
Storing sauerkraut in the refrigerator. How to store sauerkraut at home

How to store sauerkraut so that it remains tasty and retains all its beneficial properties? This question is relevant primarily for those who buy the product in large quantities or independently make sauerkraut in reserve. Storing sauerkraut is not that difficult, but there are still clear requirements, by following which you can provide yourself with this product for many weeks to come.

Traditional container for sauerkraut - wooden barrel

What factors affect quality and shelf life?

Cabbage variety

A lot depends on the type of cabbage. Sour cabbage of mid-season and late-ripening varieties is well preserved. It is what ferments for a long time and retains a pleasant crunch and dense texture. Early ripening varieties of cabbage are distinguished by the tenderness of their leaves and are more suitable for preparing salads or light soups, and it is better not to use them for preparations. Such cabbage will resemble boiled cabbage in consistency, and this is unacceptable in this case.

Cabbage varieties for pickling or pickling usually have juicy and very dense leaves with thin veins, which can be difficult to chop. The color of such heads of cabbage is very light, almost white. Vegetables with green leaves are in no way suitable for pickling, because such a preparation will most likely taste bitter.

Note: if you do not chop the leaves into thin strips, as is usually done, but cut them into large (up to five cm) squares, then the amount of preserved vitamins will be maximum.

Early ripening varieties are not suitable for fermentation, just like green leaves

Storage containers

You should not store sauerkraut in aluminum containers, as a reaction will begin between the metal and the acid, as a result of which the product will turn black and begin to taste bitter. Eating such a dish will not only be unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. Glass or enamel containers are the most suitable option.

Temperature and humidity

The storage conditions for pickled or sauerkraut are similar in terms of temperature; the ideal is considered to be from +2 ˚C to +5 ˚C. It will not be possible to store cabbage at elevated temperatures: it will quickly turn sour.

You can also freeze the product, if it is not possible to store it in ideal conditions, it is better to do it in portions. In addition, we must remember that repeated freezing will be disastrous for the product. but also very undesirable.

The storage temperature must be constant. It is recommended to store sauerkraut at a fairly high humidity; excessive dryness does not benefit this dish.

Mold protection

Late varieties of cabbage can be stored in pickled form for the longest time - up to six months, especially in the cellar, adding cranberries or lingonberries to the delicacy, which will help prevent the appearance of mold. Mustard and its seeds, as well as sugar, have the same properties if you sprinkle them on the finished product from time to time.

White cabbage is suitable for fermentation, giving better results in taste and storage

Brine quantity

Sauerkraut or pickled cabbage should be stored so that the brine completely covers the shredded leaves. If it becomes insufficient, you need to add the required amount of cool water with the addition of salt into the container with the workpiece. Cabbage fermented in large containers is specially pressed under pressure, because only when in brine will the product retain the incredible amount of vitamin C and other beneficial substances it contains.

Helpful advice: if the cabbage harvest has ripened in the beds for storage in pickled form, then these heads of cabbage can not be removed until the first light frost. In vegetables caught by the first frost, starch is converted into sugar, which gives their pulp a brighter and richer taste.

Best place to store


Where to store cabbage if it is fermented in large quantities? The best option is in the cellar, in a wooden barrel, as has been the custom for a long time. Now it’s not easy to get such containers everywhere, so enamel buckets, tanks or deep basins are perfect. A good cellar, treated with special agents against mold and rot, protected from the invasion of omnivorous rodents, will keep sauerkraut at its best!


Is it possible to store sauerkraut in an apartment? Of course you can! One option is to store cabbage for the winter in jars for long-term storage on the balcony. Storing sauerkraut in jars is very convenient, because these containers come in different sizes, and in addition, the product is preserved simply perfectly in sterilized jars! The jars can be wrapped in a blanket or something else warm to protect them from severe frosts.

