
Omelet with sausage and cheese 4 servings. Omelette with cheese and sausage - step-by-step recipe

Marine fucus algae are one of the most delicious and healthy sea plants. They can be easily recognized by their appearance, since the surface of these algae has small green bubbles. These algae are not only used for culinary purposes, to add flavor or anything else, they are often used to treat various diseases, problems with the body and other factors.

Another thing is that you need to understand what the essence of these algae is, how they are useful, and whether they will specifically help you in your situation. To do this, we will tell you what the beneficial properties of this marine product are.

Fucus algae contain biologically active compounds. These compounds include fucoidan, concentrated alginic acid, and large amounts of iodine.

Such substances take an active part in the structure and renewal of the body and perform many functions, including reproductive ones. In turn, iodine contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which means that algae will be useful for children and adolescents, as the body begins to grow quickly.

The product also contains various vitamins, the main ones being vitamins A and E, B vitamins, and even vitamin C. Among other things, there are also minerals, such as phosphorus and boron, iron and more than 25 different components.

Beneficial properties of fucus algae

Initially, fucus algae began to be used in folk medicine, and in this understanding, they served to restore the functioning of an organ such as the thyroid gland.

When the first symptoms of diseases of this organ were detected, various recipes based on fucus algae were used. In addition, it was also used:

  • for arthritis and joint pain;
  • with obesity and noticeable excess weight;
  • for constipation and other intestinal problems;
  • with iodine deficiency in the body.

Also, the use of algae as a remedy for mosquito bites has been repeatedly recorded. So, a mixture based on fucus was applied to the bites, after which the inflammation, irritability of the skin was relieved and the bites disappeared for some time.

In the same way, algae is used for other skin diseases - allergic, chronic, helps get rid of wrinkles, and so on.

Again, let's return to the beneficial effects on the thyroid gland. Since the product contains iodine, the algae will have a positive effect on this organ.

If the thyroid gland works like a clock, this will help get rid of many diseases, normalize the functioning of the body, restore normal metabolic rate, and speed up the process of fat breakdown.

Also, algae will help in the treatment of cellulite, since algae have an active effect on the circulatory system. The product has proven itself very well as a means of losing extra pounds.

To use fucus algae more effectively, you can consult a nutritionist who will accurately advise the required doses and proper use of the product.

Also, fucus helps reduce pain and inflammation in the body and skeletal system. Due to the presence of calcium in the seafood product, when it enters the body, the algae helps to “patch up” areas where calcium deficiency appears, as well as where inflammation begins to form.

In addition, blister algae, in addition to calcium, nourishes bones with other components - carotene, manniotle and others. It should be noted the obvious benefits of the substance on the digestive system.

Since alginic acid and dietary fiber are present in fucus, they help get rid of food indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, and promote the rapid absorption of foods. Often, fucus algae is used to treat heartburn, not to get rid of it, but for treatment.

It is worth noting the beneficial effects of fucus as a cosmetic product. Based on it, various cleansing masks and anti-aging products are prepared, with the help of which you can easily get rid of wrinkles, oily skin, and so on.

Fucus has a bright, easily memorable taste, so it always stands out clearly in any dish. In order not to spoil the taste of the food, you should not put too much of it.

It must be remembered that this ingredient itself already has a salty taste, so it is not recommended to add too much salt to salads, soups, and sandwiches. It should also be recalled that the “eggs” can easily be crushed, so they should not be kneaded too actively.

Analysis of the most popular recipes with sea grapes allowed us to offer you the following options:

  1. Salad dressing. You will need dried fucus (50 g) in powder form. Pour it into a clean, dry 0.5 liter glass jar and add grated garlic (5 cloves). Next, chop one medium-sized onion and also add it to the seaweed. Then measure out 1 tsp. special seasoning for cooking Korean carrots and 1 tbsp. l. rice vinegar. Combine all this with other ingredients and stir. Next, fill this mixture halfway with water and let it absorb the liquid. This should take about an hour, after which all that remains is to pour vegetable oil, preferably linseed oil (2 tablespoons), into the dressing and shake it.
  2. Vegetarian soup. Bring 1 liter of clean water to a boil over low heat. Then peel, wash and cut into cubes two medium-sized potatoes, 1 carrot and onion. Next, pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, heat it well and add the vegetables. While they are frying (2-3 minutes), cut the tofu cheese (100 g) into strips, then add it to the pan. Then, after 5 minutes of simmering the mixture under the lid, pepper and salt it to taste, pour into boiling water. Cook this fish soup for about 20 minutes and after turning off, garnish with fucus (50-100 g).
  3. Salad. Wash and chop, but not very finely, spinach (100 g), sorrel (50 g), carrots (1 pc.), frisee lettuce (30 g). Combine all this and sprinkle with dried sea grape “eggs” (80-100 g). Season this mixture with mustard (1 tsp), corn oil (2 tbsp), ground black pepper and sea salt to taste, as well as diced tofu (100 g). There is no need to stir the salad, otherwise it will look unappetizing. It is recommended to cool it for 20-30 minutes before serving.
  4. Miso soup. To prepare it, bring 1 liter of water to a boil. After this, add dashi powder (1.5 tbsp) and stir well until it is completely dissolved. Next, cut the tofu (120 g) into cubes and pour it into the pan with the broth. Then do the same with green onions and add white soybean paste (100 ml). Boil the soup for about 15 minutes, then sprinkle it with sea grape “eggs” to taste, salt and pepper.
  5. Layered salad. First of all, boil 3 potatoes, peel them, grate them and place them in a container for aspic. Salt this layer on top and brush with mayonnaise. Next, crush the cod liver (300 g) with a fork and carefully place it on top of the potatoes. The next layer should be made from boiled eggs (3 pcs.), it will also need to be salted and sprinkled with mayonnaise. Then sprinkle the dish to taste with seaweed eggs and hard cheese, which you need about 200 g.

In fact, sea grapes are called not only fucus, but also the berries of a small evergreen tree from the Buckwheat family. It also includes another type of brown algae - Sargassum.

Among the representatives of this genus is the species Umi Budo, originally from Japan, where it grows in warm waters off the coast of the city of Okinawa.

Despite the fact that the main producer of sea grapes (fucus) is Russia, it has the greatest demand in Asian countries and the USA. This is due to the fact that most of these algae are exported abroad for sale.

It is very difficult to find raw sea grapes in the market because their transportation is quite difficult. It doesn’t keep very long without a refrigerator, and in fact, it doesn’t either.

Manufacturers have found another way to present the product in an appetizing form - after preliminary drying. To do this, they expose the algae to sunlight or keep it in ovens at low temperatures.

Sea grapes absorb a large amount of dirt and sand, so when you bring them home from the market, it is recommended to immediately fill them with cold water and leave for 15 minutes. This will help get rid of impurities that should eventually settle at the bottom, and then the algae should be rinsed well.

Fucus is popular not only in the food industry, but also in medicine and cosmetology, for example, it makes effective masks for cellulite. To prepare one of them, you need to mix 50 g of algae powder and 1 liter of boiled water.

This mass must be infused for 10 hours, after which it must be applied with a brush to problem areas and left under cling film for 20 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week.

Considering that this type of brown algae is most common in Asia and the United States, it is not surprising that there is not much information in Russian-language sources about how sea grapes are eaten.

But the information that is available about it allows us to state with a high degree of confidence that it is simply undeservedly excluded from the cuisine of Russia, Ukraine and other European countries.

For some reason, they prefer sheets of ordinary nori or kelp, which have long ceased to claim to be original products.

Harmful properties of fucus

If seaweed is consumed incorrectly, in very large quantities, or dry, some problems or side effects may occur.

Due to the excess iodine in the body, which is contained in algae, disruption of the thyroid gland may occur, or it may cause mild poisoning.

Therefore, be careful with the consumption of fucus algae, and always monitor the quantities in which you eat this seafood delicacy.

The action of fucus in cosmetics

Fucus is a rich source of proteins, polysaccharides, minerals, vitamins, microelements, unsaturated fatty acids and other active molecules that are necessary to regulate metabolic processes in the dermis and epidermis.

