
Natural product. See pages where the term natural product is mentioned

What are organic products? How to choose an environmentally friendly product? What does it say on the labels? We will answer these and other questions about natural products in our article!

It is important to know how to choose high-quality, natural and environmentally friendly food products. This article explains how to shop more efficiently at the grocery store, read labels correctly, and choose organic foods. It's not difficult, but a little knowledge will be extremely helpful.

First, let's look at some general recommendations and tips on how to read food labels:

  • Both the ingredients and their nutritional value are important - one without the other does not reflect the full picture;
  • In the list, ingredients are listed in descending order. This means that the first ingredient is most abundant in a given product, and the last ingredient is found in the least amount;
  • Make sure that sugar and salt are at the end of the list of ingredients;
  • If you're looking for fatty foods, remember that fat content is listed in grams on labels. The percentage listed next to fat is the percentage of daily intake, not the percentage of calories coming from fat in a given food item. Look at the top of the label where it says "calories from fat" and to find the percentage, divide that number by the total calories. That is, calories from fat account for about half of the total calories, then approximately 50% of the calories in the product come from fat.
  • If you need carbohydrates, choose natural foods that contain fewer processed carbohydrates.
  • On bread labels, the first words in the list of ingredients should include words like “whole” and “millstone.” You'll often see "unbleached, enriched wheat flour" but that's not what you're looking for - this type of bread is processed and whole grains are added for color. The first ingredient should be whole grains
  • Quality carbohydrates should contain fiber and sugar. Try to avoid carbohydrates without fiber. At the same time, carbohydrates, which contain nothing but fiber, also do not provide the necessary nutrients. Try to ensure that 1/6 of the total amount of carbohydrates in the product is fiber. That is, 20 grams of carbohydrates should contain about 3-4 grams of fiber.
  • Whether or not to consume highly processed foods is your choice. But it is better to give preference to whole, natural foods. If there are too many Latin words on the label - for example, ingredients that you can't read or don't know, it's best to put it away.
  • Canned foods, frozen dinners, and other processed foods tend to be high in sodium. Instead, buy whole, individual ingredients and then prepare the meals yourself. You can freeze them and store them in containers.

Secrets of natural products

Mixed Ingredients

Often products are grouped by ingredient list, with the goal of presenting the elements in a specific order. Sometimes this happens legally, and sometimes it can be a scam. Most people understand that ingredients should be listed in descending order of quantity - in other words, the ingredient that is most abundant in a given product should come first. Thus, if you are looking for a protein bar, then you will be lucky to purchase one whose label says:

double delicious protein blend (hydrolyzed cow hoof proteins, whey), maltodextrin

The label also states that it contains no sugar.

Of course, there is a lot more that goes into this. Special protein mixture - what is it really? Let's just say that there are 10 g of whey, 11 g of cow's hoof protein and 12 g of maltodextrin. The ingredients should be in descending order, i.e. “maltodextrin, hydrolyzed cow hooves, whey.”

Anyone familiar with sugars knows that while maltodextrin has no effect on sugar levels, it has a very high sugar content and is therefore not advisable to be top of the ingredient list (unless it's a post-workout shake). So, looking at a label like this, the average consumer will say to themselves: "high sugar content, tons of poor quality protein and very little whey."

So what to do? It's simple. The company combined protein from cow's hooves and whey. This is the “Double Delicious Protein Blend.” Since the ingredients add up to 10 + 11 = 21, this new “blend” can be listed before maltodextrin, with all ingredients listed in descending order.

It now appears to unsuspecting consumers that the product actually contains more whey than maltodextrin (sugar). But we know that there is less of it! Whey comes out on top because of what it contains in the mixture. Therefore, by reading labels on natural products, you will already know how this grouping works.

Special offers

Organic food labels sometimes include special offers. You must understand exactly what this means.

When the label states, “Not a significant source of calories from fat,” the product must contain less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving. Be careful with deli meats. They may be cut so thin that one slice contains less than 2 grams of fat. but still provide a significant percentage of fat calories.

“Not a significant source of sugar” means that the amount of sugar on the label is less than one gram. Don't take this statement at face value. Some ingredients, such as maltodextrin, are not technically considered sugar but have the same effect. That's why it's so important to consider both the ingredient list and the nutritional value.

The table contains definitions of other special offers:

Low-fat foods (NoFat or FatFree)

Low fat

Contains less fat and calories than original or similar product

Low fat

Contains less than 3 grams of fat per serving.

Light (Lite)

Contains 1/3 the calories or 1/2 the fat per serving of the original or similar product.

Low calorie

Contains 1/3 of the calories of the original or similar product.


(No Calorie Or Calorie Free)

Contains less than 5 calories per serving

Contains less than 0.5 g sugar per serving

No Preservatives

Does not contain preservatives (chemical and natural)

No additional preservatives (NoPreservativesAdded)

Does not contain chemicals that I add to preserve the product. Some of them may contain natural preservatives.

Low Salt (LowSodium)

Contains less than 140 mg. salt per serving

Salt-free (No Salt or Salt Free)

Contains less than 5 mg salt per serving

Baked, not fried (BakedNotFried)

Mainly used for potato chips, crackers or corn chips. This means that the product is usually sprayed with a little oil and then baked rather than simply fried in oil.

Warning signs

When reviewing the ingredient list, look for danger signs. This is not a complete list, but it will help you buy only high-quality, natural and environmentally friendly food products. Always look for these ingredients to be at the beginning (the main ones), in the middle and at the end of the list.

