
Delicious soft dough for manti. How to prepare delicious dough for manti? Recipe for classic, egg-free, mineral water-based, milk-based manti dough with photo

Manti is the most popular dish among the peoples of Central Asia, Turkey and Pakistan; they are very similar in composition to Slavic dumplings. It was the ancient Chinese peoples who began to prepare manti, and gradually their recipe spread throughout Central Asia and beyond. The most basic difference between manti and dumplings is steaming. And the classic recipe for manti dough includes the same ingredients as for dumplings - flour, egg, water and salt.

Manti are prepared on a special cascan rack, which is placed at the bottom of the steamer. Such dishes are usually called mantyshnitsa (mantyshnitsa).
If we talk about the filling, then there are many similarities with dumplings. True, a significant difference is that the meat for manti is chopped with a hatchet or a sharp knife, and for dumplings it is passed through a meat grinder. To enjoy the true taste of manti, it is customary to eat them with your hands.

For a tasty dough you need a glass of water, an egg, a little salt and sifted wheat flour. Many will say that the most important thing is the filling, but the taste of the entire dish depends on how the dough is made and whether it will hold meat juice. Kneading the dough will require a strong hand, so not every woman will be able to produce a high-quality knead. Men are simply irreplaceable in this matter.

Step-by-step recipe for making manti dough

Have to take:

  • - egg;
  • - water 0.5 cups;
  • - premium flour 2 cups;
  • - salt 0.5 teaspoon.

1. First, in a bowl, combine water with egg and salt, beat with a fork. When the salt dissolves, stop whisking.
2. Separately sift the flour, make a hole in the resulting flour mound and slowly pour in the water-egg mixture.
3. Start stirring from the center of the slide in a circular motion. We continue stirring until it is still possible to do so.
4. Place the resulting dough on a dry, clean surface sprinkled with flour and begin to knead thoroughly. You need to add as much flour as needed.

Knead for at least 15 minutes. The manti dough must be thoroughly kneaded and kneaded. To do this, flatten the dough, fold it in half and knead each part of the cake. Then we roll it up again and knead it. Thus, we do this with the dough several times. As a result, the dough should be tough and elastic.

5. Form into a bun and cover with a clean towel or cling film. The dough should rest for at least 40 minutes. During this time, gluten will be released from the flour, which will make the dough elastic. Now the dough is ready for making manti.

How to prepare the dough so that it is softer? You need to use the recipe for making choux pastry for manti.

The choux pastry will not tear when molded and is practically not deformed during cooking. Here's what you need to take to prepare it:

  • - boiling water 0.5 l;
  • - vegetable oil 100 ml;
  • - wheat flour 900 g;
  • - salt 1 teaspoon.
  • The choux pastry is prepared as follows:

Pour boiling water into a bowl, dissolve salt and vegetable oil there. Gradually add the sifted flour and stir immediately. The dough will form lumps at first, but will quickly spread out. When you notice that the dough has become homogeneous, you can start kneading it with your hands. Do not skimp on flour, add until the dough becomes stiff. Cover the kneaded dough and leave to rest for at least 30 minutes. After this you can sculpt manti.

Tip: you can replace the water with hot milk, then you will get a softer but more elastic dough.

Classic manti is made with meat filling, but instead of meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and mushrooms will do. The original meat filling was beef, but different peoples use horse meat, camel meat, and lamb for manti. Traditionally, pumpkin, onions and wild garlic are added to the minced meat. For juiciness and fat content, oriental cooks advise adding a little udder, fat tail fat or pieces of lard to the minced meat. Since manti is cooked for quite a long time (about 40 minutes), during this time the fat melts, remains inside the dough and impregnates it, giving it a specific taste.

Russian chefs prepare manti from minced pork, using cabbage, carrots and other vegetables instead of pumpkin.

Place 3-4 finished manti in deep bowls per serving and fill with strong meat broth, which is best cooked separately. You should drink the broth and eat the manti with your hands, dipping it in the sauce.

Manti is served with classic soy sauce. Any hot sauce with vinegar is great. You can use mustard, vinegar, sour cream, ketchup. Vegetable salads are served as an additional dish with manti. The traditional salad is chopped tomatoes, bell peppers and garlic, seasoned with vegetable oil.

