
Instructions for preparing custard with starch. Custard with corn starch - step-by-step recipe with photos at home Protein custard with starch for cake

Custard is perhaps one of the most popular for layering cakes and pastries. The milk custard recipe has several variations. The most famous ones are given below.

  • milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 2 units;
  • flour - 2 table. l;
  • drain butter - 50 gr.

Initially, let the milk warm up over low heat. It is recommended to use a container with a thick bottom.

While the milk is warming up, quickly whisk the egg-sugar mixture. When the mass is well ground, sift the flour and grind again until smooth. The flour should not form lumps.

By this point the milk will be warm. Gradually add a third of it to the prepared mass, mixing everything thoroughly. When you get a homogeneous slurry with a thin consistency, pour it into the remaining milk and mix. Brew the cream until it thickens to the desired consistency for the cake. It is important to stir it constantly, otherwise the cream may burn.

As soon as the dessert acquires the required thickness, turn off the heat and add oil to it. Continue stirring until the piece has completely melted and the mass becomes homogeneous. Cool.

On a note. To stir the cream in the warming milk, it is recommended to use a spatula instead of a spoon - it will better collect the cream from the bottom, preventing it from burning.

No added eggs

Custard without eggs turns out much more tender than the classic version.

For cooking you will need the following amount of products:

  • half stack Sahara;
  • stack milk;
  • 3 table. l. flour;
  • 100 g plums. oils

Combine the milk with sugar and place on low heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves.

As soon as the milk warms up, sift the flour into it and beat little by little with a whisk/mixer. Boil the mixture to a consistency reminiscent of rich sour cream. After this, the fire can be turned off and left to cool.

When the cream becomes warm, add soft butter to it and beat it using a mixer. The mass will become fluffy and smooth in the process.

Custard for sponge cake

A lush, light cream that perfectly saturates the biscuit is obtained from the following proportions of products:

  • 120 g sugar;
  • 600 g milk;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar;
  • 6 egg yolks.

Beat the yolks with sugar until the mixture turns into light foam. Pour in the milk and whisk again. Put everything together on the fire, slowly boil and cook until thick, stirring constantly.

The custard for the biscuit can be cooled for 15-20 minutes and immediately applied to the biscuit cakes. The dessert must be allowed to harden in the refrigerator. It is recommended to leave it to soak overnight.

Vanilla cake layer

Vanilla cream of a pleasant yellowish hue with vanilla flavor for the cake is prepared from the following amount of products:

  • 2 stacks milk;
  • 6 eggs yolk;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 40 grams of starch;
  • 50 g plums. oils;
  • 6 grams of vanillin.

Bring vanilla and milk to a boil. If vanillin is used in the form of ground powder, leave it to brew for half an hour until the milk cools slightly. If it is used in the form of a pod, it must be cut and put in milk, boiled and left for an hour so that the taste and smell of the spice is best suited to the dairy product.

Separately, beat the yolks with starch and sugar.

Remove the pod from the milk and put the pan back on the lowest heat. The milk should become almost hot. Then pour it in a stream into the starchy yolk mixture, constantly working everything together with a whisk.

Let everything warm up again and don’t forget to stir. Within a few minutes of starting to boil, the mixture will become very thick. Can be removed from the stove.

Next, add oil to the mass, beat thoroughly with a mixer or immersion blender until the mass becomes uniform in color and structure. Let it cool, stirring the mixture periodically so that a film does not form on the top.

On a note. To make the cream cool faster, you can place the saucepan with the contents in cold water. You still need to stir while cooling to prevent a film from forming.

With milk and condensed milk

  • 200 grams of condensed milk;
  • 100 g plums. oils;
  • 1 stack cow's milk;
  • 1.5 table. l. Sahara;
  • 2 table. l. flour.

The first stage is preparing the base of the cream. To do this, combine plain milk with sugar and flour, beat everything well. Let everything cook over low heat. The mass will gradually begin to thicken, and to avoid lumps forming, it is recommended to use a mixer.