Its unique properties are determined by the composition of compounds such as iodine, alginic acid, mannitol and polyphenols. Special mention should be made of fucoidan, a polysaccharide with a pronounced antioxidant effect.

It stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and increases local immunity, prevents premature aging, and activates blood circulation. Both oil and fucus extract retain all these beneficial substances.

One of the most popular effects of this plant is fat burning and anti-cellulite, which are widely used in thalassotherapy programs. Fucus stimulates blood circulation, promotes vasodilation, and triggers lipolytic processes.

Thanks to this, the processes of breaking down fat depots and removing toxins from subcutaneous fat are activated.

Fucus extract promotes enhanced cellular regeneration, acts as a softening, soothing agent, smoothing out wrinkles. It reduces roughness, makes the skin elastic and maintains its turgor in good condition.

Fucus oil protects the skin from premature aging and dehydration, increases skin tone and turgor, smoothes wrinkles and prevents their further appearance. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of its mineral composition, this component combats scalp discomfort.

Who is Fucus indicated for?

This component, both in the form of an extract, and in the form of seed oil or in the form of micronized powder, has many indications for use:

  • Nourishes the skin and ensures the balance of cellular metabolism of the dermis, as well as lifting, combating the symptoms of photoaging and wrinkles.
  • Fighting excess weight and cellulite. Fucus oil not only stimulates local blood circulation and detoxification, but also effectively eliminates puffiness. In this case, fucus is used in wraps. It is useful to combine this procedure with aromatherapy sessions.
  • Prevention and elimination of stretch marks. Fucus oil deeply moisturizes the skin and increases its ability to retain moisture, softens, increases the elasticity of fibers and stimulates skin cell renewal. This treatment has a very beneficial effect on the skin and allows you to increase the elasticity of the skin, thereby preventing stretch marks or significantly reducing their appearance.

Who is contraindicated for fucus

A strict contraindication is an individual hypersensitivity reaction.

Fucus in the form of oil and extracts is used in skin care products (creams and masks), in tonics, massage oils, peelings and scrubs, and is also used in the development of hair care products.

We should also highlight products with an anti-cellulite effect, such as massage oils, thermogels, scrubs, and modeling serums. Fucus powder is especially actively used in the manufacture of preparations for wraps.

As a rule, wraps with products formulated exclusively on the basis of fucus are not carried out, but still this algae is the leading component of wraps (primarily anti-cellulite). Fucus extract itself can be added to the bath.

Less commonly used in shampoos and hair conditioners. According to the European Union Regulation, the maximum permissible concentration of this component in finished cosmetic products is 10%.

Fucus sources

The oil is obtained from individual parts of the fucus, and various extracts are obtained from the entire thallus of the algae. Dry fucus extract is most often used in pharmaceutical products, and liquid extract is used in cosmetic products.

The liquid extract is a greenish-brown solution with a characteristic odor of seaweed, an extract from the dried thallus of Fucus vesicularis. This is a very concentrated product, so fucus extract is not used in its pure form.

Omelette with sausage for breakfast, what could be simpler?

Just beat a few eggs with milk, add finely chopped sausage and fry in a frying pan.

That's it, a hearty and delicious breakfast is ready.

We have collected the best recipes for this dish for you.

Omelette with sausage in a frying pan - basic cooking principles

It is better to make an omelet from homemade eggs, but if you don’t have them, store-bought eggs will do. Break the eggs into a deep bowl, lightly salt and pepper and beat with a whisk until smooth. Then gradually add milk to the egg mixture and continue beating for another couple of minutes. The main thing here is not to overdo it with milk, otherwise the omelette will not work. For four eggs you will need about half a glass of milk.

Sausage can be boiled or smoked.

There are two ways to prepare an omelet with sausage. In the first case, the sausage is cut into thin slices, fried in a frying pan and poured with an egg-milk mixture. The second method involves adding finely chopped sausage directly to the omelette mixture.

In addition to sausage, you can use vegetables, mushrooms or cheese to make an omelet.