Now let’s watch a video recipe for making manti dough:

Meat can be taken of any variety and in any proportions.

It is very important that the meat for preparing manti is as fresh as possible.

The fresher the meat you can find, the more tasty, juicy and aromatic the manti made from it will be.

If the meat you choose is not fatty enough, be sure to add a little fat tail fat or just a piece of butter.

To prepare minced meat, it is best to chop the meat with a sharp knife so that you get pieces with a diameter of 0.5 cm, no more.

The meat can be minced through a meat grinder, but with a large grill.

Water is added to the minced meat for juiciness. In this case, if you bite into the finished manta, juice will flow out of it.

Leave the dough so that the gluten is completely dissolved.

Let's put it in a bag so that it doesn't air out.

How to cook delicious and juicy manti - step by step recipe

I want to not only eat manti, but also get a juicy and tasty product so that they are tasty even without sour cream. That’s why we don’t grind beef now, but chop or chop it. You can still add a little water to the beef, but you can deviate from the recipe on this. Here we replace the water with onion juice and vegetable oil.


  • 700 grams of beef
  • 5 onions
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • Dough for manti

Finely chop the beef.

Chop the onions.

Start by mashing the onion with salt to get juice.

Add the rest of the ingredients, including vegetable oil, to this mixture and mix.

Roll out the layer and cut into squares.

Spread the meat mixture over them.

We form manti.

Place them in a double boiler for 35-40 minutes.

Now pinch the dough between them.

And roll it up into a rosette.

The manta ray turns out to be big and beautiful.

There is also a sculpting option like in the photo.

To do this, we connect the ends as standard.

And then we pinch the edges in the center.

This is how they look raw.

Manti is a very special dish that has only a distant resemblance to dumplings and dumplings. However, manti dough is often used for other similar products.

The ideal dough for manti should be very elastic and quite tight. It needs to be kneaded intensively for at least 20 minutes. Not everyone can cope with this on their own, which is why many believe that manti is a signature dish for men. However, today there are many kitchen assistants for housewives, including a bread maker.

Usually the dough for manti is prepared in water, adding an egg, salt and, of course, flour. This dough is quite tasty and pliable, but some may find it tough. In this case, there is a simple way to make it softer. To do this, water should be replaced with milk. The result will be even better if you boil it first and add it to the flour while hot. This way you will get an excellent choux pastry.

The finished dough is divided into “sausages”, then cut into portions and formed into balls. This ball should be about the size of a walnut. Next, each ball is rolled into flat cakes, approximately 10 cm in diameter. In this case, everyone can choose the thickness to their taste. If the dough is prepared correctly, then manti will turn out great with both thin and thick walls.

There is nothing easier than making dough in a bread machine. This kitchen helper takes on the most difficult jobs and does it efficiently. As a result, you get a homogeneous and pliable dough from which it is easy to make manti.


  • 185 ml water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 450g flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Break an egg into a bread machine container and pour water;
  2. Sift the flour and mix with salt, pour into water;
  3. Place the container in the bread machine, set the kneading program for 1 hour 30 minutes;
  4. Sprinkle the table with flour and place the dough on it;
  5. Divide the dough into 4 sticks, cut the sticks into 8-9 pieces;
  6. Roll each piece into a thin flat cake, add the filling and make manti.

This recipe allows you to prepare delicious and elastic dough in just 10 minutes. It’s easy to make manti out of it, without anything sticking to your hands or the table! Instead of milk, you can take regular boiled water. You don't have to add turmeric, but it gives the dough a nicer color.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 1 tsp turmeric;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, put on the fire and bring to a boil;
  2. Pour 2 cups of flour into a large deep bowl, add turmeric and salt, mix;
  3. Pour the hot milk into the flour and start kneading (first with a spoon, then with your hands);
  4. Add the remaining flour in small portions and adjust the consistency of the dough by eye;
  5. Place the finished dough in cling film and leave for half an hour.

The biggest secret of the correct dough for manti is not even how to prepare it and what products to choose, but how to knead it. The whole process is best seen in the video:

Now you know how to prepare the dough for manti. Bon appetit!