On a note. You can experiment and use a boiled product instead of regular condensed milk.

Custard buttercream

  • 6 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 2 g vanillin;
  • 150 g plums. oils

In one saucepan, heat milk with sugar and vanilla. While it is heating, melt a piece of butter in a saucepan and lightly fry the flour in it, about 3 minutes over low heat.

Combine both masses, beat everything well and cook until thick, stirring constantly to avoid burning.

On a note. To protect yourself from the issue of cream burning to the bottom of the pan, you can cook in a water bath. The method is longer, but safer.

Recipe for honey cake with milk

The cooking method is no different from previous options. The only caveat is that while mixing the eggs and dry ingredients, add cocoa.

Chocolate custard will definitely be appreciated by those with a sweet tooth. It is great for layering honey cakes and napoleons, and can also be used as a filling for eclairs.

Delicate, sweet custard is an integral part of delicious cakes, pastries and eclairs. If you are planning to make your own dessert, think about cream. They make any pechevo look tasty, appetizing and very sweet. The classic custard recipe is known to many. Without it, it is impossible to imagine such baked goods as “Napoleon” or “Medovik”.

The simplest, fastest and most delicious recipe. It goes well with all types of dessert.

You will need:

  • four chicken eggs;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • wheat flour - 40 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar, wheat flour and vanilla sugar.
  2. Pour cold milk into the mixture and pass through the mixture with a mixer.
  3. Turn on medium heat, place a bowl of future cream on it and bring it to a boil. In this case, you need to continuously stir with a spoon.
  4. If you need a thick cream, then after boiling, cook it for another 10 minutes.
  5. Wait until the mixture has cooled and start using the prepared custard.

Custard for Napoleon cake

Custard is an important component of everyone's favorite Napoleon cake. The dessert turns out lush and soft. It's a pleasure to cook.

Required Products:

  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • flour - 75 g;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • vanilla sugar - 12 g;
  • butter - 0.25 kg;
  • three chicken eggs.

How to make custard for Napoleon:

  1. We need a pan with a thick bottom. In such a container, milk will not burn when boiled.
  2. Pour sugar and flour into it.
  3. We mix them and pour in a mass of three beaten eggs.
  4. Add vanilla sugar and turn everything into a homogeneous mass without lumps using a fork.
  5. Pour milk at room temperature into it.
  6. Without ceasing to stir, put the mixture on the fire and cook our cream.
  7. Constantly monitor the preparing cream, as the flour can burn at any moment and the milk can run away.
  8. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the liquid, turn off the stove.
  9. When the mixture has cooled, add the butter, beating the base with a mixer.
  10. Mix until the butter dissolves and decorate the cake.

Recipe for sponge cakes

You will need:

  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • starch - 30 g;
  • milk - 0.3 l;
  • three eggs;
  • butter - 0.3 kg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar - 0.15 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour raw eggs into a container, add salt and starch, pour half the amount of milk.
  2. Using a whisk, turn the mixture into a yellowish homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan and add sugar.
  4. Simmer the contents of the pan over low heat until the milk boils.
  5. Constantly stirring the egg mixture, pour boiling milk and sugar into it.
  6. Place the future cream on the stove and cook until the mass thickens and turns into real cream.
  7. Get rid of any lumps that appear by stirring everything with a spoon.
  8. Prepare a clean bowl, pour the cream into it, add vanilla sugar.
  9. Cover the dish with cling film and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  10. You can coat each layer of cakes with cream or make a cake and cover it with a lush soft mass on top. Bon appetit!

Custard with butter, without eggs

Try making cream without eggs. It turns out less fatty and sugary, with a slight vanilla flavor.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 160 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 11 g;
  • solid butter - 120 g;
  • milk - 0.4 l.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Combine flour and sugar in the first bowl, pour 200 ml of milk into it.
  2. Beat the mixture with a whisk.
  3. Pour the remaining 200 ml of milk into an iron mug or saucepan and bring to a boil.
  4. Slowly pour the steaming liquid into the first bowl with sugar, milk and flour.
  5. Mix everything and put it back on the stove, turning on low heat.
  6. Remember to constantly stir the liquid until it reaches a thick consistency.
  7. After this, add the butter, cutting it into small pieces. They should completely dissolve in the cream.
  8. Remove the dishes from the stove, add vanilla sugar.
  9. As soon as the mass has cooled, it will be ready for use.