  • Sugar is allowed at the end. The presence of sugar in the middle of the list is possible if there is enough fiber in the product. Of course, these rules may change when it comes to a post-workout shake.
  • Salt is acceptable at the end of the list. Salt is important, but only in moderation.
  • Any ingredient that you cannot pronounce or understand. Again, such substances do not necessarily have to be bad, but if you cannot answer how they will benefit you, it is better not to risk it.
  • Excess vitamins and minerals. It is much healthier to get them from whole foods and a quality multivitamin than from a spray or food supplement.
  • If the product is enriched with something. This has to be the biggest joke in the food industry. “Fortified” means that the product has been stripped of vital nutrients and instead has been supplemented with substances that were originally less abundant.
  • “Fortified” natural product. Control your intake of vitamins and minerals through supplements and whole foods, rather than adding them to regular foods where you don't know their quality or quantity.
  • Any food that contains more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per serving and less than 2 grams
  • , in which half or more of the total calories come from fat (unless, of course, you are looking at the ethics of a bottle of olive oil)
  • The presence of partially hydrogenated fats anywhere on the ingredient list (also known as trans fatty acids). If hydrogenated fats are at the bottom of the list, don't worry. In addition, if a product states that it is free of trans fatty acids, then it can be safely consumed, even if hydrogenated fats are listed as ingredients.

How to recognize the presence of sugar in natural products

It cannot be said unequivocally that sugar in organic products is harmful, however, it is important to be able to determine its amount. Below you will see some common names for sugar. Be careful with foods that list them at the top of the ingredient list, as they may contain too much sugar and cause unwanted blood sugar spikes:

  • Sugarcane juice
  • Custard concentrate
  • Falernum (sweet liqueur)
  • Fructose
  • Glucose
  • Jaggery
  • Sugarcane juice
  • Lactose
  • Levulosa
  • Malt
  • Maltodextrin
  • Maltose
  • Marshmallow
  • Misri (crystal sugar)
  • Molasses (black treacle)
  • Orshad (drink)
  • Panocha (candy made from yellow sugar, milk and butter)
  • Sorghum (cereal)
  • Sucrose
  • Sugar
  • Syrup
  • Turbinado (partially refined raw sugar)

Milk and its derivatives in natural products

If you are avoiding dairy products, the following items in the ingredient list are dairy products or their derivatives:

cream, cheese, butter, yogurt, koumiss, kefir, ghee, paneer, lactose, casein, whey, Rennet, Rennin

There are no fragrances in environmentally friendly products!

There is a lot of controversy regarding natural versus artificial flavors. It seems that many manufacturers are proud that organic products list "natural flavors" in the ingredient list, while consumers are willing to reject anything that even remotely resembles "artificial products." The reality is not what you think! So, what is the difference between natural and artificial flavors?

Natural and artificial flavors are defined by the Code of Federal Regulations. This means that specific laws govern what terms can be used in ingredient lists.

natural flavor contains essential oil or oleoresin extract, protein hydrolysate, distillate or any product of roasting, heat treatment or enzymatic decomposition that contains flavor components derived from spices, fruits or fruit juices, vegetables or vegetable juices, edible yeast, herbs, bark, buds , roots, leaves or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products or fermented products derived from them, the function of which is primarily to impart flavor rather than nutritional value to the food

Anything that does not meet this definition is considered artificial. Quite voluminous, isn't it? Is it possible to allow the existence of flavors in natural products?

Chemicals can be either naturally occurring or produced artificially. There is not the same difference as between wool and nylon, which are used to make clothes, however, these materials are different.

At the molecular level, natural and artificial flavors appear to be the same. By the way, there is an opinion that artificial flavors are safer because they are produced in a pure form. For natural flavors, the original product (such as an apple) must be broken down into its elements and filtered with chemicals to produce the flavoring substances. Therefore, such flavors may contain more impurities.

In this case, it is fair to note that natural and artificial flavors contain chemical additives used to improve the taste. If the label states that a product contains natural flavoring, this does not mean that the manufacturer added crushed apples - it means that a certain set of chemicals were isolated or extracted from them and artificially added to the product.

If you are not particularly interested in flavors, then pay less attention to whether they are artificial or natural, and look more at the order of the list of ingredients.

If you want natural foods, ones that you could prepare yourself, do not buy those that contain flavors other than natural spices.

And finally, take advantage of the advice called “shopping on the periphery.”

If you notice, most often in stores processed packaged foods are located in the center of the area. Fresh natural products, eggs, dairy and meat products are often located around the perimeter of the store. Therefore, stick to the walls, and then your chances of purchasing environmentally friendly and healthy food products increase.

Educate yourself about your food choices. This will help you acquire a wonderful one. As with everything else, strive for moderation. For example, if your weakness is fried corn chips, then you can eat them in moderation without going over your daily calorie limit. If the craving is too strong, then look for compromises and choose the baked option.

When God created man, He gave him fresh air so that he could breathe; fresh, natural food so that he can satisfy his hunger; He gave man a body capable of self-cleansing.

Man has filled the air with harmful impurities. The man decided that the food needed to be cooked. It destroys its valuable components, processes, refines and preserves food using synthetic chemicals. And man calls all this “progress,” being its main victim.