Dough for manti will definitely come in handy for those who prefer homemade food to semi-finished products. It is very easy to prepare, especially if you have a bread machine. For those who strive to achieve perfection in dough preparation, advice from professionals will be useful:
  • If you knead the choux pastry by hand, start the process with a spoon, otherwise you may burn your hands;
  • To achieve ideal elasticity of the dough, it is better to use most of the flour first, and add the rest during the kneading process;
  • Programs for kneading dough in a bread machine may differ depending on its model. It is best to follow the time specified in the instructions;
  • To ensure that the dough sticks well and does not slide on the table, you need to periodically wet your hands in water.

Manti is a dish made from dough and meat, which is very popular in many countries of the Far East and Europe. To prepare it, they use a special pressure cooker, which allows you to create a truly delicious dish. It is important that the dough is rolled out in a sufficiently thin layer, and that the meat is properly cooked and chopped quite finely. Today, every housewife has the opportunity to prepare such a dish for her family.

The word “manty” in the Turkic language sounds like “mantiou”. Interestingly, when translated it means “stuffed head” (“barbarian head”). This dish is very popular in China, Central Asia, and also in eastern Europe. Pakistanis and Turkish residents also love to enjoy this dish, both on weekdays and on holidays.

The Uyghurs (China) were the first to start preparing it. Today, residents of the Uyghur region are considered the most ideal cooks, with excellent skills in preparing manti.

There is an original Chinese legend that tells about the appearance of this dish. Today it is impossible to say for sure whether the facts are true or slightly changed. A great general named Liang Junge was perplexed by the need for sacrifice. He did not want to put his wonderful warriors to death (and this is exactly what the spirits demanded - to sacrifice fifty strong and strong men).

But Liang found a way out of the situation by ordering his culinary specialists to make something like pies with meat filling. Most likely, the spirits could not notice the catch and did not do anything bad. But manta rays have since become incredibly popular all over the world.

Dough for manti: classic recipe

Manti have many similarities with ordinary dumplings, which are prepared by the Slavs. The filling and appearance are very identical. However, these are completely different dishes. The main difference is the method of their preparation. If dumplings can be made in boiling water, then in this case you will need either a double boiler or a special pressure cooker, with which you can get an excellent dish.

The classic recipe involves using lamb. However, each nation fundamentally prefers a certain type of filling. In Kazakhstan, for example, they prefer goat meat. Other peoples use horse meat. One of the ingredients is fat tail fat and camel fat. The traditional Uyghur recipe calls for onions and lamb. Pumpkin pieces are added to the minced meat.

It should be noted that the recipe for the “progenitors” of manti also includes yeast dough (especially in winter), while other peoples use unleavened, yeast-free dough.

Ingredients you will need for classic manti (Uyghur):

  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • Flour – half a kilogram;
  • Beef – 270 g;
  • Lamb – 800 g;
  • Cilantro - to taste;
  • Red and black pepper - to taste;
  • Fat tail fat - half a glass;
  • Salt for minced meat – 20 g;
  • Sunflower oil – 200 g;
  • Water – 100 g;
  • Red onion – 0.5 kg;
  • Black pepper (ground) and parsley - use when serving the dish.

Stages of preparing the dough according to the classic recipe and, in fact, the manti themselves:

Secrets of the perfect dough

Ideally, today the most suitable dough for manti is considered to be unleavened unleavened dough. In the process of preparing it, you need to use a small amount of water (no more than a glass per half kilogram of flour). It is best to use slightly warm water. It is salted to taste and sifted flour is slowly added. As for chicken eggs, in this case one piece is enough; there should be as few of them as possible.

It will be interesting to know that:

  1. To obtain the highest quality dough that is not capable of tearing, experts recommend using two types of flour (first and second);
  2. There should be much more flour than liquid contents;
  3. To prepare the highest quality and most appetizing manti, it is best to leave the filled dough for about 60 minutes (cover with a cloth, preferably damp);
  4. It is important to remember that the ideal flatbread for classic manti is about one centimeter thick;
  5. To prevent the manti from sticking to the grill during cooking, they are first dipped in sunflower oil.

What else is useful to know about the dish?

Uyghur manti are considered classic. However, this name refers to the most common version of this dish, which they like to cook in most Asian countries.