How to prepare cream for eclairs?

Eclairs are a dessert made from incredibly light dough. And the cream for them should be very tender, sweet and airy.

What to take:

  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • boiled condensed milk - 0.2 kg;
  • flour - 75 g;
  • cream - 200 gr;
  • vanillin - 2 g;
  • sugar - 25 gr.

Cooking option:

  1. Our cream will have a pleasant caramel color and taste.
  2. Pour flour, granulated sugar into a small saucepan and pour in milk.
  3. As soon as you have mixed the mass with a whisk, put the dishes on the fire at the lowest power.
  4. After the liquid turns into a thick mixture, turn off the stove and add condensed milk.
  5. Mix vigorously with a spoon. Our cream takes on a golden caramel hue.
  6. We melt the butter either ourselves (just take it out of the refrigerator in advance), or heat it in the microwave.
  7. Place softened butter and cream in a blender and grind everything thoroughly.
  8. Gradually add the creamy mixture to the cooled cream, stirring all the time with a spatula.
  9. All that remains is to pour it over the eclairs and insert it into the dough. Enjoy your tea!

Homemade protein custard

Protein cream is an integral part of the most delicate and delicious desserts. And it is very easy to prepare it at home.

You will need:

  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • one lemon;
  • four egg whites;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to prepare custard protein cream:

  1. Carefully break the raw eggs and separate the whites and yolks.
  2. Cut the lemon into two parts and squeeze the juice out of them. For the recipe we need 40 ml of juice. This is two tablespoons.
  3. Separately process the whites with a mixer. They will reach the desired consistency when you turn the bowl upside down, and the protein mass will remain in place.
  4. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar. We are making sweet syrup.
  5. Pour it into the whipped whites and go through the mixture with a mixer.
  6. Add lemon juice and turn on the kitchen appliance again.
  7. After 10 minutes of whipping, the cream will be ready.
  8. You can add vanilla for flavor.
  9. Now fill the cakes or tubes with cream.

Based on sour cream

This cream is used for cakes. Its texture is dense and is designed to be applied to cakes between layers.

Grocery list:

  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • first grade flour - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 0.3 kg;
  • butter - 0.2 kg;
  • one egg;
  • vanilla sugar - 20 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the egg into the sugar.
  2. Mix the ingredients well.
  3. Pour in flour and dissolve it in the mixture.
  4. Add sour cream and heat the mixture in a water bath.
  5. Separate 50 grams from a piece of butter and transfer it to the future cream. The butter should be soft.
  6. Process the remaining amount in a blender.
  7. Add cream to the butter one spoon at a time.
  8. Beat everything together in a blender.
  9. You should get a fluffy thick mass.
  10. Cover it with cling film or cotton cloth and leave it in the refrigerator.
  11. After a few hours the cream will become very thick and can be used for its intended purpose.

Required ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • soda - 4 g;
  • two egg yolks;
  • cottage cheese - 500 gr;
  • butter - 100 gr.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Half an hour before cooking, remove the pieces of butter from the refrigerator. They should soften.
  2. Place the cottage cheese in a blender and grind it into a homogeneous curd mass.
  3. Put butter in it, pour in soda, pour out the yolks.
  4. Mix everything and leave it like this under gauze for 3 hours.
  5. As soon as time has passed, place the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  6. Pour in sugar and stir the mixture with a fork.
  7. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, cool and place the container on a shelf in the refrigerator.
  8. This cream is used for heavy cakes. You can make a full-fledged dessert from it by placing it in a beautiful mold and decorating it with pieces of berries and fruits.

