
Vegetable stew with zucchini and pumpkin. Pumpkin stew with vegetables

Pumpkin stew with vegetables is not only very tasty, but also a healthy dish. It will be a wonderful decoration for any Lenten table. This stew can be an excellent side dish for any meat dish, but many recommend eating it as a separate dish.

A distinctive feature of this dish is that it is prepared from any vegetables that are always available in the home refrigerator. Cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, eggplants, sweet peppers and beans are added to it. Its constant components are carrots and onions.

Required Ingredients

  • - 1 small pumpkin, weighing 1 kg;
  • - 2 carrots;
  • - 1 onion;
  • - 2 tomatoes;
  • - 4 potatoes;
  • - 1 can of canned beans (you can use chickpeas if you wish);
  • - 1-1.5 glasses of broth or water;
  • - seasonings - to taste.
  • How to cook vegetable stew with pumpkin?

    Vegetable stew with pumpkin, the recipe for which begins with the fact that all vegetables need to be washed well with plain water and peeled. Next they need to be cut. This must be done in cubes or cubes 1.5 cm thick. Cut the onion into thin strips.

    Add a small amount of oil to the frying pan in which the dish will be cooked and heat over medium heat. Next, you need to put the onion in it and fry it until it becomes translucent.

    Next, vegetables are added to the pan. You need to start with those vegetables that require more time to process. The pumpkin is usually placed at the very end. Next, liquid is added to the vegetables. They need to simmer for half an hour.

    Then canned white beans are added to the vegetables. The dish should be salted and pepper to taste. Vegetables continue to simmer for about 15 minutes.

    For young children, the ideal option would be vegetable stew with pumpkin, baked in the oven. This way it will acquire a richer taste and become very soft and tender.

    Pumpkin stew with vegetables in the oven

    The recipe for making pumpkin stew with vegetables in the oven is very simple: you will need the same ingredients as in the previous recipe.

    Initially, you need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Then you need to wash and peel all the vegetables.

    Place the softer ingredients in the first layer in the dish. At the top there will be vegetables that require longer processing.

    Then the dish must be salted and all the spices added. Place the vegetables in the oven for 20 minutes.

    10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add a little butter to the dish. This will give the vegetables a richer flavor and become softer.

    You can add herbs or a spoonful of sour cream to the finished dish.

    Bon appetit!

    On the eve of important events or during fasting, you really want to enjoy something light and tasty. And there's nothing better than pumpkin. There are a huge number of options for preparing this dish; the ingredients are in any refrigerator and are available at the vegetable market. All that remains is to find the most interesting and original recipe.

    Vegetable stew

    Pumpkin is versatile. It goes well with other vegetables, harmonizes with meat, and can be used for sweet pastries and making drinks. Moreover, it is very healthy and stores well in the cold season, which means that even in winter you can make vegetable stew from it.

    Any vegetables go well with pumpkin. The stew turns out incredibly light and tasty, looks nice and has a rich aroma, can be used as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat. It is worth noting that traditional Russian cuisine knows many recipes in which pumpkin takes pride of place.

    The easiest recipe for making vegetable stew

    Peel the pumpkin from the hard skin and cut into cubes or small slices. Add spices. Here, everyone decides for themselves what exactly: coriander, turmeric, basil, etc. You also need to add one teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt here. Now the pumpkin needs to be alone so that it is thoroughly saturated with aromatic spices.

    Now you can chop the onion, but you shouldn’t chop it too much, this is a vegetable stew with pumpkin, so each component should be felt. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add the pumpkin there, simmer until it becomes transparent. At this time, you need to peel the tomatoes, cut them into quarters and send them to the pumpkin. Only after this can you add the onion and bring the dish to full readiness, simmering the vegetables together for another five minutes.

    Pumpkin and meat - the perfect combination

    To prepare vegetable stew with meat, you need the following ingredients:

    • One and a half kilograms of the pumpkin itself.
    • One kilogram of pork.
    • One can each of canned peas and corn.
    • One tomato and two sweet peppers.
    • Onions, fresh herbs and spices.