Despite the fact that it is possible to prepare minced meat from any type of meat, lamb is still the most acceptable. Manti is prepared from beef and poultry in the absence of lamb meat. However, the combination of beef, lamb and poultry will only improve the quality of the dish.

Uighurs also often prepare this dish using pumpkin (which is not included in this recipe). It is taken in a 1:1 ratio in relation to meat. The pumpkin must be peeled, washed and chopped. It is mixed with minced meat, seasoned with pepper (red, black) and used as a filling. In some cases, it is possible to add fat tail (lamb) fat.

Vegetarians make manti without meat, exclusively from dough and pumpkin, which in this case is used as a filling. All kinds of seasonings are added to it. And the cooking methods are identical to the classic meat options. In order for the minced meat to turn out perfect, special care must be taken during its preparation and mixing to avoid releasing the juices ahead of time.

In all their external characteristics, manti are similar to dumplings. But at the same time they have some differences. Their sizes are slightly larger. Although they may not differ even in these parameters. The main thing for manti is thin layers through which the meat will be visible after cooking.

But it should not fall out, so it is important to take care in advance that there are no holes in the layers. The edges are carefully pinched so that they do not open during cooking in the pressure cooker. First, the edges are sealed, then they are lowered, giving them a round shape, then each “dumpling” is slightly flattened.

If you have a pressure cooker, there will be no problems. It is enough to grease the grill with oil and place the manti on it. However, it is important to ensure that there are gaps between them and that they do not stick together. In cases where there is no special device, you can use a regular double boiler. Water is poured into it and the manti itself is prepared.

If you follow all the basic rules for making such a dish, it will turn out incredibly tasty and of high quality. It should be said that the classic shape of manti is not mandatory. In different parts of the world, culinary specialists give them various geometric shapes (square, triangular and others).

The next video contains tips on how to cook manti from Stalik Khankishiev.

Manti is a simple and tasty dish that is prepared quickly and does not require much culinary experience. To please yourself and your loved ones with truly delicious manti, you need to choose only high-quality meat and, of course, prepare the dough correctly. In the article you will find useful tips for preparing the base for manti, and we will also look at several step-by-step instructions.

Manti is a simple, tasty and high-calorie dish that came to us from Central Asia. There are a huge variety of them. The usual manti made from pork, beef or lamb, manti made from other meats, such as goat, and even dietary manti made from potatoes. However, the dough is no less important than the filling. For manti it should be rough, tight and elastic.

The simplest base for manti can be quickly prepared from what is in the refrigerator. However, there is a huge variety of ways to prepare such dough - some of them go perfectly with one or another filling, and some are almost universal. No matter which you prefer, these tips will help you create delicious dough:

  • To achieve the best consistency of the dough, it must be kneaded thoroughly. It is best to spend about 20 minutes on this. This is perhaps the most difficult part of making the dough - other than that you just have to mix a few simple ingredients and let the dough sit.
  • For greater elasticity, choose recipes with eggs. One egg is usually enough for three cups of flour.
  • Adding milk will make the dough especially tender.
  • If you are preparing a recipe that uses vegetable oil, it is best to use olive oil rather than sunflower oil. It will add a spicy flavor to the dough, which will highlight the taste of the meat even better.
  • You can add turmeric to any dough. This must be done from the very beginning, mixing the seasoning with dry flour, and only then adding water, otherwise it will not be distributed very evenly throughout the dough. Turmeric adds almost no flavor, but it will give the dough a nice golden hue.
  • Add ketchup to the dough if you want the manti to acquire a reddish tint.
  • After cooking, it is extremely important to let the dough rest - the time may vary, but in general it should take about 15 minutes or more, depending on the ingredients chosen. Thanks to this, your base for the manti will be elastic and you will be able to give them a beautiful shape.
  • For the base of most dough variations, you do not need to use too cold water. Let it sit for a little while so that it is at room temperature - this will be ideal. The exception is the recipe for choux pastry, which requires the use of boiling water.