What could be simpler and tastier than custard? I would like to outline in detail the entire technology of its preparation.

As a rule, it is prepared not as an independent dish, but as a dip for sponge or shortbread cakes, or as a possible filling for eclairs. The use of such a creamy mass can be very diverse.

This delicacy can be used to improve various confectionery products.

There are many ways to prepare this dish. In addition, each housewife cooks in her own way and adds something of her own. This confectionery dish can be prepared with caramel, chocolate, yolks or, conversely, with whites.

If you don’t know how to cook it, you can look at various recipes on the Internet and choose the most optimal recipe for you, or ask more experienced chefs. But you should not blindly trust everything that is written on the Internet, or take into account the recipe if it does not suit you in some way, or worries you. Trust your intuition and it will never let you down.

I would like to present to you with pleasure my favorite step-by-step custard recipe. I have known it since my school days, when I loved to bake simple and uncomplicated confectionery products for my near and dear ones, and it is perfect for a family celebration, becoming the key note of your culinary creativity and success.

Initially, you will need to decide what you will take as a basis. In my opinion, if you want to make such an impregnation for cake layers, and also if you use this sweet consistency as an independent product, a recipe based on corn starch powder wins in every sense. If you cook with the cornstarch substance, you will give the creamy substance a different look and flavor. Unlike flour and potato starch, corn starch gives the cream a smoother texture. If you don't believe it, check it yourself.

Here is my favorite recipe with starch.

To make the custard you will need:

– Butter – 200 g (can be replaced with cream – 150 ml)

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— Milk – 500 ml

— Eggs — 2-3 pieces

– Starch substance – 26 g (2 level tablespoons)

— Vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon

- Granulated sugar - to taste (I usually put 200 g, since my family loves very sweet custard)

First of all, you will need to pour milk into a saucepan, add some sugar, add vanilla sugar and bring the resulting liquid to a boil. Your creation will be especially tender if you constantly stir the milk poured into the pan. After the milk has boiled, remove it from the burner and let it brew for about half an hour.

In a separate bowl, mix the starch powder and the remaining sugar. It is better to immediately sift the starch through a sieve, since corn starch often forms lumps. Of course, you can also use potato starch as the basis for your confectionery product, but I offer you this technology because I consider it the most optimal.

The dry mixture of granulated sugar and starch should be mixed thoroughly. Use a whisk or fork for this, the mixture should have a homogeneous consistency.

Then, as this recipe dictates, you need to add eggs to this mixture. At the same time, you should pay special attention to the ratio of dry and liquid components; the more starch or flour you have in proportion (it can be used as a custard base in an alternative way to prepare this confectionery impregnation), the thicker and richer your custard will be ultimately.

Next, take the hot milk with vanilla sugar that you prepared earlier, and pour about a third of it into the mixture of starch powder, sugar and eggs. You need to pour in gradually and slowly, stirring constantly.

This recipe implies that the consistency of the derived parts of the cream mass at any stage of its preparation should be homogeneous, so you should pay attention to thoroughly mix all the ingredients. Still, if you are making custard to bake a delicious cake, it is better to use starch.

Finally, you need to slowly pour all the remaining vanilla milk into the egg-starch mixture. After this, this consistency must be poured into the pan, and stirring endlessly, bring to a boil. The creamy mass in the pan will gradually thicken. You are required to make the fire not very high. It is better to cook the custard over low heat.

When the resulting liquid boils, it should be kept on the stove for a couple more minutes. To give it a more “buttery” taste, you can safely add butter or cream at the last stage of cooking.

Then remove the custard from the stove, let it cool and cover with cling film - preferably in the refrigerator overnight or at least for a few hours.

This recipe is perfect for almost all types of culinary products - especially for Napoleon cake and eclairs, or for any other cake. In any case, a cake with such a filling is always tasty and interesting. Custard does not require long cooking. Use custard for your cake.

Good luck in your culinary career.

One of the easiest to prepare and cheapest options for layering cakes is custard.