    To prepare a vegetable stew with pumpkin and meat, you must first peel the vegetable and cut it into small cubes, and then place it in a preheated frying pan. Since the pumpkin releases a large amount of liquid, it turns out that it is stewing in its own juice.

    At this time, you can take care of the meat, which needs to be cut into small pieces, lightly beaten and also fried in vegetable oil. The onions should be sautéed separately. Pour peas and corn along with the contents into the frying pan where the meat was stewed. Simmer the entire mixture for 15 minutes.

    And only now can it be combined with meat and other vegetables. Sliced ​​tomatoes, sweet peppers and onions are also added here. At the very end, it is advisable to add garlic, passed through a press, fresh herbs and spices.

    Lenten stew

    This option is ideal for those who are fasting or on a diet. The recipe for vegetable stew with pumpkin is easy to prepare, and all the necessary ingredients grow in the garden or are sold at the vegetable market. For the stew you will need: 500 g pumpkin, 200 g celery, 1 carrot and onion, 2 tomatoes and bell peppers, sunflower oil and garlic.

    You can make a vegetable stew with pumpkin and zucchini, but first you should consider this recipe. The dish is prepared very quickly and simply. All vegetables are washed and cut into small pieces. It is advisable to cut sweet peppers and tomatoes into 4-6 slices, depending on their size. Garlic can be crushed using a press, but it is better to cut it into several parts. Carrots are also cut into half rings.

    The only thing left to do is simmer all the ingredients in a frying pan or cauldron until fully cooked. Add garlic at the very end for a rich aroma. The dish can be served cold or hot.

    Vegetable stew with pumpkin and potatoes

    Ingredients needed for cooking:

    • 1 medium sized pumpkin.
    • A few carrots.
    • Two onions.
    • Two medium sized turnips.
    • 5-6 potatoes.
    • Spices and garlic.

    First of all, the pumpkin cut into small cubes goes into the frying pan. After a few minutes, it will release the juice, and all the other vegetables will be stewed in this liquid. After this, immediately after the pumpkin, turnips are added to the container, since they require the most time to fully cook. Next comes the turn of potatoes and onions - the vegetables go into the pan after the turnips.

    Partially cut the carrots into half rings, grate the remaining portion on an appropriate grater, then add them to all the other vegetables. At the very end, add garlic, passed through a press, and spices.

    Vegetable stew with pumpkin and zucchini

    As already mentioned, pumpkin can be stored for a long time in the cold season. The same applies to its close relative - zucchini. So why not combine these two elements into one incredibly delicious dish that will remind you of the bounty of the last summer month? Whether or not to use meat in this dish is a matter of personal preference. You can add fried chicken breast or pork to the vegetables, or you can serve vegetable stew with pumpkin separately. The recipe with photo clearly demonstrates how beautiful and appetizing this dish looks.

    We can talk for a long time, but it's time to take action. So, for cooking you will need the following ingredients:

    • Potatoes - 6 pcs.
    • Bulbs - 2 pcs.
    • 1 bell pepper.
    • 2 carrots.
    • 3 tomatoes.
    • A small piece of pumpkin (about 300 g).
    • Zucchini - 200 g.
    • Spices and little for frying.

    All vegetables, except carrots and onions, are cut into fairly large pieces and sent to a cauldron for stewing. Of course, the dishes should already be heated with a small amount of vegetable oil. Once the pumpkin has started to become translucent, you can add chopped onions and spices (turmeric for golden color, curry, pepper, thyme, etc.). Here it is advisable to reduce the heat and leave the vegetables alone for a while. Pumpkin juice will be enough to prevent them from burning. Then you can add pepper and tomato, season with garlic, keep on the fire for another 10 minutes and move the cauldron into the oven. This dish is very tasty on its own. But you can serve it along with juicy and flavorful meat.

    The holidays are over, the vacations are over, and... The time has come for everyday food: light enough to unload after a hearty day, but still nutritious so that the stomach, accustomed to the abundance of food, does not curse.