But the human body is truly amazing. It can withstand all the abuse we subject it to, and it has such an efficient recycling and waste elimination system that we don't even notice the damage we're doing to it. Essentially, almost everything we do harms the body. We really never seriously think about how modern city life affects the body.

Harmful impurities in the air and water, medications, food preservatives, synthetic additives and sugar substitutes, dyes, essences and hydrants - all this takes our body by storm - and along with the processing and refining of food products, not only deprives us of vitality - essential nutrients, but also overloads the body with toxins and wastes, harmful products of metabolism.

Attitude to diet

We usually associate the word “diet” with a weight loss program. We arm ourselves with a list of foods we can and cannot eat. The latter always seem the most seductive. Ultimately, this results in a clash between our desires and willpower. This is not the path that should be taken.

Eating for health and beauty does not mean that you should deprive yourself of food and suffer from hunger. This also doesn't mean you have to strictly adhere to a diet you don't like. Rather, it is developing a positive attitude towards reconsidering your eating habits and changing them based on considerations of reasonableness and benefit.

When you begin to notice that the foods you choose add vigor and beauty to you, you will find that you will be happy andyou readily accept them as an integral part of your diet. In fact, most of us, out of habit, eat what we were taught to eat from childhood and what is generally accepted in the surrounding society.

But when you make the desired changes, you will very soon feel rewarded in many ways: clearer skin, shiny hair, weight loss, a surge of energy and optimism. And then you will truly love your new diet and will happily continue it for a long time so that it prolongs your life.

How to start making changes

Any changes to your usual eating habits should be gradual to give your body and taste buds time to adjust to them. Step by step, move from the food that clogs the body to the one that cleanses it and gets rid of toxins.

The daily diet should also supply the body with the necessary amounts of nutrients. Valuable components such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements and bioflavonoids (phenols involved in amino acid metabolism) not only ensure good health and full functions of all body systems, but also have a therapeutic effect. Try to evaluate some foods not in terms of calorie content, then perhaps you will begin to look at vitamins as more than standard doctor's advice.

Think about it , what you eat

Nowadays, the diet of most people, especially wealthy urbanites, mainly contains refined and processed foods such as sugar and flour. We also consume too many foods that cause oxidation, which disrupts the natural acid-base balance of the blood and causes a buildup of toxins.

We also “kill” food with long cooking and deep frying, and we consume too much salt, spicy seasonings and dietary fats. When cooking, valuable vitamins and minerals are destroyed. Some vitamins that are particularly sensitive to heat instantly lose more than half of their beneficial properties when boiled.

Gifts of nature

Considering the harmfulness of our diet and the results of the latest research in the field of proper nutrition, we will have a clear advantage towards natural products. This idea in itself is not new at all. The ancient muzrets of India highly valued the benefits of raw natural wheat. Moreover, cleansing the body with raw food and fresh fruit and vegetable juices was seen as the first step in treating illnesses. Expensive health centers in Europe now also support these views on nutrition.

For example, papaya and pineapple contain valuable enzymes that protect the digestive system and prevent the accumulation of toxins.

The pulp and pith of citrus fruits contain bioflavonoids, which are easily destroyed during cooking. They are extremely important for the immune system, protecting the body from disease, preventing degenerative tissue degeneration and premature aging.

What is natural food

We call natural products those that can be eaten raw, that are of natural origin, and have not undergone factory processing, preservation or refining.

The value of natural products

  • They help remove toxins from the body, accelerating the processing and destruction of toxins.
  • They bring cheerfulness and good health.
  • They supply the body with essential nutrients.
  • They increase salivation, improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, since they need to be chewed thoroughly.
  • They help maintain normal acid-base and potassium-sodium balance in the body.

Products that should be included in the daily diet

One of the products from each subgroup presented below must be included in the daily diet.

Whole grain products

Bread and whole grain flour products (rye and wheat), unprocessed rice, millet, oats, crushed wheat grains.


Skim milk, curdled milk, yogurt, buttermilk, homemade unaged cheese.


They should be eaten raw and, if possible, with the skin on.


It is better to eat as many raw vegetables as possible in the form of salads and raita (vegetable salad with curdled milk). Be sure to include green leafy vegetables. Vegetables do not need to be cooked for a long time.

Sprouted grains

Chickpeas, wheat, mung.


Soybeans, peas, beans.

Nuts (unsalted) and dried fruits


Pumpkin, sesame, cucumber, sunflower (they can be ground and added to food).


Fresh fruit and vegetable juices, lassi (in India - something between buttermilk and curdled milk), herbal infusions.

Reduce your salt intake

Natural foods contain sufficient amounts of salt. The daily salt requirement is 200 mg. We constantly exceed our salt intake, which exacerbates the accumulation of toxins and waste in the body.


Add salt to cooked food; eat foods with a high salt content (aged and processed cheese, marinades, potato and other chips fried in oil) and salty snacks.

Synthetic additives

If your diet includes processed foods, then you are consuming artificial preservatives, dyes, essences, synthetic emulsifiers and stabilizers. There is growing scientific evidence showing that all of them are harmful to health and can cause food allergies.

Avoid caffeine

Coffee, tea, cola drinks, and cocoa contain caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system. It causes palpitations, increases fatigue, disrupts the normal pH of the blood, “leaches” calcium and, as it turns out, promotes the deposition of toxins. It can accelerate age-related degenerative changes in tissues, not to mention external signs such as skin aging, hair loss, and brittle nails. Replace caffeinated drinks with fresh juices, lassi, and herbal teas.