Its recipe has been changed more than once, and every housewife can safely add her own special twist to it.

Let's learn from this article how to make custard with starch at home!

Main features of cooking

The cake starch custard will be made with a milk base. It’s certainly not worth saving on this product, since the taste will be significantly changed, and even in a negative direction.

Other additions include sugar or sugar. powder, you can add honey, molasses, condensed milk or sweet syrup.

The starch will help the custard thicken. It is also common to use chickens for thickness. eggs, or rather only yolks, chocolate.

All products must be combined in the same sequence, as indicated in the recipe for making the cream. Then you need to warm them up in a water bath.

Since this is a relatively long process, you can cook on the stovetop in a thick-walled saucepan. When the custard thickens and makes plopping sounds, you should immediately remove it from the heat.

After which you need to let the composition cool, so it will become thick and rich in color, like in the photo.

Well, that's all with theory, now it's a matter of practice!

Custard without butter for cake

The cake cream recipe does not include the use of flour. In this case, I recommend using either potato or corn starch. Both types are available for sale.

To flavor the cream, you can use vanilla or citrus zest, a little cinnamon or your favorite essence - the choice is entirely yours.

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. starch; 3 pcs. chickens eggs (yolks only); 0.5 l of milk; vanilla; 200 gr. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Paul Art. I mix milk with starch, mix well.
  2. Mix the yolks, the rest of the milk and sugar. I whisk until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Cook over medium heat on the stove for a couple of minutes, you need to stir constantly so that the cream is homogeneous and does not burn.
  3. When the custard mixture is hot, add starch and milk in a thin stream. Now your task is to constantly stir the mass, which will thicken more and more at the bottom and at the edges.
  4. I introduce vanilla and use a van. sugar or essence. Remove from the stove and let cool. If necessary, the mass of custard for the cake must also be whipped with a mixer again.

Yolk custard for homemade cake

The custard recipe for a delicious cake specifies the use of cornstarch. It is not found as often in stores as potato, but you can still buy it.

Components: 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 50 gr. cook. starch; 2 tbsp. milk; half st. Sahara; vanilla.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour half a tbsp into a bowl. milk, add starch and mix.
  2. I add egg yolks and vanilla to the milk composition. I stir until the composition becomes homogeneous.
  3. I bring the rest of the milk to a boil in a separate bowl, pour in the egg mixture and stir without stopping.
  4. Cook on low heat. Allow the cream to thicken and cool to room temperature. Then beat with a mixer until the mixture becomes fluffy.

Custard with condensed milk


350 ml condensed milk; 2 pcs. chickens eggs (yolks only); 60 gr. starch; 300 ml milk (fat content from 3.2%).

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Pour the milk into a bowl with thick walls. I add yolks and starch. Using a mixer, I mix the mixture at low speed. The result should be a mass of homogeneous structure.
  2. I put it on the table, pour in condensed milk and send it to simmer over low heat.
  3. I cook until the first bubbles appear, then I put the custard mixture in a deep bowl and let it cool. You need to stir from time to time so that the custard does not have a crust.

And below we will present another entertaining recipe for housewives.

Custard berry cream


0.5 kg of berries (any, assorted); 0.5 l of milk; 100 gr. cook. starch; 5 gr. cream stabilizer; cinnamon and vanillin; 350 gr. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I grind the berries with sugar. I add them to cold milk.
  2. I put the mixture on the fire and stir, bringing to a boil. I introduce cinnamon and starch.
  3. I pass it through a sieve. I let the custard mixture cool and add vanillin.
  4. I whip the cream together with the pack. stabilizer.
  5. I add small portions into the jelly and whisk further. Let it cool. The custard cream composition is ready for use.

Custard milk cream for light cake

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of milk; 50 gr. cook. starch; 150 ml cream (fat content from 30%); vanillin and 300 gr. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I leave 100 ml of milk, add the rest to the bowl and mix with sugar. Cook over low heat on the stove, stirring occasionally. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  2. I mix the sifted starch with the rest of the milk. I stir so that there is not a single lump.
  3. I put it on the stove, stir it and bring it to a thick consistency. Using a sieve, I strain the mixture and let it cool.
  4. I add cream and vanillin to the mixture. I'm whipping up the mixture.