In principle, you can store a whole barrel of sauerkraut on the balcony, but if the product freezes, then the portion taken for defrosting and on the table will need to be consumed in the near future, and freezing it again is probably the worst thing you can do . It’s good if the balcony is at least a little insulated, then it can become an excellent storage not only for sauerkraut, but also for other preparations.

Traditionally, we shred cabbage for pickling into small narrow strips, but a larger shredder retains more vitamins

Plastic containers

The owners who make a large number of vegetable, fruit and berry preparations for the winter have all the glass jars to their advantage! Sometimes it happens that this container runs out, and then the owners try to make do with plastic utensils: they use cans and even plastic bottles with the neck cut off. You can often find sauerkraut in similar packaging in market stalls.

I would like to immediately note that the workpiece will be stored in plastic containers and jars for a much shorter amount of time than in glass, so it is better to destroy such stocks first.

In addition, everyone knows how unpleasant plastic smells and how quickly this corrosive odor is transferred to the food that such dishes come into contact with. In short, this option is only suitable for short-term storage in the refrigerator.


How long does sauerkraut last in the refrigerator? At the appropriate temperature, it will last approximately the same amount of time as in the cellar, without deteriorating or losing its taste and beneficial qualities. The refrigerator is great for storing sauerkraut for several months, but who, one wonders, would wait that long before starting to enjoy such a wonderful dish?

Storing it in the refrigerator has only one drawback: lack of free space. It is clear that no one will keep a bucket with the preparation in the refrigerator, because then there will be nowhere to store all the other products. A couple of three-liter glass jars is the maximum, and it is important to keep the jars closed to prevent the penetration of foreign odors, which will quickly be absorbed into the product and spoil its taste. It will be especially unpleasant to eat cabbage with the aroma of smoked fish or sausage.

Storage outside the cellar and refrigerator

There is an excellent recipe that allows you to store as much sauerkraut as you like in an apartment at room temperature.

  1. Cabbage – 5 kg.
  2. Carrots – 3 pieces.
  3. Table salt – 90 g.
  4. Granulated sugar – 80 g.
  5. Bay leaf (optional) – 5 pieces.

Sugar, by the way, can be replaced with honey, then the dish will turn out even tastier!


  • The top damaged or greenish leaves are removed from the heads of cabbage, the stalks are removed, and the vegetable is chopped into thin long strips. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  • The prepared vegetables are thoroughly mixed in a clean, deep enamel basin along with all the spices and compacted very tightly.
  • They put oppression on top: a wide plate turned upside down and a jar of water. In this form, the workpiece is left to ferment for 3-5 days, until fully cooked.
  • Jars with a capacity of 1 liter are prepared by steaming, after which the sauerkraut is laid out over them, leaving three centimeters to the neck.
  • Place the jars covered with lids in a large saucepan with warm (not hot!) water, covering them not to the very top (3 cm to the neck), turn on medium heat. As soon as the water in the pan boils, reduce the heat to low and sterilize the workpieces for 40 minutes. There should be a towel at the bottom of the pan if there is no special wooden stand. Sterilized jars are carefully removed from the water using potholders and rolled up as quickly as possible.

The resulting canned food will not spoil and will remain tasty, even if it sits until the summer at room temperature. This cabbage can not only be used as a vitamin salad, but also cooked into delicious sour cabbage soup or even stewed with meat.

And if you have some whole carrots left over, you might be curious to know, and if so, the best way to do it.

A good appetizer - sauerkraut! You can't argue with folk wisdom. And why? After all, sauerkraut is really good in many ways: tasty, healthy, simple and affordable! How to choose, prepare, and most importantly, store sauerkraut in order to preserve all its valuable properties to the maximum?

Store sauerkraut in the refrigerator or in the cellar

How long can you store sauerkraut?

It is recommended to store sauerkraut at home in the refrigerator or in the cellar, where the optimum temperature is constantly maintained from −1 to +4 ℃ and humidity above 90%. So sauerkraut can be preserved for more than six months if it is placed in a wooden barrel or tub.