    Today's recipe - vegetable stew of pumpkin and zucchini with Adyghe cheese - is exactly that. It has one more advantageous feature: in one case, the stew can become lunch, in another - dinner or a side dish. How does this work? Now we'll find out...

    For vegetable stew from pumpkin and zucchini we will need:

    • 400 grams of zucchini (peeled of all excess);
    • 200 grams of pumpkin (peeled);
    • 6 tbsp. vegetable or butter;
    • 2 medium potatoes;
    • 2 medium carrots;
    • 200 grams of Adyghe cheese;
    • 6 tbsp. sour cream;
    • 1 tsp salt;
    • 1 tsp Sahara;
    • 0.5 tsp mustard seeds;
    • 0.5 tsp caraway or cumin;
    • 0.5 tsp black pepper;
    • 2 tsp chopped greens.

    There is nothing complicated in preparing any vegetable stew. The only difficulty is to wash, peel and chop a bunch of vegetables. This is what we will do. Let's cut all the vegetables into cubes: carrots - small, everything else - larger.

    We also cut the Adyghe cheese into cubes.

    In a frying pan (preferably with a thick bottom), heat the oil (I used coconut oil), add the mustard seeds and cumin and cover with a lid so that the mustard does not jump out of the frying pan, it knows how to do this. After 30-40 seconds, turn off the heat.

    Add potatoes to the fried spices and fry everything together for about 5 minutes.

    Now it’s time to add zucchini, pumpkin, carrots and Adyghe cheese to the frying pan. Let's send!

    After a couple of minutes, you need to add boiling water to our vegetable stew. Only you decide how much to add. Need a stew version that's close to soup? Pour enough boiling water to cover all the vegetables. Are we preparing stew for a side dish? Reduce the amount of boiling water. That's the whole secret :))

    After we have decided on the water, add salt and sugar, mix everything and simmer under a half-closed lid for 15-20 minutes.

    Then sour cream is added to the frying pan with the stewed vegetables. We wait until it boils and remove our stew from the heat.

    All that remains is to add black pepper with finely chopped herbs and keep the vegetables under the lid for about five minutes.

    The appointed time has expired, the pumpkin and zucchini stew is asking to be plated, and we won’t keep it waiting. I made the lunch version with lots of water and it was delicious. And you? Bon appetit!

    Perhaps every family has its own signature recipe for a delicious vegetable stew. And every family has its own peculiarities of preparing it, because the dishes turn out so different from each other. Take this recipe for this pumpkin and cabbage stew: it's lean and incredibly easy to make. It won’t take you much time to cook, because it contains neither meat nor potatoes, and the cooking time will depend only on how quickly the main ingredient of the dish, pumpkin, is ready.

    Pumpkin is the highlight and main ingredient of the dish. Therefore, it is cut larger than other vegetables in the stew. Based on the solo role of the pumpkin, the appropriate spices for the dish are selected: in this case, the main flavoring and aromatic ingredient is a mixture of curry spices. The rest of the vegetables complement the taste of pumpkin, creating a single composition: onions, carrots, celery root, sweet peppers, a little cabbage and green peas.

    Vegetable stew with pumpkin will turn out aromatic, juicy and tender and will appeal even to those who adhere to a low-calorie diet. It can be eaten either hot or warm, or chilled according to your desire.


    • 300 grams of pumpkin pulp (peeled and seeds removed)
    • 150 grams of cabbage
    • 100 grams frozen green peas
    • 80 grams of sweet pepper
    • 40 grams celery root
    • 2 small onions
    • 1 medium sized carrot
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil
    • 1 teaspoon tomato paste
    • 1 teaspoon curry
    • 1 bay leaf
    • salt, pepper to taste

    Yield of finished product: 4 servings


    First, cut the onion into thick quarter rings and the carrots into small cubes.

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onions and carrots until soft.

    Add diced celery root and continue cooking for 3-4 minutes.

    Now shred the cabbage and add it to the pan.