Honey has countless beneficial properties. First of all, it is a natural source of sweetness. When bees convert flower nectar into honey, monosaccharides are formed, which are easily and quickly absorbed and enter the bloodstream. Therefore, honey is not just a fast source of energy, but also a useful product for everyone: young, old, convalescent and for those who suffer from digestive disorders.

Honey is also valuable as a source of other nutrients. It contains many vitamins and mineral components, such as vitamins B and C, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, as well as amino acids and enzymes. We can replenish their supply with honey, since they are partially destroyed during cooking.

The healing properties of honey

  • Honey and ginger soothe a sore throat and help with colds and coughs.
  • If you cannot sleep for a long time, drink warm milk with honey at night. Honey has a mild hypnotic effect and promotes relaxation.
  • Honey helps with nervousness and internal tension.
  • Honey with lemon juice on an empty stomach helps with constipation and helps cleanse the digestive system. Take a tablespoon of honey with a glass of water every day as a general tonic for anemia and vitamin deficiency. Honey has fewer calories than sugar, but in large quantities it leads to weight gain.

Curdled milk (yogurt)

Curdled milk is a very popular product in India, accessible to almost everyone. Perhaps not everyone knows how many beneficial properties it has. Curdled milk is obtained naturally from milk. Lactose (milk sugar) is converted into lactic acid. Under the influence of enzymes from lactic acid bacteria, milk becomes curdled milk.

Curdled milk is rich in vitamins A and C and minerals - calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus. It satisfies our needs for animal proteins. This is beautiful

This food is suitable for older people who are not recommended to consume proteins contained in meat products. Prostok-your is a natural antibiotic. It destroys some harmful bacteria that may be present in the digestive tract. Curdled milk is an ideal product for convalescents, as it is easily digested and gives bodily strength.

It is as nutritious as milk, but easier to digest.

Curdled milk can be easily combined with any diet. In lassi form, it serves as a refreshing cold drink. In India, it is often served along with other foods. You can eat it with chopped vegetables and fruits, and if you add sugar or honey, you get a delicious dessert. This is much better than exquisite confectionery, which delights the tongue but takes away health.

Wheat germ

Live wheat grains are one of the richest sources of vitamin E. Now we know that vitamin E is a preventative against many diseases, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, loss of muscle tone, etc. It protects against loss of strength, and from it depends on the elasticity of the skin.

Vitamin E is easily accessible and yet so far from us. Modern food processing methods destroy the germ in wheat grains. We eat too many products made from high-grade flour - rolls, cakes, muffins, cookies. They satisfy hunger, but leave us without valuable nutrients.

Wheat germ is also rich in B vitamins, vitamin A and minerals - iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and others. They also contain many amino acids. Whole grain products made from wheat grains are suppliers of fiber necessary to remove undigested food residues.

The valuable components of wheat germ have a remarkable effect on the skin, stimulating the process of cell renewal. Some of them are natural remedies for scarring skin and eliminating skin blemishes; they also promote skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles.

Eat whole wheat grain foods such as dalia and whole grain tortillas. Add a few spoons of crushed grains to milk, orange juice or chapati (unleavened flatbread) dough.

Fresh juices

"Fresh juices provide a solution to many nutritional problems," writes John Last, publisher of Nature's Way magazine.

Nutrition experts agree that the body best absorbs nutrients from fresh juices. In this case, they quickly and easily enter the bloodstream. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, as well as microelements. This is a way to get the entire set of valuable food components without loading the digestive system.

Fresh raw juices of various vegetables and fruits contain all the food components we need - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, bioflavonoids and fiber. All of them are necessary for health, strengthen the immune system and protect the body from diseases and degenerative tissue degeneration. Freshly squeezed juices promote the emergence of new full-fledged cells, renew the blood, and have a rejuvenating effect on organs and glands. They also calm the nerves and thus have beneficial effects on both the body and mind.

Fresh juices cleanse the body and speed up the removal of toxins and waste. They renew the blood and promote more efficient functioning of the digestive system, liver and kidneys.

Beneficial properties of fresh juices

  • A mixture of carrot and cabbage juice has an alkaline reaction and therefore compensates for the effect of food that causes oxidative processes.
  • Carrot juice is the richest source of vitamin A.
  • Cucumber juice has a diuretic effect.
  • Citrus juices are rich in vitamin C.
  • Lemon juice can be added to all other juices to improve the taste.

Tomatoes, rutabaga, carrots, cabbage, spinach, oranges, lemon, apples, pineapple, beets, cucumber, grapefruit are some of the vegetables and fruits that can be juiced.

Things to remember:

  • The juice should be consumed immediately after it is squeezed.
  • It is better to use an electric juicer.
  • When squeezing by hand, use a perfectly clean cloth.
  • The juicer should not have rusting parts. The juice should not come into contact with the aluminum.
  • Juices need to be diluted a little with water.
  • Fruits and vegetables should be fresh and strong.
  • Start drinking juices with small quantities, gradually increasing the portions.

How much should we eat?

In this case, it is necessary to take into account age, metabolic characteristics and the degree of physical activity. For example, a person who has a sedentary job and very little physical activity needs fewer calories than a worker. A nursing mother, on the contrary, has greater calorie needs. In cases of obesity or internal diseases, special recommendations should be given by a doctor.

The next question is: what kind of food do we need? Here we discuss the nutritional value of food. Calories alone, without important nutritional components, do not provide any benefits for health, appearance and external attractiveness.