Recipe for classic dough for manti

This option for manti is used most often. The dough turns out similar to dumplings - it melts in your mouth and perfectly complements the taste of meat and spices. Moreover, this dough can be quickly prepared from the products that you have in the refrigerator. You only need four ingredients:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 chicken egg
  • a pinch of salt

How to make the dough:

  1. Mix salt and flour in a deep plate.
  2. Make a well in the center. Pour water in there. Break the egg.
  3. Mix everything together thoroughly until the mixture is soft, smooth and homogeneous. Do not allow lumps to appear.
  4. At the end, the dough should easily separate from the pan. Take it out and roll it out into a thin layer.
  5. Wrap the dough in cling film and wait for half an hour. Now all that remains is to make the manta rays.

Choux pastry recipe for manti

This is another possible base option for your dish. Choux pastry is very easy to prepare. It is similar to classic dough, only with the addition of butter. As a result, the taste turns out a little different. This dough is well suited for aromatic manti and goes well with any meat filling. This dough is also lean and is perfect for potato filling. This way you can prepare a tasty and low-calorie lean dish. You will need:

  • Two glasses of flour
  • 100 g vegetable oil
  • teaspoon salt
  • 500 ml hot water

Choux pastry made from four ingredients step by step:

  1. Boil the water. Dissolve salt in it, pour out the oil.
  2. Pour half the flour into the water. Start beating the mixture with a mixer or stirring vigorously with a whisk. You need to continue this until the mixture is homogeneous and elastic.
  3. Gradually add all the remaining flour to the dough, stirring constantly. As a result, the dough should be quite stiff and flexible.
  4. Remove the dough from the bowl, wrap it in plastic and leave for half an hour. After this you can sculpt manti. However, the dough is also suitable for other similar dishes - for example, khinkali, dumplings or dumplings.

The same dough can be made with the addition of eggs - they will need to be mixed into the mass after you add the first portion of flour. If you decide to do this option, keep in mind that the mixture must cool slightly before adding the eggs so that the whites do not curdle.

Recipe for manti dough without eggs and butter

The dough can be made simply using flour and water. This dietary option may be slightly inferior in taste to classic and choux pastry, but it is also suitable for manti. To prepare the simplest dough, you will need:

  • three glasses of flour
  • half a glass of water
  • a pinch of salt

How to make dough from three ingredients:

  1. Sift all the available flour into a high plate.
  2. Add salt and water.
  3. Knead the dough until the desired consistency is obtained. The dough needs to be quite tight and dense.
  4. Let the dough rest under the film for some time, and then start making manti.

Recipe for manti dough in mineral water with sour cream

The dough in mineral water comes out more airy, does not tear during cooking and tolerates freezing well. It can be made in the same way as an ordinary one with water - from mineral water, flour and salt. The recipe will be more interesting if you add sour cream. This dough will be soft, tender and elastic. It is suitable for any meat or potato filling. For this test, prepare:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 glass of sparkling water
  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml sour cream
  • salt to taste

How to prepare mineral water dough with sour cream:

  1. Break one egg into a deep plate. Add salt and sour cream there. Mix everything together.
  2. Pour the mineral water into the resulting mass.
  3. Gradually add flour, constantly stirring the dough to avoid lumps.
  4. The dough will be quite sticky. Don't worry - cover the bowl and leave the dough for an hour. When you see that it has become tight and slightly increased in volume, you can start sculpting manti.

Recipe for manti dough with milk

Another way is to knead the dough with milk. Milk, unlike water, will make the dough richer. This option is suitable for any filling. To make dough with milk you will need:

  • Three glasses of flour
  • One glass of milk
  • A pinch of salt

How to prepare the dough:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Pour salt and two cups of flour into hot milk. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. The mass should be thick, but soft and sticky. Slowly continue adding flour from the third cup and stir until a lump of dough comes away easily from the bowl.
  4. Let the dough sit for 30 minutes or 1 hour. Then you can start rolling out the dough and creating manti.

Recipe for manti dough with kefir

Kefir dough is another popular base option for manti, which is best suited for lamb filling. The sour taste of this dough perfectly complements fatty meat and harmoniously combines with seasonings and spices. You need the following products:

  • 3 cups flour
  • half a liter of kefir
  • teaspoon of soda
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • a little salt

How to prepare dough for manti with kefir:

  1. Pour the flour into a plate or pan.
  2. Add salt, soda and oil.
  3. Pour kefir into the dough - in this recipe it is used instead of water. Knead the dough thoroughly.
  4. Make sure there are no lumps in the dough. Cover the finished dough and leave for an hour. Now you can proceed to the next step.

