
How to make potato balls from mashed potatoes. Potato balls - recipes

There is leftover yesterday's mashed potatoes - prepare delicious potato cutlets!


  • 600 gr. thick mashed potatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. flour - into the dough; 5 tbsp. - for breading
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • sunflower oil - for frying

1. Beat an egg into the potatoes and mix. Salt. Let's pepper it.

2. Add flour and mix everything again.

3. Place the resulting dough by the tablespoon onto a plate with flour. Roll in flour. Shape into cutlets.

4. Place in a frying pan with heated sunflower oil, fry over medium heat under the lid (to “set” better) until golden brown. Carefully, so that the potato cutlets do not fall apart, turn them over and fry them on the other side in the same way. Attention! Before frying each new portion, you need to pour fresh sunflower oil into the frying pan.

5. Serve the mashed potato cutlets hot with sour cream.


  • Replace the eggs 2 tbsp. l. starch and you will get lean potato cutlets.
  • Instead of sour cream, you can serve potato cutlets with mayonnaise, mushroom or meat gravy, fresh vegetables, and herbs.
  • If desired, you can add finely chopped onion and fried in sunflower oil to the puree.
  • You can make potato cutlets from potatoes boiled in their jackets. Moreover, since more starch remains in jacket potatoes, it will be easier to turn the pancakes when frying.

It is perhaps difficult to come up with a better side dish for fish or meat than potatoes. Many housewives have a recipe for potato cutlets with different fillings and sauces in their arsenal. In addition, such cutlets are an almost universal dish - you can eat it on a regular day and even on a holiday if you experiment with the filling.


  1. Potatoes – 500 g
  2. Milk or cream – 100 g
  3. Wheat flour - a handful
  4. Breadcrumbs - optional
  5. Black and white pepper
  6. Vegetable oil
  7. Butter – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  8. Salt to taste


  • Peel the potatoes, cut them into medium pieces and boil until half cooked. Then add some salt to the water and continue the cooking process until it becomes crumbly. After that, drain the water and leave the potatoes to dry a little on the stove.
  • Add oil, pour in boiling milk and add pepper. Using a potato masher, thoroughly mash the potatoes to a smooth puree. Then add so much flour that you end up with an elastic, thick mass, which you knead thoroughly.
  • From the resulting puree we make cutlets and roll each one in breadcrumbs or flour. Add oil to a heated saucepan, place the cutlets with a slight indentation from each other. Fry them on each side until golden brown.

Cutlets with potatoes and minced meat


  1. Potatoes – 1 kg
  2. Flour – 50 g
  3. Vegetable oil – 50 g
  4. Minced meat – 300 g
  5. Onion – 1 pc.
  6. Egg – 1 pc.
  7. Vegetable oil


  • Peel the potatoes and boil until half cooked in salted water. Drain the water and then put the pan on low heat. This is required for the remaining liquid to evaporate. Don't neglect this moment, it is very important.
  • Add a little vegetable oil to the pan, mash the potatoes and set them to cool slightly.
  • Add finely chopped onion, egg and salt to taste to the minced meat, mix everything. Fry the minced meat in a frying pan.
  • Form a small pancake from the puree and put some minced meat in it. Place another layer of mashed potatoes on top to form a pancake. Then pinch the ends together to form a patty. Roll it in flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the cutlets on both sides. When a golden-brown crust appears, it means the cutlets are ready.

Tips for preparing potato cutlets with minced meat:

If during cooking the puree turns out to be too liquid, add a little flour to the potatoes and stir;

Before adding minced meat to the cutlets, think about how you can diversify the filling; perhaps you have a piece of cheese, herbs or mushrooms in the refrigerator.

Bits with mushroom notes

These hearty and tasty cutlets will appeal to lovers of vegetarian cuisine and those who observe fasting.


  1. Potatoes – 1 kg
  2. Champignons – 200 g
  3. Flour – 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Pepper and salt to taste
  5. Vegetable oil


  • Peel the potatoes and boil them until half cooked in slightly salted water. When it's ready, drain the water and mash the tubers to a puree. Wait for the puree to cool slightly, add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Now you can start filling. Wash the mushrooms, chop them finely and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil, stirring regularly. At the end of frying, add salt and pepper, then remove the pan from the heat and let the mushrooms cool.
  • Turn on the oven and start cooking the potato patties. Form a cake with wet hands and add 1 tsp. mushrooms Then, with wet hands again, place one tortilla on top of the other so that the filling remains inside, and form an oval patty.
  • Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Then place the potato cutlets on it, having previously rolled each of them in flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Place the baking sheet with the dish in the oven and bake them for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Potato cutlets with cheese


  1. Potatoes – 500 g
  2. Hard cheese – 100 g
  3. Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  4. Flour – 3-4 tbsp. l.
  5. Butter – 1 tbsp. l.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste
  7. Vegetable oil for frying


  • Peel the potatoes and cut into several pieces, and then boil in salted water until slightly soft. Then drain the water and add butter to the potatoes. Mash the potatoes and cool.
  • Grate hard cheese. Then add the egg, cheese to the cooled mashed potatoes and season it all with ground black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. It is worth noting that ideally it is best to use freshly ground pepper, then the dish will be more aromatic.
  • Now add flour to the potatoes and stir again until smooth. If necessary, add salt to taste. Then form cutlets from this mass and roll in flour.
  • The final stage is to place a frying pan on the stove and heat it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Then we start frying the potato cutlets with cheese until a golden brown crust appears on each side.