Recipe 1. Omelette with sausage in a frying pan


    vegetable and butter – 20 g each;

    four chicken eggs;

    flour – 30 g;

    sausage – 100 g;

    boiled milk – 100 ml.

Cooking method

1. Beat chicken eggs into a deep cup, season with a pinch of sugar and salt. Whisk until smooth. Pour in the milk and continue whisking for a couple more minutes.

2. Dilute the flour with a small amount of milk and add the mixture to the beaten eggs with milk. Mix.

3. Cut the sausage into thin short strips and fry in a frying pan in a mixture of vegetable and butter. If the sausage is fatty, fry it in a dry frying pan.

4. Pour the egg and milk mixture over the sausage. Turn down the heat and fry until a golden brown crust appears on the bottom. Transfer the omelette to a plate and cut. Place a piece of butter on top and garnish with chopped herbs. Serve with sour cream or tomato sauce.

Recipe 2. Omelette with sausage and bell pepper in a frying pan



    four eggs;

    sunflower oil;

    100 g milk;

    bell pepper pod;

    100 g smoked sausage.

Cooking method

1. Beat eggs into a deep bowl. Pour milk into them and salt. Whisk until smooth.

2. Rinse the pepper, wipe it with a kitchen towel and cut out the stalk. Clean out the seeds and cut the vegetable into thin strips.

3. Remove the film from the sausage. Cut it in half lengthwise and chop it into thin slices.

4. Place the sausage and pepper strips into the egg-milk mixture and stir.

5. Pour it into a hot frying pan, cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Transfer the omelette with sausage in a frying pan to a wide dish, cut it and serve with a vegetable salad.

Recipe 3. Omelette with sausage and tomatoes in a frying pan


  • 200 g sausage;

    30 ml sunflower oil;

    four eggs;

    120 ml milk.

Cooking method

1. We clean the sausage from the film and cut it into small cubes. Fry it in a hot frying pan until golden brown and delicious.

2. Rinse the tomato, wipe it with a towel and cut it in half. We clean out the liquid core and cut it in the same way as the sausage.

3. Add chopped tomato to the sausage and turn up the heat.

4. Break the eggs. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat them separately with a whisk. Carefully combine and pour in milk. Mix thoroughly.

5. Pour the egg-milk mixture over the sausage and tomatoes, cover with a lid and cook the omelette with the sausage in a frying pan over low heat until it is browned on the bottom. Place the omelette on a plate and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions or grated cheese.

Recipe 4. Omelette with sausage and vegetables in a frying pan


    fresh tomato;

    four eggs;


    kitchen salt and pepper;

    half a glass of milk;

    young zucchini;

    flour – 30 g;

    sausage – 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Remove the film from the sausage and cut it into cubes.

2. Wash the tomato, wipe with a towel and cut into circles.

3. Wash the zucchini, dry and chop into thin quarters.

4. Pour oil into the pan, heat it and fry the zucchini until soft, then add the tomatoes and sausage. Season with spices and saute the vegetables, stirring constantly until golden brown.

5. Pour flour into a separate bowl, pour milk over it and whisk with a whisk. Beat in the eggs and continue beating until the mixture is smooth.

6. Pour the milk-egg mixture over the vegetables and sausage, cover with a lid and simmer the omelette with sausage in a frying pan for 15 minutes. Serve the finished omelette, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 5. Omelette with sausage and lard in a frying pan


    three pinches of oregano;

    120 g smoked sausage;

    15 g butter;

    four pieces of boiled sausage;

    a glass of milk;

    small tomato;

    50 g smoked lard;

Cooking method

1. Cut smoked and boiled sausage into small pieces.

2. Wash the tomato, wipe it with a towel, remove the liquid part with the seeds. We cut the tomato pulp in the same way as sausage. Grind the smoked lard into thin strips. Cut the cheese into thin slices.

3. Beat eggs into a deep container, pour in milk, season everything with salt and oregano. Whisk until the mixture reaches a homogeneous consistency.