Cooking manti

After preparing the dough, it’s time to move on to making manti. To do this, prepare a table covered with parchment, pour a little flour on it so that it sticks to the manti and lay out the dough. It needs to be rolled out with a rolling pin so that the layer is thin enough. Then, using a special mold or a regular glass, start cutting out circles from the dough. There will be some extra dough left in between, which you can roll out again and use.

Don't make the dough too thick. But, at the same time, you shouldn’t roll it out too thin, otherwise it may tear. The ideal thickness is approximately 1-2 mm. When you have cut out enough circles of dough, place the filling in the middle of each circle, leaving the edges free. Potatoes, pork, beef or lamb mince with onions and seasonings are suitable as fillings.

Manti can be shaped in different ways and it is not at all necessary to achieve the ideal shape. But, if you want to make a beautiful traditional dish, you can use the instructions in the picture.

Manti can be boiled on the stove or cooked in the oven, but it is best to steam them - for this you will need a double boiler or a slow cooker. Manti takes 10-15 minutes to prepare. Do not keep them on the fire for too long so that the dough does not soften.

Video: How to cook traditional manti?

The popularity of manti rays can be explained by several reasons. First of all, they are delicious; secondly, satisfying; thirdly, they are easy to prepare.

Eastern countries are considered the homeland of manta rays, but today they are found on the dinner table of many nations of the world.

Any housewife who is not the first time dealing with flour can knead manti dough. In terms of its composition, the dough for manti differs little from dumplings; the only difference is the size of the manti themselves.

Having mastered a simple science, you will be able to feed many guests a tasty and satisfying dish.

Traditional recipe for manti dough

To ensure that the manti turns out at the proper level, stock up on the following products: one egg; a glass of water; two and a half glasses of flour and a teaspoon of salt.

The composition of the dough for making manti does not require any culinary education from you; all operations are done quickly and without much effort.

As you can see, the list of products is short. The trick is to combine them and achieve an elastic and soft manti dough.

Cooking steps:

  1. Immediately sift the flour into a wide bowl.
  2. Make a funnel in the middle and pour in water mixed with salt and egg.
  3. Add flour to the liquid on all sides and knead the dough for manti.
  4. Once it becomes sufficiently stiff, place it on the table and, leaning on your hands, knead the dough for several minutes.
  5. If you feel like you need to add more flour, do so, the main thing is that the mass does not stick to your hands.
  6. To make the manti tasty, leave the finished dough to rest at room temperature, covered with a cotton napkin for 15-20 minutes.


Dough for manti, prepared by brewing flour, does not tear or deform at high temperatures. Take note of this recipe, you can use it to make not only manti, but also other filled flour products.

Ingredients: about 900 g of wheat flour (depending on the moisture content of the product); 8 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil; one and a half teaspoons of salt and half a liter of boiling water.

How to properly prepare the dough so that it rolls out easily? For this:

  1. Boil the required amount of water in the container in which you intend to mix all the ingredients.
  2. Then dissolve the salt and pour in the sunflower oil.
  3. Take a mixer with a dough attachment in one hand, and gradually add half of the sifted flour with the other. It is likely that at the initial stage lumps will begin to form in your bowl, but very soon they will disperse and the mass will become homogeneous.
  4. Generously flour your work surface and turn out the dough. Knead until all the flour is used up and the dough is soft and pliable.
  5. Wrap the manti dough in cling film and create all the conditions for it to “rest.” Ideally, it should sit for half an hour at room temperature.

According to the Uzbek recipe (without eggs)

Manti dough, prepared in Uzbek style, does not contain eggs. It is considered lean if water was chosen as the liquid component. If you wish, you can deviate from the rule and use milk. Choose vegetable oil at your discretion, there is no fundamental difference here.

For half a kilogram of flour you need to take: a glass of water; 2 large spoons of oil and a teaspoon of salt.