Potato cutlets are a wonderful dish; they can be prepared with a huge number of fillings. In addition, any thrifty housewife is simply obliged to have a couple of recipes for potato cutlets in her culinary arsenal, because many people often have excess potatoes. Try it and you will be able to look at traditional potatoes from a completely different side!

This potato cutlet recipe Dedicated to potato lovers. If you have boiled potatoes in their jackets, then simply frying them is boring and banal... You can use them to prepare fragrant and tender potato cutlets with various fillings (onions, mushrooms, cheese, etc.). They can be either a wonderful side dish for meat or a separate dish served with herbs and sour cream.


To make potato cutlets you will need

For the cutlets:
0.5 kg of potatoes (boiled in their jackets);
2 eggs;
3 tbsp. l. flour;
1 onion;
1 clove of garlic;
olive oil (for frying);
ground black pepper, salt;

For the batter:
1 egg;
50 g hard cheese (in this case I did not add);
1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise / sour cream / yogurt (in this case I did not add);

Cooking steps

Boil the potatoes in their jackets.

Finely chop the onion.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater.

Add fried onions, eggs, salt and spices, mix.

Add flour.

We form potato cutlets (as in the photo), periodically wetting our hands with cold water so that our mixture does not stick to our hands.

Prepare the batter from the listed ingredients.

Dip the potato cutlets into the batter and then into the breadcrumbs.

Fry the cutlets on both sides over medium heat until golden brown. Place on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

You can serve delicious potato cutlets prepared according to this recipe as a separate dish with sour cream and pickles, for example, or as a side dish for meat or poultry.

Bon appetit! Eat with pleasure!

Potatoes are perhaps the most popular vegetable in our country. You can use it to prepare many first courses, side dishes, salads and popular snacks. From our article you will learn how to make potato cutlets, and at any time you can prepare a hearty and tasty dish.

As a rule, this dish is made from mashed potatoes with the addition of herbs or any spices. You may encounter some difficulties as the cutlets may lose their shape during cooking. However, you will be rewarded for your efforts and will definitely not be disappointed. Mashed potato cutlets are prepared as follows:

Step-by-step video recipe

  • Sort through one kilogram of potatoes, peel the tubers and boil them until tender in salted water.
  • When the potatoes are ready, drain the water and mash them.
  • Remove the peel from two onions, cut them into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  • Combine the prepared products with two chicken eggs, salt and pepper.
  • From the resulting mass, form oval-shaped cutlets, roll the pieces in flour and fry on both sides in a heated frying pan.

If you are fasting, this dish can become the main one. Serve it with a salad of fresh vegetables or homemade vegetable preparations.

Boiled potato cutlets

Here is another recipe for a dish that you can prepare during Lent. To add a special taste to this dish, you can change the recipe to your liking. For example, add chopped vegetables or spices to it. How to cook potato cutlets?

  • Thoroughly wash, peel and cut five large potatoes into pieces. Boil them in salted water until tender, and then mash the potatoes until pureed.
  • Peel, chop and fry one large onion until golden brown.
  • Finely chop one bunch of dill, and pass three peeled cloves of garlic through a press.
  • Combine the products, add a couple of tablespoons of breadcrumbs, salt and ground pepper.
  • Mix the ingredients, form the resulting mixture into cutlets and fry them on both sides until golden brown.

A potato cutlet goes well with fresh or sauerkraut salad. You can also serve this dish with vegetable stew.

Potato cutlets with cheese

We are sure that you will like this unusual recipe for potato cutlets. You can cook them for breakfast or serve them as a side dish. How to cook:

  • Steam 300 grams of potatoes in their skins, then cool, peel and grate.
  • Boil 30 grams of rice until half cooked, combine it with potatoes and 100 grams of grated cheese.
  • Boil two hard-boiled eggs, peel them and grate them. Chop a bunch of fresh parsley with a knife. Combine the prepared products, season them with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  • Form cutlets from the “dough”, roll the pieces in flour, dip in beaten egg and fry in a frying pan until cooked.

A potato cutlet with cheese turns out very tasty and tender, so be sure to try preparing this wonderful dish.