A balanced diet should consist of a variety of foods so that the body receives all the necessary nutrients.

Food Components

Our body must receive proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water from food. Knowledge of nutrients and their sources will help you choose foods that make up a balanced diet.


Proteins are necessary for the formation and reproduction of cells. Proteins consist of amino acids, without which cell life is impossible. Proteins contain 20 amino acids in various combinations. All of them are vital for our body.

Amino acids

Some amino acids are found only in animal proteins. Therefore, vegetarians can get them from milk and dairy products.

Non-animal protein sources include lentils, soybeans and other legumes, nuts, seeds and sprouts.

Soybeans are a wonderful food

Soybeans are very beneficial for both health and beauty. They are rich in valuable nutrients - proteins, vitamins, iron and phosphorus. The carbohydrate content in them is low, and the fatty acids are healthy and easily digestible. Soy also increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which helps improve complexion and the general condition of hair and skin. You can make your diet more nutritious by adding soy flour to wheat flour or peas.


The body needs carbohydrates as a source of energy and for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Carbohydrates are divided into polysaccharides (starch, fiber) and simple sugars.

Some of the carbohydrates that exceed the body’s current energy needs are converted into fats, forming an energy reserve. Carbohydrates in the form of various sugars and polysaccharides are found in cereals and seeds, fruits, root vegetables, milk, sugar cane, beets, fruits, honey and other products.

Fructose, found in fruits, is the healthiest of sugars.

Cereals, potatoes, bananas are rich in carbohydrates. Confectionery and flour products also contain a lot of carbohydrates, but they are low in other nutrients and fiber.


Fats contain a greater supply of energy than proteins and carbohydrates. Fats can be divided into two groups - saturated (containing residues of saturated fatty acids) and polyunsaturated.

Fats in dairy products - butter, cream, sour cream, etc. - are saturated fats, and fats of vegetable origin are classified as polyunsaturated fats.

The body's need for fat is low. If there is too much fat in the diet, this leads not only to obesity, but contributes to the development of many diseases. However, fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet, as they take part in some important metabolic processes.

Before going on a diet that completely eliminates the consumption of one of the main food components, consult your doctor.


Vitamins are necessary for good health, normal growth and the most important metabolic processes in the body. Long-term deficiency of vitamins causes vitamin deficiencies, diseases characterized by special symptoms.

Vitamins are divided into two groups - water-soluble (vitamin C and group B) and fat-soluble (A, D, E and K). The body may have some reserve of only fat-soluble vitamins.

The B vitamin group includes 12 vitamins. Being water-soluble, in their natural state they are found in the juice of fruits. They are sensitive to heat and are destroyed during cooking. Get adequate amounts of vitamins B and C from fresh fruit and vegetable juices daily.


These are inorganic substances that come with food and water. They are involved in many metabolic processes, in particular they are of great importance for maintaining the composition and normal functions of body fluids. Our body needs about 20 minerals. Some of them, such as calcium, sodium and potassium, are required in quite large quantities. A lack of minerals can lead to illness. For example, a lack of iron causes anemia. Iron is part of the hemoglobin of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Some of the minerals are needed in very small quantities. They are called microelements.

Fiber, or coarse fibers

Ballast, indigestible fibers form feces, which are removed from the body. Therefore, a lack of coarse fiber foods can lead to constipation.

Constipation and the accumulation of toxic waste have a very bad effect on the condition of the skin. It takes on an earthy tint, areas of hyperemia and other stagnation appear, and inflammatory phenomena may occur.

Most of the plant consists of fiber, which forms a coarse fibrous mass in the intestines. Therefore, the diet should contain a sufficient amount of raw fruits, raw and lightly cooked vegetables and whole grains. Products made from refined fine flour are not only poor in nutrients, but also do not contain fiber.


70% of the human body consists of water. Water is absolutely necessary for life, it plays a very important role in metabolic processes, such as the delivery of nutrients, oxygen, biochemical compounds to the organs of the body and the removal of waste. Water is the main component of body fluids (blood, etc.).

The body loses water daily in the form of urine, sweat, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to make up for this loss and drink enough water. Water helps cleanse the body by flushing out toxins and waste.

Food Component




Vitamin A

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin PP (niacin)

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Folic acid

Vitamin C

Vitamin E










Natural spring

Milk, homemade cheese (cottage cheese), fermented milk products, lentils, soybeans and other legumes, nuts, seeds, grain sprouts

Wheat, rice, corn, oats, barley, potatoes, bananas, sugar cane, honey

Butter, cream, sour cream, aged cheese, nuts, vegetable oils, fried foods

Milk, carrots, green leafy vegetables (spinach)

Whole grains, peas, beans, nuts

Green vegetables, whole grain bread, nuts

Whole grain bread, peanuts

Whole grain bread, beans, potatoes, carrots, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, bananas Milk and dairy products

Spinach, milk, dairy products, dates, whole grains

Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tomatoes, papaya, cabbage, cauliflower

Polyunsaturated fats (vegetable oils), whole grains, green vegetables, almonds Milk and dairy products Cereals, spinach

Whole grain bread, beans, milk, green vegetables Milk and dairy products Iodized salt, seaweed Present in varying quantities in all foods Citrus fruits, bananas, tomatoes, apricots Whole grain bread, garlic, fruits and vegetables, seeds Mushrooms, herbs, whole grain products

Normally, we need to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. When water loss is greater, especially in hot weather, we drink more water.