The dough for manti is prepared in several stages:

  1. Mix water, salt and vegetable oil in a cup.
  2. Sift the flour onto the table and make a well in the middle.
  3. Pour the mixture from a cup into it and quickly add flour to the center, knead a dense mass.
  4. Since there are no eggs in the recipe to ensure the elasticity of the dough, you need to go tricky and beat it on the work surface, throwing it from a small height.
  5. Roll out the dough, roll it into a rope and leave to rest for 30 minutes.


  • Having completed the manti dough, proceed to the filling. Potatoes, meat and onions are traditionally used for it. The meat can be anything, beef, lamb, horse meat or goat will do. It needs to be cut into small pieces, and to give a richer taste, add fat tail fat.
  • Potatoes can be replaced with another vegetable, such as pumpkin, if desired. Or they make a vegetable platter consisting of carrots, pumpkin and potatoes, taken in equal parts. In this case, you can do without meat by preparing vegetarian manti.

The taste will not suffer from such rearrangements, and if you add jusai (a type of onion) and garlic to the filling, it will become absolutely incomparable.

Pumpkin and meat filling

Uzbeks, Turkmen and residents of western China prefer manti stuffed with pumpkin and meat. Housewives deliberately replace potatoes with another vegetable, which makes the dish more healthy and nutritious.

For 8-10 people you will need:

kilogram of juicy beef; 0.5 kg pumpkin (already peeled); 800 g onions. You also need to add salt and pepper to the filling to taste.


  1. Rinse the manti meat and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Free the product from veins and film, then cut into very small cubes. It is not recommended to use a meat grinder, as the filling will lose its juiciness.
  3. Finely chop the onion and pumpkin into cubes.
  4. Combine all ingredients by gently mixing with your hands. Salt and pepper the filling, add seasonings that go well with pumpkin (cumin, coriander). Ground red pepper will add spiciness.
  5. If it turns out that the minced manti is a little dry, pour warm water into it. Literally a couple of spoons will correct the situation, and the manti will be more tasty and juicy.

Modeling of products

  • After the manti dough has rested, it needs to be kneaded again and rolled out into a thin layer, 3 mm thick.
  • Square pieces measuring 10x10 cm are cut out of it and stuffed with minced meat.
  • The edges of the square are connected with an envelope and pressed tightly against each other. Now the time has come to cook manti. For this purpose, special steamers are used, but if they are not available, a regular steamer will do.
  • It needs to be greased with vegetable oil and raw manti should be placed at some distance. The dish will cook over the fire for 45 minutes.

Features of preparing the perfect dough

Delicate dough is obtained from flour saturated with oxygen. If you sift the flour through a fine sieve, the goal will be achieved.

Water must be boiled and cooled to room temperature before use. If you pour hot water into the dough, the egg will cook and lose its properties. Cold water will cause you to knead the dough for a long time.

You can give the dough a beautiful yellow tint using yolks; you need to take more of them than prescribed in the recipe. Be sure to reduce the amount of other liquid ingredients. Proteins should not be added to the dough more than required.

Otherwise, you risk getting a mass that will not roll out well on the work surface. In addition, such carelessness will lead to its rigidity and loss of elasticity.

  • The optimal amount of proteins is one or two, even if you are preparing manti for a large company.
  • Mix the liquid ingredients for the dough immediately in one cup, and only then pour into the flour.
  • When working with the finished dough, try not to let it dry out in the open air.
  • To roll, pinch off medium-sized portions and put the rest in a plastic bag.
  • The steeper your flour mass for manti is, the thinner the layer you will roll out of it. This does not mean that during cooking the manti will rupture and the filling will fall out. The dish will simply become more appetizing, because there will be more juicy minced meat in it than dough.
  • To avoid problems when sculpting manti, you need to leave the dough to sit for at least 15 minutes. During this time, the gluten will swell and will promote gluing of the edges of the workpieces.
  • In a quarter of an hour you may not have time to prepare the filling, but there is nothing wrong with that. The dough will spend an extra hour in a plastic bag without losing its properties, and the manti will only become tastier.

Recipe for manti dough in Uzbek

To prepare manti according to the classic Uzbek recipe, you will need a manty dish or a double boiler. Without these devices there is no way to make a dish.