Potato cutlets with crab sticks

This light dish is loved by adults and children. How to cook potato cutlets? The recipe is:

  • Boil 300 grams of peeled potatoes in salted water and then mash them with a fork.
  • Add one raw egg, salt and pepper to the puree.
  • Peel one small carrot and grate it.
  • Chop 120 grams of crab sticks with a knife.
  • Grate 50 grams of any hard cheese on a fine grater.
  • Combine all products and mix them thoroughly.
  • Using your hands and a knife, form identical flat cakes, roll them in flour and fry in vegetable oil.

Serve the finished dish with a salad of fresh herbs and vegetables.

Potato cutlets with chicken liver

If you always don’t have enough time to cook, then try to cheat and combine a side dish and a main dish in one dish. Potato and liver cutlet is a hearty and tasty dish that can be served for lunch or dinner. The recipe for making it is very simple:

  • Boil, peel and chop two chicken eggs.
  • Remove the peel from one large onion and finely chop it.
  • Prepare 500 grams of chicken liver, remove the films and ducts, and then cut it into small pieces. Place it in a heated frying pan and fry along with the onion. Finally add eggs, salt and ground pepper. After ten minutes, remove the pan from the heat, cool its contents and grind with a blender.
  • Prepare mashed potatoes from five large potatoes, add two tablespoons of flour, two raw eggs, ground pepper and salt.
  • Make a flat cake from the puree and place a spoonful of filling in the center. Do the same with the remaining amount of ingredients.

When the preparations are made, form balls and fry them in a frying pan on both sides.

Potato cutlets with mushrooms

The combination of “potatoes and mushrooms” has long become a classic. There are many dishes that include these components. These can be casseroles, soups, main courses, salads and various snacks. Each of the listed dishes is worthy of special attention, but today we will focus on cutlets.

Today we will cook something very simple, but very tasty and filling! These are potato cutlets that we will fill with a variety of fillings.

More than five interesting recipes await you, each of which is a must-try. By the way, you can do this at the same time. To do this, you will need a sufficient number of zrazas and different types of fillings. As a result, you will get a platter for lunch or dinner.

To prepare zraz from potatoes, it is not at all necessary to use boiled potatoes. It can also be raw, grated potatoes. But in the second case, the cutlets will have to be cooked a little longer and over low heat, preferably under a lid.

Remember that you will need quite a lot of oil, especially if you are cooking a large number of cutlets. If you have a non-stick frying pan, you can fry without using oil.

Classic mashed potato cutlets

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

You know that classics are always in fashion? Then let's prepare classic potato zrazy together from ready-made mashed potatoes, it will be delicious!

How to cook:

Tip: Be careful with the salt and remember that feta is also salty.

Potato balls with your favorite filling

For lovers of traditional recipes, we offer potato cutlets with the classic filling - green onions and eggs.

What is the calorie content - 159 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potato tubers and place in a saucepan.
  2. Fill them with water, put them on the stove, turn on the heat and add salt.
  3. Let it boil, cook until fully cooked.
  4. Once the root vegetables are cooked, drain them and cool.
  5. Peel, cut into small pieces, mash into puree.
  6. When the mixture has cooled almost completely, add flour.
  7. Add salt and mix by hand until an elastic dough is obtained.
  8. Place the eggs in a saucepan, add water and put everything on the fire.
  9. As soon as it boils, set aside for fifteen minutes.
  10. Boil the eggs until fully cooked, then pour cold water over them to cool quickly.
  11. Peel the shells and cut into small cubes.
  12. For greens, choose anything you like. This could be dill, green onions, parsley, cilantro, arugula, sorrel, spinach, etc.
  13. Rinse, chop and mix with eggs, add spices to taste.
  14. Divide the dough into several parts, and from them, in turn, make flat cakes.
  15. Place the filling in the center and wrap it inside.
  16. Roll the resulting meatballs in breadcrumbs on both sides.
  17. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it and fry the zrazy until golden brown.

Tip: It is important to choose the right potato variety. For example, the Granada variety is suitable.

Full-fledged zrazy with meat and crispy crust

If you want to get a complete dish, we suggest trying zrazy according to the following recipe. There will be not only puree, but also minced meat as a filling, as well as a crispy crust.

How much time - 55 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 176 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the potatoes and wash under running water.
  2. Rinse the tubers, put them in a saucepan, add water.
  3. Peel, rinse and place one onion with the potatoes.
  4. Place on the stove, turn on the heat and cook the potatoes until tender.
  5. Don't forget that you need to salt the potatoes as soon as the water boils.
  6. Drain the water from the finished tubers, mash the potatoes into puree with a potato masher, and remove the onion.
  7. Cool, add flour and eggs, mix the ingredients well.
  8. Peel the onion, rinse off any juice and cut into small cubes.
  9. Pour some oil into a frying pan, heat it and add the onion.
  10. Fry it until soft and add minced meat.
  11. Cook, stirring, for fifteen minutes.
  12. Five minutes before the end, add your favorite spices to taste.
  13. Place the crackers on a plate and set aside.
  14. With wet hands, pinch off a little potato dough and form it into a flat cake.
  15. Place some filling in the center, wrap and shape into a cutlet.
  16. Roll each finished cutlet in breadcrumbs.
  17. Repeat the process with all the dough and all the filling.
  18. Pour the remaining oil into a frying pan and heat.
  19. Fry the zrazy until golden brown on all sides.