Custard cream

Components: 5 pcs. chickens eggs; 300 gr. Sahara; 300 ml milk; 50 gr. starch; 400 gr. sl. oils; vanillin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Chicken Beat eggs and sugar together.
  2. Mix milk with sifted starch. I stir so that there are no lumps. Bring to a boil and stir over medium heat.
  3. Pour the milk into the eggs, whisking while doing so. I put it on medium heat for 4 minutes and let the mixture cool.
  4. Sl. The butter needs to be softened, vanillin added to it and beaten until white.
  5. Mix the cooled mixture and slurry. butter, constantly beat at high speed with a mixer. I let the cream sit in the refrigerator before using it at home.

Pistachio custard cream with starch


200 gr. pistachio; 50 gr. cook. starch; 50 ml plant. oils; 250 ml milk (fat content from 4%); 250 gr. cream (fat content from 35%); vanillin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I grind pistachios to flour using a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix sugar with milk and add sifted starch. I mix until the mass becomes homogeneous and send it to medium heat. I cook to a boil and add the plant. oil. I stir and let it cool.
  3. I add vanilla, beat at high speed, and add cream. Then I add pistachio flour.
  4. Place the custard in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Lemon custard with starch

Traditional lemon cream is made with cream. It will turn out very tender, not at all cloying and quite dense in composition.

It does not spread on shortcrust pastry and is amazingly suitable for layering cakes and filling basket-shaped cakes.


4 things. chickens eggs; 2 pcs. lemon; 1 tbsp. cream (take thicker); half st. milk; 100 gr. sah. powders; 2 tbsp. cook. starch.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. Mix sifted starch with 1 tsp. water. I juice the lemons and remove the zest. I separate the yolks and add them to the starch. I stir.
  2. I mix the egg mass with citrus juice and zest, sugar. powder, I mix it.
  3. I put the milk on the stove and bring it to a boil. I mix the mass.
  4. Cook over low heat until the creamy mass becomes thick and elastic.
  5. Remove from heat and cover with parchment paper and let cool.
  6. Whip the cream until foamy and mix with the lemon mixture. The cream is ready.
  • If there is no milk or condensed milk, you can make a cream based on cream of any fat content. It will turn out really tasty.
  • Lumps can be removed by passing the mixture through a sieve or whisking until smooth using a blender.
  • You can thicken the cream at home by adding flour. Then you need to dilute it with cold water and add it to the hot mass, quickly stir the tbsp. compound.
  • Vanillin can be added when the cream has cooled. The aroma in a hot composition will quickly open up and disappear.
  • Lemon juice can be made faster by placing the fruit in hot water for a couple of minutes beforehand.
  • Burning can be minimized if the custard is constantly stirred with a wooden spatula or a silicone whisk.

My video recipe

Custard is one of the most common creams. Many people remember from childhood the famous Napoleons layered with such cream. Eclairs are also filled with custard and used for sponge cakes. Each housewife prepares custard differently. I cook it myself in different variations. I offer one of the options for the custard recipe.

To make custard we need milk, sugar, flour, starch and eggs.

Break 1 egg and 2 yolks into a bowl, add half the sugar and beat vigorously with a whisk.

Sift flour with starch, add to egg-sugar mixture. Stir well.

Heat the milk and add the remaining sugar. Add some of the warm milk to the flour mixture and stir vigorously with a whisk so that no lumps form.

Then pour this mixture into a saucepan with milk.

Mix the whole mass well and put on medium heat.

Cook stirring until thickened. The cream is ready when you see the first “gurgle”. If the cream is needed thicker, then keep it on the fire for another 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool.

If the cream is not used immediately, then it should be covered with cling film so that it fits tightly to the surface of the cream and put in the refrigerator.