4. Heat the frying pan over high heat and grease it with oil. Add smoked lard and fry for three minutes. Then add the sausage and continue to fry, stirring, until golden brown. Place the tomatoes in the pan and keep on the heat for another five minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Fill everything with the egg-milk mixture and cook the omelette with sausage in a frying pan over medium heat. Once the egg mixture has set, cut the omelette in half and turn each side over. Place slices of cheese on top and wait for it to melt. Then place both halves on a plate on top of each other.

Recipe 6. Omelette with sausage and champignons in a frying pan


  • freshly ground pepper;



    boiled sausage.

Cooking method

1. Clean the champignons, wash them and cut them into thin slices. Remove the film from the sausage and cut it into pieces.

2. Place the frying pan with oil on the fire and heat it up. Add the mushrooms and sausage and fry, stirring, for a couple of minutes.

3. Beat the eggs into a deep bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Beat until smooth, add milk and continue shaking for a couple more minutes.

4. Pour the egg mixture over the sausage and mushrooms. Turn the heat down to medium, cover with a lid and cook the omelette with sausage in a frying pan for about 15 minutes. Serve the omelette, sprinkled with herbs or cheese.

Recipe 7. Omelette with sausage and corn in a frying pan


    75 ml vegetable oil;

    kitchen salt;

    three eggs;

    green onions - a bunch;

    50 g smoked sausage;

    50 g canned corn.

Cooking method

1. Rinse a bunch of green onions, dry them and finely chop them. Peel the sausage from the film and cut into small pieces. Open the can of corn and drain the liquid.

2. Beat the eggs into a deep container, add salt and beat until the consistency is smooth.

3. Heat a frying pan, add oil and add green onions, sausage and corn. Fry, stirring, until the sausage is lightly browned. Pour the beaten eggs over the vegetable and sausage mixture, cover and cook for ten minutes. Then cut the omelette into portions and serve with ketchup.

Recipe 8. Omelet with sausage and spinach in a frying pan


    spinach – bunch;


    vegetable oil – 10 ml;

    a third of a glass of milk;


    four eggs;

    boiled sausage – 50 g.

Cooking method

1. Finely chop the peeled onion. Peel the sausage from the film and cut into small pieces. Rinse the spinach, dry and cut into strips.

2. Place onion in hot oil and fry until transparent. Add spinach and sausage to the pan and cook for a couple more minutes.

3. Beat the eggs into a deep bowl, add milk, salt and beat until smooth.

4. Pour the egg-milk mixture into a separate frying pan and fry until golden brown. Then turn the omelet over. Place the fried sausage and spinach in the center and fold the omelette in half. Serve with ketchup or sour cream.

    To make the omelette fluffy, you must maintain the proportions of the egg mixture to milk. It should be 1:1.

    Fry the omelet in a high-sided cast iron skillet.

    Do not open the lid during cooking, otherwise the omelette will immediately collapse due to temperature changes.

    Sausage and other additives should be no more than 50% of the total egg mass.

An omelet can be a hearty, meaningful breakfast for the whole family, which will set a positive mood for the whole day. Its classic recipe is enriched with various details. For example, by mixing cheese, several types of sausage and slices of boiled meat, you can get an appetizing meat mosaic, held together by a delicate omelet mass with herbs.

Lard cut into large cubes in the company of boiled sausage can be pre-fried in a frying pan. From a small amount of ingredients you get a juicy and amazingly beautiful omelet that must be eaten hot.


  • sausage - 100 g
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 80 ml
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - to taste
  • parsley - 3 sprigs
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • hard cheese - 50 g


1. Break two chicken eggs into a deep bowl and beat with a whisk or fork.

2. Add milk and stir again. When dieting, you can use water instead of milk.

3. Add salt, pepper and other spices to taste. Stir.

4. Cut boiled, smoked or raw smoked sausage into thin slices. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and lightly fry the sausage.

5. Stir the omelette mixture and pour it into the frying pan with the sausage. Reduce heat and cover with lid. Fry for 2-3 minutes over low heat.