Things to remember:

  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Consider your age and level of physical activity.
  • Part of the diet should consist of raw foods.
  • Avoid fried foods.
  • Avoid refined and processed foods.

Vital nutrients work together. They are interdependent in the processes of exchange, normal absorption and assimilation by the body. This is why it is so important that your diet includes foods from all nutrient groups.

The old proverb: “A healthy body is a beautiful face” never loses its relevance, and especially now, supported by scientific arguments. How do nutrients affect our appearance?

Vitamin C is necessary to maintain the integrity of collagen fibers and the supporting connective tissue of the skin. It plays an important role in the synthesis of connective tissue. Therefore, the density and elasticity of the skin depends on it. Ascorbic acid slows down the formation of wrinkles and folds. It also strengthens the immune system and prevents tissue depletion and aging.

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits), andalso in amla (Indian gooseberry).No synthetic vitamins can replace all the beneficial properties of fresh fruit.

Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining youthful skin, as it promotes cell regeneration. It keeps the skin soft and smooth.

Vitamin A is found in milk, carrots, cabbage, and papaya.

The good condition of hair and skin also depends on the presence of B vitamins, as well as minerals - iron, iodine and copper. They restore hair health, give it shine and even delay the appearance of gray hair. In other words, a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals slows down the aging process.

Healthy nutrition experts recognize that a diet rich in B vitamins helps eliminate hair-related problems - dandruff, brittleness, hair loss, and also enhances hair growth.

Rich natural sources of B vitamins include whole grains, soybeans, a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and brewer's yeast.

Recently, there has been increased interest in the role of trace elements zinc and copper as factors affecting the skin. Selenium is especially relevant in modern life, as it participates in the removal from the body of heavy metals such as lead and cadmium, present in the atmosphere of cities. These harmful impurities accelerate the process of tissue degeneration and cause premature aging of the skin. Selenium is found in whole grains, cabbage, mushrooms, onions and seaweed.

Zinc has a healing effect on the skin and is necessary for the normal functioning of enzymes. It strengthens collagen fibers, keeping the skin healthy, firm and smooth. Zinc is found in whole grains, legumes and seeds. A lack of zinc worsens the condition of hair and causes hair loss.

Your protection against aging

The formation of cross-links between molecules, or the damage caused by free radicals (oxidation), is considered the main factor causing the degeneration and wear of tissues, that is, the aging of the body. This process occurs at the cellular level, which leads to a weakening of cellular functions, including their ability to renew.

Scientific research has shown that this process of senile degeneration can be slowed down by supplying the body with substances that can resist the effects of free radicals, i.e. oxidative reactions. These substances, called antioxidants, are an important line of defense against aging.

Antioxidants are found in the food we eat. They not only resist the formation of cross-links, but also act

visualize the immune system. Therefore, they simultaneously delay age-related changes and protect against debilitating diseases of the body.

Well-known antioxidants are vitamins A, C and E, some B complex vitamins, bioflavonoids, some amino acids, and the trace elements zinc and selenium. Many of them are not stable at all and are completely or partially destroyed by cooking and heating. All antioxidants are interconnected, and biochemical processes proceed fully only if they are all present in the cell. If only one or two of them enter the body, it is not enough. A balance between all nutrients is necessary.

So, all points in favor of natural foods containing sufficient amounts of raw foods - vegetables, fruits and their juices. Your daily diet should also include whole grains, sprouts, nuts, seeds, milk and dairy products.

Nature has provided us with an arsenal of protection against premature aging and disease. Trying to improve nature, we clean, process, preserve and cook food for a long time, thereby destroying the components that are so necessary for us. We need to make sure that the body receives a full range of vital nutrients in their natural state. This will allow you to delay those changes in the body that not only take away beauty, but also attract diseases. A diet rich in natural products has a rejuvenating effect and can reverse the process of age-related tissue wear.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Society, nature has no intention of making us decrepit and sick. We may die old, but we may die “young” and healthy.

Excess weight can have a very adverse effect on your appearance. Even the most beautiful facial features blur on a fat person, and it is very difficult to find clothes to look elegant. In addition, thickness leads to so many health problems that it can hardly be ignored.

If you are overweight, you may need to go on a special diet. Before you go on a diet that is significantly different from your usual diet, be sure to consult your doctor.

In most cases, being overweight is caused by eating more than your body needs. Lack of physical activity makes matters worse. If you decide to go on a weight loss diet, keep the following in mind.

There is no point in going to extremes and choosing a grueling diet that will deprive you of vital substances. Some diets recommend only one type of food, but the body needs a balanced amount of them. In the beginning, you may lose weight, but then you will quickly catch up, mainly because the diet is very different from your usual diet. It will all end with a loss of strength, you will feel lethargic and drowsy. Appearance may also suffer: the face will become gray, the hair will become dull, the nails will begin to peel, etc.

If you give up health in exchange for beauty, you may lose both.

It's also difficult to stick to. There's no point in going to the extreme a meager diet in which youconstantly hungry. You are depriving yourself of essential nutrients and vitamins.But appetite can be temptingfeed you food even when you are not hungry. Appetite is stimulated by the sight, smell and taste of food. Habit also plays a big role in diet. We eat what we were taught to eat since childhood, and therefore it is difficult to give up our usual diet.