In glass containers the shelf life is much shorter - 2-3 weeks, and at a higher temperature, for example +10 ℃ - only a few days.

It is important to ensure that the cabbage is completely covered with brine, otherwise it will oxidize and darken. The absence of brine leads to the destruction of the most valuable vitamin C. Therefore, the top layer must be leveled, put pressure on top and tightly closed with a lid.

Sauerkraut does not lose its taste when frozen. Note that you need to freeze it in portions in order to eat it at one time and prevent repeated freezing, which will have a detrimental effect on both the crunch and the benefits.

Cabbage is best stored in a wooden barrel

A few tips to help extend the shelf life of sauerkraut:

  • When sauerkraut, add sour lingonberries or cranberries (can be dried). Natural acids are additional preservatives and enrich the taste of the finished product;
  • When taking out the next portion of cabbage, sprinkle the one that remains for storage in the container with sugar, which will turn into vinegar under conditions of natural fermentation;
  • Cover the top layer of cabbage with a leaf or grated horseradish root. You can also use mustard powder or seeds - simply scatter over the cabbage or on top of a layer of gauze placed on it. These are natural antibacterial and antifungal botanicals that will enhance the flavor of your kale;
  • If the cabbage is stored in a large barrel or tub, set aside the amount you need for eating, and keep the bulk under the lid. Do not open it often so as not to disturb the microclimate created by fermentation bacteria.

Sauerkraut can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for no longer than a month.

Some housewives are of the opinion that the quality of sauerkraut depends not only on the recipe, but also on the type of cabbage and even on the lunar calendar! It is believed that cabbage fermented during the new moon turns out more tasty and crunchy.

In principle, for pickling, all you need is the cabbage itself and salt according to the following calculation: 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 kg of shredded cabbage. It needs to be well ground and pressed with your hands in a large basin until it gives juice, and then compacted tightly into a fermentation container. To complement the taste and add color, add grated carrots, apples, raisins, cranberries, prunes, honey, pepper, bay leaves and other spices.

For intensive fermentation, leave the cabbage for 2-7 days in a warm place, covering the container with gauze. To prevent bitterness and unpleasant odor from appearing, the cabbage should be pierced several times a day with a stick or knitting needle to the very bottom of the container, removing accumulated gas. After the foam stops appearing and the brine becomes transparent, the sauerkraut can be stored in the cold.

Use an enameled or food-grade stainless steel container (pan) for fermentation (not aluminum!).

It is better to choose strong and flat, late varieties of white cabbage for fermentation. The most suitable is considered to be autumn, cut after the first slight frost. It contains the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements.

For sauerkraut, you need to take edible stone salt - medium or coarse grinding without any additives, not iodized.

Do not use iodized salt for sauerkraut

What's good about sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut is one of the healthiest foods, especially during the winter and “vitamin deficiency” period. During the process of fermentation - a natural chemical process of fermentation of lactic acid bacteria - cabbage acquires a significantly larger amount of vitamin C, B vitamins, micro- and macroelements (calcium, potassium, iron, selenium, zinc, iodine, sodium, phosphorus).

Natural probiotic lactobacilli and fiber make sauerkraut a truly healing remedy that strengthens the immune system, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and improves the condition of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Some caution in consuming sauerkraut should be exercised in case of stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, kidney failure, cholelithiasis, high acidity and hypertension.

Sauerkraut can be frozen, but only in small portions, “at a time”

Sauerkraut is recommended as an excellent product for a healthy diet and weight loss, reducing sugar levels in diabetes and toxicosis during pregnancy. But it is worth considering that it contains a lot of glucose, which is quickly absorbed into the blood and stimulates appetite, as well as salt, which can cause fluid retention in the body.

Pickling is a way of preparing vegetables for the winter, especially popular in the post-Soviet space. Thanks to lactic acid, which is formed during the fermentation process, and salt, vegetables are preserved for a long time and, most importantly, practically do not lose their beneficial properties.

