelons are a tasty and healthy preparation for the winter. It is served chilled in combination with various pickled vegetables and fruits, pickles, or as a main appetizer for meat dishes and hot side dishes. The recipe for pickling this large and juicy berry is simple; table vinegar, table salt and citric acid are used as natural preservatives when canning.

Classic recipe for juicy watermelon snack

Fresh watermelons in marinade are a reminder of summer on cold winter days. This appetizer has a refreshing, original taste that goes well with a wide variety of dishes and other preparations on the table.

To prepare canned watermelons according to the classic recipe for one liter jar, the following ingredients are needed:

  • ripe watermelon, medium size - approximately 0.25% of the whole;
  • sugar (1 tbsp) and table salt (1 tsp);
  • table vinegar and fresh garlic (3-4 cloves).

First of all, prepare all the necessary ingredients. The watermelon is washed and cut into small slices, some of which can be eaten fresh, and some can be used for juicy preparation. Cans for sealing are also washed and sterilized in boiling water or under steam along with the lids.

The resulting large parts of the large berry are again cut into approximately equal, small pieces of triangular size (it is in this form that they are best and easiest to pickle).

The thickness of each slice is 2–3 cm, the top seeds are removed, those near the crust can be left, and the sharp tops are slightly trimmed so that the parts fit better into the container.

Place pre-peeled and cloved garlic at the bottom of a clean and sterile glass jar. You can also send a few fresh cherry or currant leaves there if you wish. From above, the entire volume is carefully filled with watermelon pieces, without pressing them too tightly to each other, so that they completely retain their shape.

Pour boiling water over the contents of the container and then let it brew with the lids loosely closed for 20–25 minutes. After this time, the water from the cans is poured back into the pan, brought to a boil again and sugar, salt and vinegar essence are added alternately in the recommended proportions.

The marinade is boiled for another 10–15 minutes over low heat, and then, while hot, it is poured over softened watermelons in jars and the containers are immediately tightly sealed with lids. The workpieces are turned over, covered with a warm cloth and be sure to be allowed to cool to room temperature during the day. After this, the juicy snack for the winter is ready, it can be stored and safely served after 2 weeks.

Fresh pulp marinated with allspice

Another way to pickle fresh berries is to roll up the pulp along with allspice and pour the classic brine over it all. The end result is a very juicy, sweet and sour snack with a unique and refreshing taste.

To prepare this preservation, take the following ingredients:

  • watermelon – 3-4 large slices;
  • salt, sugar and vinegar (9%);
  • allspice and aromatic herbs if desired (mint, cilantro or parsley).

Watermelons for this recipe should be slightly unripe, with dense and at the same time juicy pulp. Selected berries are thoroughly washed with water, then cut into several small pieces. Now remove the seeds and carefully trim the green crusts with a sharp knife, removing as thin a layer as possible.

Before sealing, the jars are sterilized and allowed to dry. At the same time, place a pan with clean water on the stove and prepare the brine. Salt, sugar and just a little vinegar are added to the liquid.

Bring everything to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes, then add other herbs and spices, such as ground red pepper or fresh, crushed mint leaves or celery stalks.

Peeled and proportionally cut pieces of watermelon are carefully laid out in prepared glass containers, allspice peas are added there and poured with boiling marinade.

Salted watermelon in jars for the winter - recipe with herbs

Properly pickled watermelon retains all its beneficial properties, and crispy and juicy slices of this berry will cheer you up on cold winter evenings. This recipe without sterilization makes the taste of the roll more rich, with piquant and aromatic notes due to the use of hot pepper and popular spices.

To prepare the preparation for the winter, use the following ingredients:

  • fresh watermelon (2–3 kg);
  • garlic – large 7–10 cloves;
  • bitter cayenne pepper - 1-2 pods;
  • horseradish root, parsley and dill;
  • salt, ground pepper, cinnamon and table vinegar.

Pour water into a large saucepan and add salt, sugar and a little wine or table vinegar. While the liquid is infused, they prepare the watermelon. The large fruit is cut into slices, then into even smaller pieces of a rectangular or triangular shape and the peel is cut off with a sharp knife, leaving only the juicy pulp.

Horseradish root, fresh parsley and dill are washed with water, crushed and all the herbs are mixed together. Finely chopped garlic is added to them. Place watermelon slices in a deep container along with herbs and garlic, alternating layers. Next, everything is poured with boiled brine, which was infused in another pan for 30–40 minutes. You can sprinkle small pieces of hot pepper on top to give the pickling a more piquant taste.

There is no need to put it under pressure, as the pulp of the berry may be damaged and produce too much juice. The watermelon is left in this spiced brine for several days, covering the pan with cling film or a light plastic lid. Every 3-4 hours, gently stir the entire contents with a wooden spoon.

After 2-3 days of infusion, the pickling is transferred to clean and sterile three-liter jars; a few peas of allspice and dried cloves can be added to each of them, then the lids are sealed and the resulting preparations are sent for storage.

Watermelons in honey marinade - a bright and aromatic preparation

Pouring with honey makes the taste of the canned berries tender, juicy and unusual. It can be served both as a dessert and in combination with fried meat and other hot dishes.

The following types of products are used to prepare pickled watermelon:

  • medium-sized fresh green berries (2–3 kg);
  • natural honey – 3–4 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices for marinade - salt, sugar, vinegar and other seasonings to taste.

It is better to take large berries for preparing this roll that are slightly unripe, with dense pulp and a small amount of seeds. It is not necessary to cut off the peel, but if you are using small jars, you can remove the green layer to save space.

Before cutting the watermelon, it must be rinsed in cold water. Then the resulting large slices are again cut into several parts in the shape of triangles or rectangles, the main thing is that they are approximately equal in size. If necessary, cut off the tops so that the slices fit better into the jar.

Containers for preservation are pre-washed in a solution with soda and treated with steam. The chopped slices are placed tightly in prepared jars, so that there are as few voids as possible inside the container. The spread out pieces are poured with hot boiled water and left for 10–15 minutes.

Then the water is drained and put back on the fire, adding the necessary spices in the form of salt, sugar and vinegar. Boil the marinade for another 10–15 minutes, stirring it occasionally.

At the very end, add 1 tablespoon of fresh vinegar and the recommended amount of natural honey. Mix everything thoroughly again and simmer over low heat for no more than 5–7 minutes.

While hot, the marinade is poured into jars with watermelon slices, the lids are hermetically sealed, the preparations are wrapped in a warm cloth and allowed to cool upside down, after which they are stored until winter.

Watermelon pulp jam - a delicious and healthy dessert

Watermelons can be salted or pickled for the winter, but do not forget about the possibility of canning tasty and healthy jam from watermelon pulp, which may remain after preparing other canned preparations. It turns out to be very delicate in taste and moderately sweet.

To quickly prepare watermelon jam according to this recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients, namely juicy watermelon pulp, granulated sugar and citric acid.

Instead of the latter, you can use the juice of natural lemon or other fresh citrus fruits, such as orange or grapefruit.

In addition, you can combine watermelon pulp with other berries, resulting in an even more juicy and tasty preparation.

The washed watermelon is cut into slices, then the seeds and rind are removed, and the pulp is cut into thin, medium-sized slices or cubes. In a deep bowl, mix the berry pieces with sugar and leave to infuse for several hours until a sufficient amount of juice appears.

Then transfer the pulp into a saucepan and place it on the stove, cook for 20–25 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, skim off foam if it appears. In the middle of cooking, add fresh lemon, orange or grapefruit juice, you can also add some fresh cranberries.

Sugar cookies with molasses and spices Another old recipe