Tip: to make the filling tastier, prepare the minced meat yourself.

Potato cutlets with mushrooms

Do you like mushrooms? Read on to find out what ingredients you need to buy and how to prepare these crazy potato zrazy with “forest” filling, and then get started.

How much time - 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 87 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the potatoes, wash and chop a little.
  2. Place in a saucepan and rinse the slices to remove any starch.
  3. Pour in water, put on the stove, and boil until fully cooked.
  4. During this time, remove the skins from the onion, wash it from the juice at the cut and chop it into cubes.
  5. Peel the mushroom caps and stems and cut into cubes.
  6. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it and add onions.
  7. Fry it until soft, add mushrooms.
  8. Stirring, simmer until the moisture evaporates, then another ten minutes.
  9. Drain the water from the potatoes, mash the pieces into a puree, and let it cool slightly.
  10. Then add flour, egg, a little salt and black pepper.
  11. Stir until smooth and divide into twelve parts.
  12. Turn each part into a flat cake, place about ten grams of filling in the center.
  13. Wrap it inside, turn the ball into a cutlet and roll in flour.
  14. Heat the pan again and fry all the meatballs in oil until golden brown.

Tip: you can use porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, boletus, champignons and so on as mushrooms.

Potato balls with mushroom sauce

This dish can already be served to guests. Potato zrazy with aromatic cheese, which, when served, is poured with a rich mushroom sauce.

How much time - 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 142 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and place in a saucepan.
  2. Pour water and rinse the slices to remove starch.
  3. Next, pour in enough water for cooking and put on fire.
  4. Bring to a boil, cook until soft, then drain.
  5. Mash the tubers into puree and cool slightly.
  6. Beat in the egg and add spices to your taste.
  7. Grate the cheese and add it to the rest of the ingredients.
  8. Stir and add flour, mix with hands until smooth.
  9. Next, start cleaning the mushrooms for the sauce. Both the caps and the legs need to be cleaned.
  10. After this, cut the mushrooms into slices or small cubes.
  11. Pour oil for the sauce into a frying pan and heat it.
  12. At this time, peel the onion, wash it and finely chop it.
  13. Place in a frying pan and fry until soft, add mushrooms and fry.
  14. Add spices and a spoonful of flour, mix.
  15. Add cream and broth, simmer, stirring, for 3-4 minutes.
  16. At this time, rinse and finely chop the greens, add them to the sauce.
  17. Stir and remove the pan from the heat.
  18. Pour oil into a nearby frying pan and heat it.
  19. Form cakes from the potato mixture.
  20. Roll each of them in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan until golden brown.
  21. Serve the potato cutlets hot with hot mushroom sauce.

Tip: You can use plain water instead of broth.

"Marine" option

For lovers of seafood cuisine, we can offer a budget alternative to an expensive dish - potato cutlets stuffed with crab sticks. It's worth a try!

How much time - 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 129 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the potatoes, thoroughly wash the tubers from dirt and grate them.
  2. Peel the onion, wash with running water and finely chop.
  3. Pour a third of the oil into the pan and add the onion.
  4. Fry it until soft and golden brown, mix with potatoes.
  5. Rinse the greens and chop finely with a sharp knife.
  6. Beat in the egg, add spices to taste, herbs and mix well by hand.
  7. Divide the resulting dough into twelve parts and roll each of them into a ball.
  8. Pre-defrost crab sticks and chop finely.
  9. Make cakes from potato balls.
  10. Fill them with crab mixture, wrap and form into cutlets.
  11. Roll each one at a time in breadcrumbs and fry in a heated frying pan.
  12. By the way, you first need to pour the remaining oil into it and fry the meatballs until golden brown.

Tip: You can use absolutely anything you like as greens. It can be tarragon, parsley, tarragon, dill, mint, rosemary and more.

If you have trouble gathering the potato dough into patties, wet your palms. It will be much easier to do this with wet hands. Next, wet your hands before each meal.

You can roll zrazy not only in breadcrumbs and flour. You can also use sesame seeds or crushed corn flakes for this purpose. It will be very original and tasty!

Potato cutlets are a new, original way to serve potatoes to the table. You can supplement it with mushroom sauce according to our recipes or cook something meat, fish, or simply make sliced ​​fresh vegetables or salad.