Unless you have organic diseases, the only way to lose weight is to gradually change your diet. But if you eat a balanced diet that is low in fat, sugar and salt, but rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, you will not have weight problems.

Changing to new eating habits requires knowledge of which components of the diet caused weight gain. Counting calories will help you. If you want to lose weight, their amount “at the entrance” should be less than what goes into energy costs.

If you want to lose weight, it's easier to do so by knowing which foods to include in your diet and which to completely eliminate or reduce.

Eliminate the following foods:

Butter (including ghee), sour cream, cream, fatty sauces, gravies, salad dressings, high-calorie desserts, confectionery, cream, ice cream, canned fruits and juices, processed and aged cheese, white bread, chips, fried dough products in oil, carbonated drinks.

Limit your consumption:

Cooking fats and oils, rice, pasta, whole milk and dairy products, tortillas, etc. from white flour, potatoes, beets, peas, bananas.

You can eat the following foods:

Skim milk and fermented milk products, skim milk products, buttermilk, homemade cheese (from skim milk), porridge from crushed wheat grains, leafy vegetables, onions, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, citrus fruits, apples, pears, plums, grain sprouts, fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Excess weight can have various causes, including nervous disorder, stress, childlessness, alcoholism, menopause, thyroid dysfunction, and diabetes. In these cases, you need the help of a doctor. Psychological help can be very effective in some cases. Sometimes new interests and new goals help to cope with a problem.

Useful tips for losing weight

  • Gradually reduce the amount of those foods that should be limited.
  • Eat more high-fiber foods. It takes longer to chew, and this reduces appetite.
  • Foods high in coarse fiber give a feeling of “fullness” faster.
  • Place a small portion of food on your plate, never top it up, especially when visiting, and do not take extras.

Avoid fatty salad dressings. Use lemon juice, herbs (mint, massala (spice mixture), mustard, etc.) to add flavor and spiciness to raw vegetables.

When I was little, I visited the Far East, with my grandmother on the island. Sakhalin. The nature there is unique. Mountains and the cold sea where people go for a walk in winter in down jackets. There seems to be 1 day of summer that you can sleep through. And also forests full of mushrooms and berries, burdocks the size of a person and dense thickets of ferns.

The most important thing is that everything, including burdock, is edible and is actively consumed.

I spent many years searching for where to buy bracken fern in Moscow. Many people don't even know what it is. They will look first at the fern in the pot, then at you, then back at the pot. Nobody seems to know what you are talking about.

The one that is sold in Moscow in finished form under the guise of a fern is not that terrible!

Finally my search was crowned with success. I found the Far Eastern Natural Product store.


The Far Eastern Natural Product store has a completely unique assortment.

  • Chum salmon.

    I didn’t even hope to meet a good Ketu in Moscow. My acquaintances always brought it to me from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, but given the fact that all these products cost the same as ours, it is at least strange to ask them about it.

    • There is even honey with sea cucumber.

    • Live sea cucumbers.

    • Dried and salted mushrooms.

      • Dried berries.

      • Far Eastern wild plants. Fern belongs to them.

      And much more. You can't list everything.


      If we compare the Far Eastern Natural Product store with stores that proudly have the prefix “eco” or “natural product”, this store is distinguished by reasonable, humane prices and a lack of pathos.

      How to make an order?

      The store is intuitive to navigate. Place items in your cart, select a delivery and payment method.


      There are plenty of payment methods:

      • Map
      • Cash
      • Electronic money, including our favorite WebMoney. So I can earn my own food.


      Delivery was scheduled for the next day. The courier found me without any questions, simply at the address previously provided. And this rarely happens.

      Such fast delivery was very helpful. Because I called all my Moscow acquaintances and literally shouted into the phone: “I found him!” I found a fern!” Some even cried in response to the overwhelming nostalgia.

      My order.

      The photo shows only two packages from my order. Because the remaining 2 kg have already been eaten. I will tell you more about how much I liked the bracken fern and what I did with it in a separate review.

      The opportunity to finally find products familiar from childhood is priceless.

Arguments for organic versus inorganic marketing.

Despite modern fast food methods, especially in the era of ease of access and convenience in providing many of the food items, we need to instill in the public the importance of natural farming, and promote the development of natural business methods.
Here you will find a number of benefits that you can get from switching to natural foods.

10. They keep things varied

The marketing strategy for creating natural nutrition is not only about preserving the planet, but also additionally supporting a huge variety of plants and varieties.
Also, this is one of the factors protecting the planet from the modern development of monocultures. You can also discover growing seeds. They patiently and conscientiously develop zoned seed species. This is actually the reason for natural marketing to improve service and increase variety. So that our children and grandchildren can always see and recognize the varieties that their ancestors grew.

9. Best animal care

With inorganic marketing, a decrease in the correct and humane attitude towards animals in the production of meat products is often recorded. Thus, when raised naturally, they have a healthy diet and plenty of space to live compared to most animals raised indoors. The time has come for intensive livestock farming, but animals must also have a favorable environment where they have the opportunity to grow and develop normally.

8. They give vital energy

Since they do not have substances that destroy the vitamins and minerals the body needs, they provide the best energy that the body needs.
This is the downside of any and all packaged or junk food, as this lack of vitality continues to grow through commercial digestion and preparation.

7. They make the soil healthy

preserve the soil due to the natural methods they use. It is not easy to get a good base and ensure proper strategic management of the land in order to obtain abundant harvests and useful crops. Sometimes it takes as long as 3 years to prepare healthy soil for natural harvesting.