From the specified amount of ingredients you will get approximately 35 pcs.

Ingredients for minced meat: 800 g each. meat and rap. Luke; 200 gr. lard; 0.5 tsp each cumin and black pepper; 1.5 tsp. salt.
Ingredients for the dough: 500 gr. flour; 100 ml of boiled water and milk; 1 tsp salt and 2 pcs. chickens eggs

Algorithm of actions:

  1. I pour the indicated amount of flour into a bowl in the form of a mound, make a hole at the top of it, pour 2 pieces into it. chickens testicles. I start kneading the dough using a spoon. I add salt and milk to the mixture. I knead the flour from the edge to the center.
  2. I gradually pour in water, the dough needs to be made tight, and therefore during this process I monitor the condition of the mass. When the water is finished and all the flour is mixed, you need to knead it with your hands, putting the spoon aside.
  3. The mass will be tight, and therefore it needs to be kneaded well, applying effort. I leave the dough aside for half an hour, covering the bowl with a lid.
  4. After this time, I make a batch and put it in the cold for several hours. During this period of time it will become plastic and homogeneous.
  5. I prepare minced meat from onions and meat, lard, and cut everything into small pieces. I process zira in a special mortar. I put the mixture in the minced meat, salt and pepper. I knead.
  6. I add 2/3 of the water to the mantyshnitsa. I put it on fire and make manti.
  7. I make a dough roll. I cut it into pieces. I roll them out on the table into flat cakes, they should be thin, and I put the minced meat in the middle. I blind the edges, making bags. I cook for about 40 minutes.

Immediately after preparing the manti, you can serve it to the table. This meal will please all family members.

Classic dough with kefir for manti

You can prepare manti according to the classic dough recipe not only with plain water, but also with sour milk and kefir. Unfortunately, other fermented milk products are not suitable for these purposes.

As a result, you will be able to knead a dough that will resemble a yeast composition.

Ingredients for the dough: 3.5 tbsp. flour; 0.5 tsp soda; 2 tbsp. kefir; salt - by eye.
Ingredients for filling: 500 gr. meat; 2 pcs. onions; half a zucchini; a little spice, based on your taste.

Algorithm of actions for preparing a classic dough:

  1. I sow the flour and add salt to it.
  2. I take the kefir out of the cold so that it is at room temperature.
  3. I add soda.
  4. I stir, adding a little flour at a time. I knead the dough, wrap it in film and leave it aside for 40 minutes.

Algorithm of actions for preparing the filling for manti:

  1. I chop the meat into cubes, preferably smaller ones.
  2. I cut the onion into cubes.
  3. I pass the zucchini through a grater.
  4. I add spices.
  5. I roll out layers of dough. I make squares and put the filling in the center. I connect the edges, making bags. I cook for about 40 minutes.

The finished dish can be served to the table. Even children are delighted with such a treat, plus it perfectly complements every holiday celebration with its original appearance and amazing taste.

Manti is a favorite dish of all Caucasians, as well as Russian residents. It is made from dough and minced meat. The principle of preparing this dish is very similar to: the meat filling is wrapped in the dough and something like a cup is made. Other names for this dish are poses, as well as buuz. This dish is prepared in a pressure cooker. How to cook for manti? Cooking recipes will follow.

As a rule, manti dough is prepared without eggs, but some make them based on this product. We will consider recipes for preparing a base that does not contain eggs.

Cooking secrets

Remember that this dish must be steamed only. Suitable for this:

  • Multicooker or double boiler;
  • Mantovarka (mantyshnitsa).

Remember the basic rules:

  • The base must be rolled out thinly, so you need to use two types of flour or 1 higher grade;
  • If 2 types of flour are taken, then the proportion 1:2 must be observed. It is this texture of the dough that will not disintegrate during modeling;
  • As a rule, the base is made with water, but sometimes you can find recipes in which it is made with kefir or milk;
  • Be sure to knead the base for 20 minutes. The consistency must be covered with a towel. In the meantime, you can start filling.

Classic manti dough recipe

The classic recipe, as a rule, does not include eggs.

In order to prepare the dough, we will need:

  1. Flour - 700 gr;
  2. Water - 2 glasses;
  3. Salt to taste.