In many countries, it is customary to prepare an omelet for breakfast. According to the traditional recipe, such a treat is made exclusively from two ingredients - pasteurized cow's milk and eggs. But you can add other components. Most often, various types of sausages are placed in an omelet. Today we are discussing only the best and interesting recipes for omelette in the oven with sausage.

An omelette cooked in a frying pan will never turn out as fluffy as a dish baked in the oven. But what you get in the end depends not only on the method of heat treatment. It is very important to choose fresh eggs and pasteurized cow's milk with the maximum percentage of fat content.

On a note! To prepare a proper omelette in the oven with sausage and tomatoes, you need to take approximately 30 ml of milk per one chicken egg. Choose sausages to your taste.


  • chicken egg - three pieces;
  • onion - one head;
  • finely ground salt;
  • dried greens;
  • Russian cheese – 50-70 g;
  • ham – 50 g;
  • pasteurized cow's milk - one glass;
  • ground allspice.


Many people have heard about protein omelettes. As you guessed, they are prepared only from protein mass. This treat is a source of protein. It is their proteins that you can make a fluffy omelette in the oven with sausage. But there is another option - a yolk dish. Egg whites, for example, can be used to make meringues, but yolks can be used to make a stunning omelette.


  • egg yolk – eight pieces;
  • onion - one head;
  • pasteurized cow's milk – 0.2 l;
  • ketchup – 2 table. spoons;
  • raw smoked ham – 200 g;
  • dried herbs – ½ teaspoon. spoons;
  • finely ground salt;
  • premium wheat flour – 2 tables. spoons;
  • refined sunflower seed oil – 2 tablespoons. spoons.


With a delicious cheese crust

As soon as we talk about a sausage product, hard cheese is immediately mentioned. After all, these products are practically inseparable and they are in perfect harmony in taste. Be sure to add vegetable toppings to your omelet. After all, vegetables give the dish amazing taste and aroma.


  • chicken egg - three pieces;
  • pasteurized cow's milk – 80 ml;
  • refined sunflower seed oil – 1 table. spoon;
  • boiled sausage – 300 g;
  • onion - one head;
  • sweet pepper – 1 piece;
  • fresh tomato - one piece;
  • finely ground salt;
  • Russian cheese – 100 g;
  • ground allspice.


  1. Break the chilled chicken eggs into a blender container.
  2. Add literally a pinch of finely ground salt and begin vigorously whisking until a mass of homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. Next, add pasteurized cow's milk to the egg mixture. Beat again.
  4. Grate Russian cheese using a finely perforated grater.
  5. Add the cheese mass to the egg-milk mixture, season with ground allspice and set aside.
  6. Cut the peeled onion into small cubes and sauté in a small amount of refined sunflower seed oil.
  7. Peel the sweet pepper, chop into strips and add to the onion. Stir and continue to simmer the vegetables.
  8. Lastly, add the chopped tomato.
  9. Transfer the fried vegetables to a fireproof dish.
  10. Place slices of sausage on top and fill with milk and egg mixture.
  11. Bake for a third of an hour. The optimal temperature range is 180-200°.

On a note! You can also sprinkle grated cheese on top of the omelette, and then put it back in the oven for a few minutes until an amber cheese crust appears.

Omelette with cheese and sausage - step-by-step recipe

If you want to stock up on strength for a hard day, then you need a tasty and nutritious breakfast. Nothing will give you more strength than a delicious omelette, which we will prepare in a couple of minutes.

  • Egg 4 pieces
  • Sausage 150 grams
  • Cheese 100 grams
  • Milk 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Flour 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Fresh greens 15 grams
  • Ground black pepper To taste
  • Salt To taste

First, we break the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. To the yolks add milk, coarsely grated cheese, flour, chopped herbs, salt and pepper them.

Now beat the whites thoroughly into a thick foam, beat the yolks with the rest of the ingredients and carefully combine the protein mixture with the yolk mixture.

Cut the sausage into rings and fry in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, transfer to a bowl.

Pour the mixture prepared from the eggs into the frying pan, and place the fried sausage on top. Cover the pan with a lid and fry the omelette until fully cooked. Serve it with fresh vegetables, sprinkled with grated cheese. Bon appetit!