Of all the varieties of pickled vegetables, white cabbage is the most popular. This dish is widespread and even considered national in most countries of Eastern Europe. And this is not surprising, because it has several important qualities at once - it is easy to prepare, it is affordable and very tasty and healthy.

The benefits of sauerkraut are hard to overestimate. It is incredibly rich in vitamin C, K, B vitamins, and many minerals such as phosphorus, sodium, iron and calcium. It is very important to know how to store sauerkraut in order to preserve all the beneficial substances in it.

Vitamins for the whole winter

For almost any food product, its shelf life is important. Pickled vegetables are no exception. It is very important to know how long sauerkraut can be stored before the vitamins in it begin to be destroyed. Its shelf life in fermented form varies from several days to several months, depending on the method of its storage:

  • in a wooden barrel, as they fermented several centuries ago, at a temperature of -1+5, cabbage will last for about 8 months;
  • in a glass container at the same temperature, the shelf life will be only 2-3 weeks;
  • Cabbage can be stored in polyethylene for up to seven days without losing its beneficial properties.

Where to store sauerkraut

In addition to the period, the storage location is also important. Interestingly, the best place and method for preserving pickled vegetables is still the one that was used several centuries ago - the product was stored in a wooden barrel, which was placed in a cool cellar. Of course, this applies to storing sauerkraut at home. On an industrial scale, the technology for its preparation is different.

Even with the advent of refrigerators in homes, it is most convenient to store pickled vegetables in a cellar or basement. Unfortunately, in a city apartment this is not always possible. Then the cabbage is stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

How long sauerkraut can be stored in the refrigerator is already described above. For this type of storage, a glass jar or enamel container is best. On the balcony, the workpiece can be stored in glass, wooden or metal containers. Do not use aluminum cookware as it will create a metallic taste. For the same reason, you need to choose enamel cookware without chips. If the container with cabbage is on the balcony, it is important to monitor the air temperature outside. When light frosts occur, the container needs to be wrapped so that the workpiece does not freeze. In severe frost, it is better to bring it into a warmer room.

If you plan to store sauerkraut for a long time, you need to ensure that it is constantly covered with brine. Otherwise, vitamin C will be destroyed. In addition, it is important that mold does not appear in the container with the workpiece. To avoid this, you can pour it with vegetable oil. Mustard seeds and cranberries will also protect against mold.

Salted cabbage

Salted cabbage is, in fact, the same as sauerkraut, only it is prepared with more salt. Thanks to this, it lasts longer, because salt has a preservative effect. True, such cabbage is considered less healthy. It is great for cabbage soup and stewing. The principle of its storage is the same as for sauerkraut.

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What to do if sauerkraut is over-acidified?

When fermented, cabbage may turn out too sour. This usually happens if you keep it in a warm place - then it will ferment and release more lactic acid than is needed. In this case, eating it is undesirable, although there are big fans of strongly sour cabbage. For those who are not one of them, there are several ways to save peroxidized cabbage:

  • rinse with cold water and squeeze;
  • mix with sweet onions and fragrant sunflower oil (in this case the taste will soften, but this product will still remain too sour for the stomach);
  • process it: cook cabbage soup from it, stew it along with meat and potatoes, or prepare a filling for pies.

The best way to preserve sauerkraut for a long time is to store it in a wooden barrel in a cellar or basement. The ideal storage temperature for the workpiece is from -1 to +5 degrees. If you need to store the workpiece in a city apartment, then a cool balcony or refrigerator will do.

In winter, this vitamin product is on every table. Those who have their own garden make a large amount of fermented food for the winter, processing their harvest. Storage conditions are an important component in preserving the beneficial substances contained in the product. If the vegetable softens or becomes moldy, it will become unsuitable for consumption. Therefore, you need to clarify for yourself the question: how to store sauerkraut correctly. From the article you will learn how to properly prepare vegetables for storage (that is, ferment them) and how long sauerkraut can be stored in the refrigerator if you do not have a cellar or basement.