    After a couple of minutes, add spices and stir.

    Now roughly chop the pumpkin. Chop the sweet pepper finely. Place these vegetables in the pan.

    Cook for another 4 minutes, then add tomato paste.

    Pour some water into the pan and simmer the vegetables under the lid until the pumpkin is soft.

    Delicious, satisfying and very attractive-looking vegetable stew with pumpkin and zucchini. To these main ingredients are added carrots, potatoes, onions, as well as some white cabbage, cauliflower or celery stalks. Vegetable stew can be either an independent main course or an excellent side dish for meat and fish. This healthy dish is also very useful for those who are fasting.

    Depending on your preferences, vegetable stew with pumpkin and zucchini can be dietary: a minimum of oil, a minimum of frying, basically everything is stewed under a lid over low heat. Or you can separately fry the potatoes until golden brown, carrots and onions, add more hot spices and a couple of cloves of garlic to the vegetable stew. The result is a piquant and spicy vegetable stew with pumpkin and zucchini.


    Option 1. In this option, in addition to pumpkin and zucchini, white cabbage and other vegetables are used to prepare the stew. The combination of a variety of vegetables adds not only unusual taste to the stew, but also additional beneficial properties.


    • 500 grams of pumpkin
    • 1 young zucchini
    • 150-200 grams of white cabbage
    • 1-2 carrots
    • 1-2 onions
    • 3-4 potatoes
    • salt, pepper to taste
    • refined vegetable oil for frying
    • 0.5 teaspoon cumin
    • parsley

    Cooking vegetable stew with pumpkin and zucchini

    • Cut off the rough skin of pre-washed pumpkin and thick-skinned squash and remove the seeds. If the zucchini is young, just wash it well and remove any visible damage.
    • Peel and wash raw potatoes, carrots, and onions.
    • Pour 3-4 tablespoons of refined sunflower oil into a deep frying pan or cauldron, add half a teaspoon of cumin and heat the oil with cumin for 1-2 minutes over low heat. Calcined cumin will add a pleasant spicy aroma to the oil, as well as to the entire vegetable stew.
    • Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into half rings. Place carrots and onions in boiling oil and fry until a light golden brown crust appears on the onions and a specific smell of fried carrots appears.
    • Cut the pumpkin, potatoes and zucchini into strips; it is advisable to rinse the chopped potatoes with cold water. Then place all these chopped vegetables in a frying pan with carrots and onions, salt and pepper to taste.
    • Lightly fry everything together over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring frequently.
    • Finely chop a piece of white cabbage and add to the frying vegetables, then cover the cauldron (saucepan or deep frying pan) with a lid and simmer the vegetable stew with pumpkin and zucchini for 10-12 minutes.
    • Finely chop the parsley or dill and add to the stew, cover the cooking container with a lid and simmer until the potatoes and pumpkin are ready for another 5-7 minutes.
    • Place the prepared vegetable stew in a dish and garnish with fresh herbs.

    Option 2. This vegetable stew with pumpkin and zucchini is prepared similarly to the previous one, only as an additional ingredient instead of white cabbage, three pre-chopped celery stalks are added. It is they who give the spicy aroma and taste to this very appetizing vegetable dish, and celery is stewed no longer than white cabbage.

    This stew can be made spicier by adding hot spices (ground black or red pepper, coriander) and chopped garlic 5-10 minutes before the end of stewing.

    Option 3. A tender, almost dietary vegetable stew with pumpkin, zucchini and fresh or frozen cauliflower is suitable for both children and adults. This stew is prepared according to the same scheme, but cumin with its spicy aroma can be replaced with turmeric, which will not only add a golden color to the vegetable stew, but also a subtle aroma.

    It is better to divide fresh cauliflower into small inflorescences and rinse under running water; for frozen cauliflower, pour boiling water over it and cut into small pieces.

    Cooking: on the stove in a cauldron or saucepan. Cooking time: about 60 minutes. Exit: 6-8 servings of vegetable stew with pumpkin and zucchini.