6. It saves the environment

Not only will you protect the natural components of crops and animals, but you will also stimulate the market for maintenance and environmental safety through natural farming methods.

5. No chemicals

Since most organic products come from the farm, they are free from any harmful sprays and dangerous fertilizers. Compared to non-organic products from large supermarkets, which have high levels of additives that are not beneficial to people's well-being. In fact, they are a threat to children, growing fetuses, pregnant women, and their numbers are growing and growing. These products are fresher, and animals raised on organic farms do not use antibiotics or growth hormones.

4. They are safe for babies and children

Nutrition of infants and children will always be a very effective prerogative of using traditional and safe natural farming and agriculture. Naturally produced products offer sufficient vitamins and nutrients that are needed for their development along with your body, the needs of which cannot be met if a person buys industrial goods.
really exclude any toxic substances that could be dangerous when adding baby mass in the initial phase.

3. It reduces health risks

Many of the industrial products do not guarantee that people receive useful elements in exact percentages. Additionally, there are other health concerns involved because there are several additional additives, along with the basic elements, that are added to extend shelf life. Whereas, natural elements grown naturally allows a person to adequately consume the necessary nutritional elements, which are in equivalent quantities and are never diminished in any way.

2. It tastes better

The natural taste and aroma turns out to be much better and is actually 100% maintained, since the natural method does not include any substances to kill insects, nor risks to the healthy progression of crops. In addition, cafes and shops that use organic products always receive more customers.

1. More nutrients

Nutrient retention is maintained by as much as 50% compared to non-organic foods where you can only get one quarter of the 50% nutrient calculation. The main health benefits that humans need are antioxidants, but due to abnormal maintenance system and industrial programs, we get the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. You just need to qualitatively evaluate the amount of nutrients you can get from organic and non-organic foods.

Natural oligomeric and polymer products used in construction and other industries include natural resins, unsaturated (drying) oils, cellulose and some protein substances. To obtain binders, natural products are usually modified to improve their properties.

Natural resins- products of plant origin contained in liquids that are released on the surface of tree bark spontaneously or as a result of its injury. Resins consist of a mixture of organic high- and low-molecular substances. There are young (fresh) resins collected directly from trees (for example, resin - pine or spruce resin), and fossil resins - waste products of long-dead trees (amber, copals). Young resins contain many low molecular weight volatile substances, while fossil resins are hard, brittle materials. In construction, products obtained by processing the resin of coniferous trees are more often used - rosin and turpentine (see paragraph 18.3).

Pine rosin- a brittle glassy mass of yellow color, consisting mainly of resin acids (up to 90%). At a temperature of 55...70 ° C it softens, and at 120 ° C it turns into liquid. Rosin dissolves well in many organic solvents: acetone, ether, turpentine, white spirit and alcohol. Rosin solutions have adhesive properties. Rosin is used as a component of adhesive mastics to improve their adhesive properties.

Drying oils- film-forming substances based on compacted vegetable oils or fatty alkyd resins (for more information about drying oils, see paragraph 18.2).

Drying oils are used as a film-forming component in oil paints and as a binder - a plasticizer in mastics and putties for facing work.

Cellulose(from lat. cellula- cell) - polysaccharide - the most common natural polymer that forms the walls of plant cells. Cellulose in its pure form is not used as an organic binder. It is practically insoluble in either water or organic solvents. Cellulose ethers and esters are usually used: nitrocellulose, methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, etc.

Nitrocellulose is obtained by treating cellulose with nitric acid (to a nitrogen content of 10...12%), the resulting product is called colloxylin. Nitrocellulose is easily soluble in acetone, ethyl acetate; It is well plasticized by dibutyl phthalate and camphor. Nitrocellulose is used to produce varnishes, nitro enamels, putties and adhesives. When mixed with camphor, celluloid is obtained from nitrocellulose. A significant disadvantage of nitrocellulose is that it is a highly flammable material.

Methylcellulose(MC) - cellulose methyl ether (trade name in Europe - tylose); solid white substance, highly soluble in cold water. MC solutions, even at a concentration of 0.5...1%, are characterized by high viscosity and lack of thixotropic properties. When heated to 40...50 ° C, MC solutions gel. In construction, MC is widely used as a thickener for water-dispersed paints (see clause 18.5) and as a regulator of the water-holding capacity of building mortars (see clause 11.9). MC solutions are characterized by strong foaming, so it is advisable to use them with defoamers.

Carboxymethylcellulose(CMC) is a white powdery or fibrous product that is highly soluble in water. The viscous solution formed with water is used as wallpaper glue, as well as in cement mixtures for gluing tiles. Carboxymethylcellulose, like methylcellulose, is biostable, non-toxic, resistant to fats, oils and organic solvents. In addition to construction, carboxymethylcellulose is used in large quantities in the oil production and mining industries to increase the viscosity of water, in the textile industry (as a sizing agent) and in printing.

Protein substances are used in construction in ever smaller quantities due to their nutritional value and insufficient water and biostability. Casein and glutin are used in limited quantities.

Casein- a powdery product obtained by treating skim milk (skimmed milk) with acid. Casein is poorly soluble in water, but soluble in alkaline aqueous solutions. It is used in a mixture with lime for the preparation of adhesive and putty compositions, and also after dissolution in ammonia water (i.e. in the form of ammonium caseinate) to stabilize rubber latexes in polymer-cement materials.