Sauerkraut contains a record amount of vitamin C, as well as a large list of microelements and important amino acids. During the fermentation process, this product becomes many times more useful than fresh and retains all its properties during long-term storage, if done correctly.

  • Vitamin C is very important for the body and should be supplied with food daily; if you eat sauerkraut in winter, this problem will be solved.

Ascorbic acid helps the body resist colds and viral diseases, improves the functioning of the liver and hematopoietic organs, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and is beneficial for the immune system.

Such a useful product has a number of contraindications, but they are not associated with the negative qualities of this vegetable, but with the presence of certain diseases. This is due to the presence of large amounts of salt and organic acids in sauerkraut.

People with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and those with pancreatic diseases should refrain from consuming the product.

Basic methods of sauerkraut

There are many methods for fermenting cabbage at home. Some people pour hot brine into the cabbage to pickle it faster, others put vinegar in the cabbage. Each method is good in its own way. But it is the classic version that most fully preserves all vitamins and nutrients.

Mid-season and late varieties are suitable for pickling and winter storage. Early cabbage is not good.

The classic method involves using only cabbage, carrots and salt in the recipe: for 3 kg of carrots, take one medium carrot and 60 grams. salt.

The cooking process is simple:

That's all. All that remains is to put the jar in a warm place and periodically pierce the contents with a plastic or wooden stick so that the gases formed during fermentation escape faster. At room temperature, cabbage will be ready in two days. Where to store this workpiece in the future depends on the availability of utility rooms.

What is the shelf life of sauerkraut

Traditionally fermented white cabbage can usually be stored for several months. It can be eaten all winter and even in spring, if the preparation has not yet been eaten by that time.

Of course, the product should not be stored at room temperature, as the cabbage will quickly turn sour. She needs the right conditions.

You can further extend the shelf life of sauerkraut by placing it in the freezer.

Sauerkraut has a number of contraindications

OnlyPlease remember that this product cannot be re-frozen.. This needs to be defrosted

the amount you are going to eat.

Methods for storing sauerkraut

The recommended storage temperature for this product is from 0° to +2°. Ideal conditions for storing it can be provided by a glazed and insulated balcony, shed or cellar. You can store cabbage in the same glass jars or enamel tanks in which it was salted.

It is important that the temperature does not reach sub-zero levels, but is in the desired range. The frozen product will have to be eaten quickly so that it does not spoil; a large volume of the product will not allow you to do this.

How to store sauerkraut in the refrigerator

If you do not own a barn, cellar or balcony, you can store jars of cabbage in

You can prepare many different versions of sauerkraut salad

refrigerator. The only disadvantage of this storage method may be the lack of space in the refrigerator. The temperature regime for storing the workpiece in the refrigerator is the most favorable, taking into account the fact that there are no jumps or temperature fluctuations in the refrigeration unit. It’s a pity that you can’t put a lot of jars in the refrigerator. Taking into account the fact that other products should be stored there. How long can sauerkraut be stored in the refrigerator without losing its properties? Long enough that you can eat it without leaving anything.

Some housewives found the following way out of the situation. They store the fermented product on the open balcony, where it freezes. The trick is that the cabbage will be stored in an enamel tank, already packaged in small plastic bags. Having taken out and eaten the preparation from one package, you can then put the next portion in the refrigerator. Overnight it slowly thaws in the refrigerator, and the next day it is ready for use.

Learn to ferment this vegetable correctly and store it correctly - and you will always have a healthy and tasty product on your table in winter.

Knowing how to store sauerkraut without refrigeration, you can prepare a lot of this healthy and tasty product. It’s good if you live in a private house: sauerkraut can be stored for a long time in a cool and dark cellar, making sure that mold does not form. In a city apartment, long-term storage is possible only in the refrigerator.

Traditional sauerkraut

There are many ways to prepare this delicious product at home. Some use vinegar to give the cabbage a spicy kick. In other recipes, chopped vegetables are poured with hot brine to speed up the cooking process. To make cabbage healthy and last longer, it is better to cook it according to the classic recipe, using only cabbage, carrots, salt and spices. Mid-season and late varieties are better suited for fermentation.


  • chopped cabbage – 3 kg;
  • carrots – 80 g;
  • table salt – 60 g;
  • bay leaf and cumin (optional).

The cooking process is divided into 4 stages.

  1. The head of cabbage is washed under running water and cleaned of green or damaged outer leaves. They chop it finely.
  2. One large carrot is cut into thin strips, like for a Korean salad. Mix vegetables on a plastic cutting board (you can do this in a separate convenient container or on a clean oilcloth).
  3. Add two full, slightly heaped tablespoons of salt. Grind the chopped vegetables well with salt and place them in a clean glass container, carefully compacting them with a wooden tamper.
  4. The jar is filled five centimeters below the edge of the neck. Tie a clean cloth or gauze on top to allow the cabbage to “breathe.” The jar is placed on a plate. During fermentation, air bubbles are released, and the cabbage juice will overflow over the edge of the jar into a substitute container. If you pierce the cabbage with a wooden skewer in several places to the bottom, the air bubbles will come out faster.

After two or three days at room temperature of about 20 degrees, the dish will be ready. The jar can be stored in the refrigerator to prevent the cabbage from peroxidizing. This product can be stored at a temperature of 0 to 2 degrees for several months. But it takes up a lot of space in the refrigerator; it is inconvenient to keep several cans for a long time on shelves intended for perishable foods. Below we will look at the recipe for preparing this dish, which will allow you, after harvesting at the dacha in the fall, to make preparations until next year.

Some housewives take the preparations out onto the balcony in the cool season. This is convenient to do if the balcony is well insulated and there is a closet there. In severe frost, the jars will still have to be brought into the apartment. If cabbage is stored in an enamel pan, it can be left on the balcony during frost. But when defrosting, such a product must be eaten as quickly as possible, which is not always possible.

Many housewives use the freezer for storage. Place the product in plastic bags and put it in the freezer. Such cabbage can be stored for a long time, but when defrosted, the taste may deteriorate, and it should not be re-frozen. If sauerkraut is stored in brine, its beneficial properties are better preserved.

Choose juicy varieties for fermentation to get a high-quality and tasty finished dish. In the fermentation process, the role of cabbage juice is very large. If it is deficient, the cabbage placed in the jar may turn black, an unpleasant odor and bitter taste will appear, and the product will be spoiled.

Sterilized sauerkraut

This recipe will allow you to store the product at home without a cellar or refrigerator for several months.


  • shredded cabbage – 5 kg;
  • salt – 85 g;
  • sugar or honey – 75 g;
  • bay leaf – 5 pcs.


  1. Clean the head of cabbage from green leaves and cut out the stalk. Shred into thin strips. Add three tablespoons of salt and the same amount of sugar or honey, bay leaf, mix everything well.
  2. Place the cabbage in clean glass jars or an enamel pan, pressing tightly. A load is placed on top (a plate turned upside down and a jar of water). Keep until ready at room temperature for 3–5 days.
  3. Place the prepared sauerkraut in prepared, steamed glass jars with a capacity of one liter - three centimeters below the top of the neck. Cover the jars with prepared lids.
  4. Place the filled jars in a pan or bucket with water heated to 30 degrees and sterilize for 40 minutes. The water level in the pan should be three centimeters below the neck of the jar. The sterilization time begins to count from the moment the water boils in the pan. The boil should not be violent; the heat should be reduced so that the heating is minimal. Place a wooden grid or a rag at the bottom of the sterilization container.
  5. After sterilization, the jars are carefully removed from the water using special tongs or a towel. They roll up quickly.

Prepare according to this recipe after harvesting in the autumn. Without peroxidation, without changing its taste, cabbage will last on the canned shelf until the summer. Perfect as a side dish for boiled potatoes, porridge, meat and fish dishes, for making vinaigrettes and cabbage soup.
